Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Different Topics For A Personal Essay
<h1>Different Topics For A Personal Essay</h1><p>Topics for an individual exposition are typically self-reflection. Be that as it may, it isn't generally that simple to ponder your own life. A few of us are overpowered by our contemplations and make some hard memories picking only one point. The appropriate response, obviously, is that there is no set in stone manner to do this, however the accompanying points for an individual article are the ones I generally choose.</p><p></p><p>If you are composing an exposition to get into school, at that point this is a decent theme to begin with. Since school is probably the greatest factor in one's life, it ought to be something that you have a conclusion about. Additionally, it is a smart thought to discuss what you think about your inclinations in school.</p><p></p><p>This is a decent point to expound on human attributes, inclinations, and even character characteristics. Despi te the fact that this will just relate to you, it is consistently ideal to realize that others have these equivalent conclusions as you. Attempt to relate the point to your own life.</p><p></p><p>Topics like this are generally based around encounters that you had with others. At the point when I talk about encounters, I am discussing individual issues that you may have had with individuals or things. For instance, on the off chance that you are discussing connections, you could specify how you felt about someone in particular, or how a specific relationship influenced you, or how a companion's demise influenced you.</p><p></p><p>These are commonly the briefest and least demanding to compose individual papers. With most points for an individual paper, you are restricted to just your own background. Other than your background, these can likewise be extremely close to home, similar to a tune that your mom made for you. They can be melodie s you enjoyed, tunes you loathed, and tunes that were never intended to be shared.</p><p></p><p>Topics for an individual exposition can likewise be whatever you find intriguing. For instance, in the event that you are expounding on an action that you did during your adolescence, that is fine. For whatever length of time that you could take pictures and expound a little on them, that is sufficient to get the show on the road rolling.</p><p></p><p>Topics for an individual exposition can be considerably progressively conceptual. I for one love to discuss unique points, similar to blossoms or history or whatever else. You could likewise discuss things that you read, or motion pictures or books that have impacted you. Simply attempt to ensure that what you talk about is pertinent to the topic.</p><p></p><p>Again, these are only a few instances of the themes for an individual expositions. Different points that are con nected are themes that you actually appreciate, where you engaged with, thus on.</p>
Why Is Self Awareness Important For Social Work Practice
Entry 1 On this module you have explored what might have led you to join the social work profession. Why is it important to think about your motivations for becoming social workers and how might this affect the way you practice? Why is self-awareness important in social work practice? Given your own unique background, what areas of social work might you find challenging and why? It is important for a social worker to remember their motivations for joining the profession as this will have a continued and lasting impact on their working practice. Whether unconsciously or intentionally a social worker will have agendas to achieve, whilst these may be noble and not necessarily detrimental to working practice, self-awareness is necessary to†¦show more content†¦A social worker can transfer attitudes to a service user, for example, they may be able to hold hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, alternatively they may communicate worthlessness to the service user causing them to capitulate and not expect any progress in their time of need. Therefore, it is important to communicate well and be aware that more than simply the words used communicate held opinions; body language and tone often tell the listener more than words do (Hargie and Dickson, 2004). Furthermore, actions such as keeping appointments and offering a drink in a meeting may also communicat e that the service user is valued, this – along with many others – is a reason for me to develop strong organisational skills. The service user may also communicate feelings to the social worker. I am not usually driven by my emotions or feelings, something I have usually seen as a strength. However, I am becoming increasingly aware that listening to one’s feelings – especially during reflective practice – can explain our reactions to an event (Walker, 2008). Where previously I valued not being governed by emotions, I was probably simply ignoring them. In my future practice I need to be aware of my feelings and what they may suggest about a situation, whilst still considering knowledge based practice. Having been brought up as a Christian and continued with this belief and way of life, this has undoubtedlyShow MoreRelatedEmotional Intelligence On The Workplace1528 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is it and why is it important in the workplace? Emotional intelligence is a phrase that encompasses many different traits that a person could have as far as maintaining control in the workplace and also how to read people and different things they may be feeling. Emotional intelligence is important for being aware of someone’s own emotions as well as trying to calm down or excite the people around them. A person who is in any leadership position needs to have an awareness of his/her emotionalRead MoreEmotional Intelligence And Nursing Practice1681 Words  | 7 Pageswith nursing? Why do we care? In this paper I will be discussing what emotional intelligence is, why it is so important, functions of its use in nursing practice, how it can be used in my own practice to lead, and lastl y how my views on leadership have changed. Most importantly though I will be discussing the application of emotional intelligence and its parts to nursing. 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Ai) Create a guide for the new social care worker about how to reflect on their practice. The guide must include the headings listed with an explanation for each. a) What is reflective practice? b) Why is reflective practice important? c) How reflective practice contributesRead MoreThe Benefits Of Technology On Nursing846 Words  | 4 Pageselectronic health records, workstation on wheels (W.O.W.) and automated dispensing machines. These may allow for a safer work environment and control of medication. However, the emphasis of technological skills may be inhibited a nurses caring attitude. It is vital for a nurse to acquire emotional intelligence, social intelligence, a sense of presence and reflection in his practice. This allows for a nurse to act according to a patient situation, promotes effective communication and allows for a nurseRead MoreTransition From Social Work Level Of Community Supervision Based On The Releasee s Needs And Behavior851 Words  | 4 Pagesstructured environment that fosters respect through communication and structure (DOCCS, n.d.). Transition From Social Work/ Probation to NYS Corrections I feel that after my experiences within the classroom of Social Work classes, and interning at Monroe County Probation has altered my views of the general public and those under supervision in a positive manner. Prior to engaging in social work classes I feel I had a very closed mindset about the perspectives of the world. At this point in my life IRead MoreNotes On The Optimism Leaders And The Glass Is Half Full 1579 Words  | 7 Pagesbelittling others and creating a toxic environment to work in. He perceives changes as threats; therefore, he speaks negatively and struggles to adapt. Furthermore, his negativity affects his ability to accurately evaluate others attributes. Consequently, our quarterly assessment of our performance does not reflect our strengths; however, it highlights our weaknesses. Self-Awareness Bradberry and Greaves (2009) state, self-awareness is â€Å"your ability to accurately perceive your own emotionsRead MoreA Nursing Philosophy Coincides With Self Awareness1452 Words  | 6 Pagescoincides with self-awareness. Nursing philosophies are developed by each individual nurse regarding the nursing practice and are important in understanding what is fundamentally important to each nurse, along with their values and beliefs. Self-awareness, in short, is knowledge of one s self, feelings, motives, and desires. In order for nurses to develop their own nursing philosophy they must first have a good sense of self-awareness. As a future nurse it is important that I recognize my own self-awarenessRead MorePrinciples of Personal Development in Adult Social Care and Settings1049 Words  | 5 Pagesgood practice in adult social care Standards that influence the way adult social care job roles are carried out. Codes of Practice set out the criteria against which providers are assessed by. They also describe the standards of conduct and practice with which workers must carry out their activities and ensure that what they do is competent and consistent with the values of their employer. These standards are how registrants’ ‘ï ¬ tness to practice’ is determined. For a care worker to work in aRead MoreCultural Values And Their Effects On Their Behavior1065 Words  | 5 Pagespersonality and the situations they encounter have important effects on their behavior. Personality traits and attitudes stem from circumstances that left a perception. Behaviors trigger instant decisions and response to intuitions or feelings. Emotions are first perceived from a childhood and images remain. Children encounter bullying, lack of parental guidance, approval, insecurities and/or abuse that they are unsure of how to process. This is why I believe that childhood experiences play a major
Monday, May 25, 2020
Memory Research Paper Topics - Psychology
Memory Research Paper Topics - PsychologyIt is always good to check on memory research paper topics before you are to write your own research paper. This helps to ensure that you do not just throw together a bunch of statistics and questions for your reader to attempt to answer. There are many different memory issues which need to be addressed in a specific research paper. Knowing this ahead of time will help to ensure that you do not have to spend much time trying to find answers that are not already there.One of the best memory research paper topics - psychology allows for you to choose from problems that deal with different subjects. Some of these include things like forgetting what you have forgotten, remembering colors or shapes, and how certain types of people can affect their memory. If you choose this topic, it can help to ensure that your memory is not based on their race or ethnicity. This can help you understand why some people are better at remembering than others are.Ano ther memory research paper topics - psychology category allows you to look at certain kinds of problems related to memory. You can learn about different techniques and methods that can improve memory such as memory games. By taking advantage of these games, you can work on boosting your memory and potentially avoiding the kind of problem which is classified as the world's worst case memory loss situation.When it comes to memory research paper topics -science, you can take a look at certain problems or situations that may lead to memory disorders or memory loss. These types of disorders may include developing memory lapses, forgetting information, forgetting words, or not being able to remember names. There are a number of different problems which may have one or more of these problems.Understanding the nature of memory as well as issues regarding memory can be found in some of the best memory research paper topics -psychology. Many of these topics involve the effect of drugs, alcoho l, and even sugar on the health of your memory. You can use these memory research paper topics to help you learn more about how you can prevent these problems and learn about other aspects of memory.An important part of your memory research paper topics -psychology and memory is the subject of long term memory and short term memory. This section deals with people who have problems with any type of short term memory, but memory problems are also common in people who have no long term memory. You can learn about methods that can help you overcome problems such as those listed above.In addition to the topics listed above, you can learn about how stress affects memory and how taking care of your memory can help you live a healthy lifestyle. Your memory can help you get through your daily life, but you should remember that you should never neglect it. Anyone can learn to help themselves if they are willing to invest the time it takes to learn how.There are a number of research paper topi cs for memory, which you can use to help you learn more about memory and help you achieve your goals in life. Take some time to learn more about these subjects so that you can achieve the level of success that you desire.
How to Do an Introduction to a Research Paper
Step by step instructions to Do an Introduction to a Research PaperMany understudies have no clue about how to do a prologue to an examination paper. By and large they simply invest all their energy composing endlessly on the console. Lamentably, they never find the opportunity to have a go at composing their very own presentation examine paper. In any case, they ought not be disheartened by this circumstance in light of the fact that there are numerous things that they can do to assist them with composing a compelling introduction.The first and most fundamental thing that you ought to consider is that you ought to have a thought of what kind of paper you will compose. Research papers typically require them. On the off chance that you are wanting to utilize a specific structure in your paper, at that point you have to settle on which structure you are going to use before you begin composing. Most novices will in general beginning off with a diagram and they think that its extremely d ifficult to leave the layout after they concoct a couple of sentences that they find intriguing. The framework will be the establishment for your paper and consequently you should ensure that you have placed some idea into it.The second thing that you ought to do is to make a rundown of the focuses that you are going to cover in your examination paper. It is significant that you set up a decent rundown as it will furnish you with extraordinary thoughts on the most proficient method to organize your paper. All exploration papers have a lot of focuses that they spread so making a rundown will furnish you with an awesome beginning point.It is additionally essential to remember a prologue to your paper for the absolute first passage. The presentation furnishes you with a smart thought about the kind of paper that you will compose. Typically this early on section is a short one-sentence passage that gives you some data about what the paper is about. Nonetheless, this passage ought not be the length of the remainder of the paper since it will just fill in as an introduction.The next thing that you ought to do is to present yourself. This presentation will furnish you with certain pieces of information concerning how to arrange your paper and how to give the peruser a thought regarding what your paper is about. This passage ought to likewise end with an inquiry so it doesn't proceed past the start of the paper. Much of the time, you ought to likewise incorporate your email address toward the finish of the presentation with the goal that perusers can get in touch with you in the event that they have any inquiries regarding your paper.Another significant thing that you ought to consider is to add a fundamental prologue to your paper. The presentation ought to likewise close with an inquiry that encourages the peruser to get comfortable with what you will expound on. This inquiry ought to be of general enthusiasm to the peruser so the individual in question will have th e option to mull over it when you compose your paper. In any case, it ought to be of a general sort so the peruser won't feel confounded with respect to what your paper is all about.There are numerous different things that you can do to assist you with composing a prologue to an examination paper. You can talk about your paper with somebody and have it altered by a supervisor on the off chance that you have not had the option to compose your own presentation yet.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Are You Looking For the Right Essay Samples?
<h1>Are You Looking For the Right Essay Samples?</h1><p>Personal graphic paper tests can be found from the numerous individual web indexes on the web. They are for the most part worded to give data about an individual instead of an association or business. The way to composing a decent close to home spellbinding exposition test is utilizing catchphrases in a specific way.</p><p></p><p>These articles can likewise be found in the expert ones composed by specialists and their understudies. Know that the substance of the articles are not replicated from different articles. Or maybe they are in certainty your own words in an alternate form.</p><p></p><p>The article composed with individual references will have data about the individual who is the subject of the article. The individual might be an individual or a gathering of individuals. It is essential to utilize watchwords as fitting and as deliberately as could reasonabl y be expected. There are an assortment of assets accessible to help you recorded as a hard copy these kinds of articles.</p><p></p><p>Article registries give free articles that can be utilized as a reason for your own article. You don't have to have any proper preparing in article composing, however a specialist will help you in using this sort of resource.</p><p></p><p>Writing a decent quality article can be testing yet it very well may be compensating at long last when it is generally welcomed. The beneficial thing about composing the articles yourself is that you can alter them to meet your requirements as the circumstance arises.</p><p></p><p>Personal web crawlers additionally give you a scope of tests. These can be utilized as a guide with respect to what an expert composing organization would have composed. To get a general thought, you can investigate what the web indexes see when you utilize a free watch word search.</p><p></p><p>A short article of ten to fifteen pages is typically adequate to get a high positioning on the web indexes. This will give you the most obvious opportunity with regards to being found in the principal page of the query items. Most web indexes remember the length of the article for the outcomes as a sign of the significance of the article.</p>
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay on Writing to Your Principal Regarding a Change in the School Menu
<h1>Essay on Writing to Your Principal Regarding a Change in the School Menu</h1><p>A great article on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menu would assist you with preparing for what could occur if your assessment isn't tuned in to and you miss out on having a decent school to join in. With the different assessments that have been offered and how those thoughts were gotten, it is significant that you don't feel in any capacity let somewhere near the vital who you wish to be your companion and who you will regard and understand.</p><p></p><p>There are a few distinct sentiments that have been talked about on the menu issue and huge numbers of these suppositions have been recorded and perused in some structure or another. It would be unimaginable for anybody to plunk down and converse with you about the potential outcomes of an adjustment in the school menu yet this doesn't imply that you can't have the o ption to show how you may see the things in an unexpected way. On the off chance that you can introduce this data in a true way and give a diagram of the potential contentions then you will get your opportunity to help your head regarding the matter matter.</p><p></p><p>If you don't have the foggiest idea where in any case the paper on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menu then it is significant that you examine the web for tips on this specific subject. The web gives a wide assortment of assets that are accessible for nothing to the overall population just as to schools and colleges. The web gives rules to how to compose a cognizant paper on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menu.</p><p></p><p>One of the tips on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menus that ought to be remembered for your diagram of thoughts is to give reasons concerning why you feel this change is useful to the understudies of the school. Remember to give enough subtleties on the advantages and disadvantages of the menu change. On the off chance that you give the real factors that are vital, you will get yourself ready to give this data in a composed manner.</p><p></p><p>The next tip on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menus is to show how it is increasingly helpful for the understudy to eat their dinners while they are in the school as opposed to eating outside during break and noon. When the understudy has eaten at the cafeteria, the supper should be eaten later during the dinner break or school breaks, however on the off chance that they are as of now eating at home, at that point there is a decent possibility that the understudy will have more opportunity to go out and play.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to the tip on keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menus, it is additionally significant that you remember for your layout of thoughts, how the time detracted from school by all the dinners may adversely influence the understudy's scholarly exhibition. In the event that an understudy is stumbling into difficulty since they are ravenous, it might be useful to furnish them with choices for lunch. For instance, they could eat outside during break and a bite at home previously or after school.</p><p></p><p>By remembering the tips for keeping in touch with your chief in regards to an adjustment in the school menus in your diagram of thoughts, you will assist your head with having a thought concerning the proper activity and to give him why it ought to be finished. This is basic for your schoolwork with the goal that you can introduce the real factors and figures that are significant in your argument.</p>
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Book Report of Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools...
A Book Report of: Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America’s Classrooms Abstract This paper is intended to explore and report upon the topics posited by Tyrone C. Howard in his book, Why Race and Culture Matter in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in Americas Classrooms. Closely examining each and every chapter as they come and how the structure of this book gives a detailed framework and guidance system for novice and experienced teachers to take their pedagogical skills to more diverse and multicultural levels. Also, this paper will review a few lessons or projects that can be adapted and used within my personal educational institute in order to create†¦show more content†¦The data is compared to those students come from affluent socioeconomic status and backgrounds. The data is sourced from several diverse locations in order to give the broadest view of the disparities that exist. Howard (2010) compares data in reading, mathematics, SAT results and disciplinary rates. This data is a formidable beginning to the content of the book because it provide s context for the reader to better understand the achievement gap. Chapter Two Howard (2010) quickly changes gears in Chapter two, Changing Demographics, to look at the differences in language, ethnicity, race issues, culture and classism when regarded and compared to those who achieve on level and those who fall in the achievement gap. Howard examines the quickly changing face of America with the increase in Latino populations across the nation. Positing that teachers must adapt to understand and connect to students of diverse populations or there will be a great disconnect and divide that could be disastrous for the growing number of students that are part of the achievement gap, as well as the negative ramifications that could come from not evaluating the needs of those in the achievement gap. Howard (2010) also speculates the long term negative aspects that could come to the United States, especially in global market, if we as a country doShow MoreRelatedOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This C hange Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words  | 656 PagesPublic Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and Culture in Recent America Joanne Meyerowitz, ed., History and September 11th John McMillian and Paul Buhle, eds., The New Left Revisited David M. Scobey, Empire City: The Making and Meaning of the New York City Landscape Gerda Lerner, Fireweed: A PoliticalRead MoreNursing Essay41677 Words  | 167 PagesACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, N.W. 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This book was set in 10/12 ITC Legacy Serif Book by Aptaracorp, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Kendallville. The cover was printed by Courier/Kendallville. This book is printed on acid free paper. Copyright  © 2010, 2007, 2005, 2002 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored inRead MoreHuman Resources Management150900 Words  | 604 Pagesthe seven major categories of HR activities. Identify the three different roles of HR management. Discuss the three dimensions associated with HR management as a strategic business contributor. Explain why HR professionals and operating managers must view HR management as an interface. 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GMAT Essay Samples and References
<h1>GMAT Essay Samples and References</h1><p>The most ideal approach to pro your GMAT or acquire high evaluations on your GMAT expositions is to have the PDF choice with your GMAT. For any understudy searching for a response to the 'would i be able to present my GMAT article on the web' question, the appropriate response is a reasonable YES!</p><p></p><p>There are many paper benefits that will send you a great, top notch paper that you can study, change, and great. You'll get the absolute best GMAT paper tests ever. For whatever length of time that you get all the subtleties on the best way to gain proficiency with the GMAT, you would then be able to refine your composing aptitudes by sharpening them in the incomparable GMAT paper samples.</p><p></p><p>The best part about the GMAT article tests that are given is the way that they're in every case free. You can utilize these papers in whichever way you'd like - download them for your very own investigation or download them to use in your GMAT test. In any case, regardless of whether you're doing it for the sake of entertainment, you can in any case study and audit whenever you want.</p><p></p><p>The most ideal approach to get your hands on the GMAT article tests is to download them from GMAT Essay Samples and References, where you can concentrate from them whenever that is advantageous for you. Note that when you're concentrating from these GMAT exposition tests, you can generally utilize a PC to do as such. You don't have to stress over concentrating on the transport or train.</p><p></p><p>As long as you are at home, you can study and modify your GMAT exposition as much as you need. That is on the grounds that the vast majority of the GMAT article tests accessible on the Internet are totally printable. You can adjust any paper by rolling out minor improvements to it and you would then be able to pri nt it out for simple referencing.</p><p></p><p>The best thing about the GMAT paper samplesis that they are in every case free. You can download them in PDF design with the goal that you can take a shot at them whenever of the day that is helpful for you. That is the reason it's essential to comprehend that the GMAT paper tests and PDF records are the most helpful apparatuses with regards to contemplating and sharpening your composing skills.</p><p></p><p>You can get your hands on the GMAT article tests and PDF documents via scanning for them utilizing the famous web crawlers like Google, Yahoo, and MSN. In case you're not very sure where to discover them, simply do a basic Google search on 'GMAT exposition tests'. Along these lines, you'll have the option to discover them in no time.</p><p></p><p>With the entirety of the upsides of the PDF design and the way that the GMAT paper tests are totally free, it's anyth ing but difficult to perceive any reason why individuals have been discovering how to benefit as much as possible from them. You can never turn out badly with this free GMAT paper. Exploit the PDF paper, and give your GMAT article the additional lift it needs.</p>
Understanding Florida College Admission Essay
<h1> Understanding Florida College Admission Essay </h1> <p>Submission of the applications needs to occur reliably. More to the point, you ought to do well to get a solid application. A few applications appear you just need to snap to apply! While the Fall 2018 application won't be live until August 2017, we trust you will get the opportunity to consider your reactions. </p> <p>Because you're choosing an author, you may utilize the extra time to contemplate. Your requests will be done precisely as you want. Along these lines, there's no compelling reason to worry about somebody mentioning a discount. Truth be told, before making a request you're ready to discover a value quote on your article. </p> <h2> Want to Know More About Florida College Admission Essay?</h2> <p>Local junior colleges don't request expositions for enlistment, since most permit anybody to join. Understudies need assistance to get sorted out. They have occupied existences and frequently disregard an up and coming cutoff time. See what is required for students from other schools who might want to apply to the University. </p> <h2>Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Florida College Admission Essay Is Wrong </h2> <p>If you satisfy their necessities, you're practically certain to acquire a proposal of affirmation. Request first rate article right now and affirmed masters will do their absolute best to gracefully you with higher caliber at moderate cost. And still, at the end of the day you're not ready to find the educational and precise subtleties. There are various reasons why you should lean toward our administrations. </p> <h2> The Importance of Florida College Admission Essay </h2> <p>The kind of exposition you're searching for will be offered to you inside the cutoff time gave to you. In this manner, for your benefit, you have a heavenly opportunity to screen the advancement of the d oled out author and ensure an exposition will be prepared in a convenient technique. When there are loads of pieces that go into a school program, you should focus on only a couple of basic things. </p> <h2> Things You Should Know About Florida College Admission Essay </h2> <p>While requesting that an amigo create your suggestion letter probably won't be the absolute best thought, you can rely upon your companions to edit your drug store school application. As an outcome, such understudies look for the best article help to be sure that their task will be delivered at the maximal level in concurrence with every scholarly norm. Use the guide of our administration and don't worry about how you complete the school. Maybe right currently you're attempting to enter the school that you long for. </p> <h2> Things You Won't Like About Florida College Admission Essay and Things You Will</h2> <p>You have an amazingly extraordinary chance of raisi ng your score, which will altogether support your probability of getting in. In the event that you choose to take the two tests, we'll consider whichever score is the most serious for confirmation. As a rule, school papers empower a school get a sentiment of you as somebody past your scholarly record, GPA, and grades. At whatever point you have the last score that you're placated with, after that you can send just that score to the entirety of your schools. </p> <h2>What Florida College Admission Essay Is - and What it Is Not </h2> <p>You may allude to our FAQs to help you when you finish your SSAR. Along with the UK Essay Help students can't be worried about the time however get a kick out of a total life. Our site is only one of the most proper for paper help. Understudies need assistance to diminish pressure and uneasiness. </p> <h2> Key Pieces of Florida College Admission Essay </h2> <p>Admission article is only one of the most fun damental scholarly papers throughout your life as it decides if you will be in a situation to go into the school you need or not. The article might be a significant angle in affirmations choices. It ought not be the most feared piece of the application procedure for any college. Notwithstanding what school you need to select at, you ought to form a confirmation exposition. </p> <h2> Using Florida College Admission Essay</h2> <p>Choosing our administration, you are going to see that contemplating can be straightforward on the off chance that you gain from the assistance of capable specialists. You might want to flaunt your best characteristics to confirmations officials! There's no excessively clear or too difficult activity for us. The key to persuading the confirmations officials is in understanding what they are keen on. </p> <p>You will get exceptional writings, which will be done in time. Our essayists consistently make one of a kind substance that is totally liberated from all linguistic mistake. Following that, you're examine that substance to figure out what perspectives permit it to be great. Remember to utilize brief butvivid symbolism to illuminate the situationin the first150-250 wordsand then commit the rest of the piece of the words to breaking down its impact on character. </p> <h2>What You Can Do About Florida College Admission Essay Starting in the Next 9 Minutes </h2> <p>Who realized article composing may be so intense. In case you're searching for top paper composing organizations, give a shot the referenced previously. Regardless of whether it's important to produce a paper of unique perfection, simply get an exposition here and our essayists will give assistance. So should you have to utilize school article author on the web, we're only the individuals that you need to contact. </p> <p>There are in truth a lot of schools which don't require papers. When it's significant your school papers are your own work, you're allowed to get help! It is conceivable to effortlessly purchase novel school articles and don't disregard to enlighten loved ones concerning it. All our example school papers fuse the. </p>
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Theme of Life and Death in Birches, by Robert Frost...
The Theme of Life and Death in Birches, by Robert Frost The poem Birches, by Robert Frost, illustrates the authors ability to take what seems to be the mundane activities of life and turn it into something that holds a deeper meaning. The poem taken literally revolves around a boy living on the New England countryside whose only play was what he found himself, in this case, riding birch branches. The poem is very literal in language but by analyzing each line, different themes and interpretations may be found. A more deeper and figurative meaning to Birches is its theme of life and death. The poem begins with a description of the adventures of a young boy. The first half of Birches portrays the youthful†¦show more content†¦Life is not meant for the meek, because life waits for no one. In accordance with life themes, another one mentioned is that people always wish for what they cant have. In this case, the narrator wishes that he could go back into time, So was I once myself a swinger of birchesAnd so I dream of going back to be. However, that is not the full meaning of those lines. In the next line after, Frost writes, Its when Im weary of considerationsAnd life is too much like a pathless wood. The narrator is stating that he wishes to go back when the world turns to chaos. When nothing goes right, he wants to escape into his dream world of the past. This is a parallel characteristic of people even today. Along the same lines of themes, another one is that people always want a do-over. This is stated when the narrator says, Id like to get away from earth awhileAnd then come back to it and begin over. He does not reject earth because in the next line, he says, Earths the right place for loveI dont know where its likely to go better. In the final part of the poem, Frost writes, Id like to go by climbing a birch treeAnd climb black branches up a snow-white trunkToward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,But dipped its top and set me down againThat would be goodShow MoreRelatedPoem, Birches And Out, Out By Robert Frost1116 Words  | 5 PagesTheme, Figurative Speech and Tones in â€Å"Birches†and â€Å"Out, Out†by Robert Frost Robert Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco. Descended from the New Englanders generations, his parents, make Robert Frost is much associated with New England. In addition, most of his poems were well-known as a reflection from New England life. Despite that, he was a kind of subtle poet and generally recognized as a private man. Moreover, his appearance at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy to recite â€Å"The Gift Outright†Read More A Comparison of the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost1062 Words  | 5 PagesDickinson and Robert Frost The poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost contains similar themes and ideas. Both poets attempt to romanticize nature and both speak of death and loneliness. Although they were more than fifty years apart, these two seem to be kindred spirits, poetically speaking. Both focus on the power of nature, death, and loneliness. The main way in which these two differ is in their differing use of tone. The power of nature is a recurring theme in the poetry ofRead MoreEssay On Robert Frost1194 Words  | 5 PagesRobert Frosts Life and Accomplishments â€Å"Dont ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.†What a great quote by Robert Lee Frost, and there remain many of more that he wrote. Robert Frost wrote many of his best poems on several levels of meaning. He was one of best and most loved and respected poets. He did a great job capturing the hearts of his audience with his natural imagery and ability to use many metaphors to reveal the realism that he was trying to create. However, RobertRead MoreThe Tuft Of Flowers By Robert Frost864 Words  | 4 Pages Robert Frost said many times throughout his life that all men share a common bond. In his poem â€Å"The Tuft of Flowers†he analyzes the potential of such a bond, in first person. Frost turns an everyday common job, into discovering a common bond with another laborer. The author uses a comparison between aloneness with a sense of understanding to demonstrate his theme of unity between two men. In another one of Frost’s poems â€Å"Birches†he imagines walking through the woods looking at all the trees,Read MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Birches And Hanging Fire By Audre Lorde1348 Words  | 6 Pagessomeone feels about it, childhood is a critical part of life. In the poems â€Å"Birches†by Robert Frost and â€Å"Hanging Fire†by Audre Lorde, the authors explore what it is like to be a child and the major transition from childhood to adulthood. While Frost does so through the voice of an adult, Lorde chose to accomplish this from a child’s perspective. Although, the speakers are not the only aspects of the poem that sets them apart. In â€Å"Birches†, Frost describes childhood as a simplistic, carefree and innocentRead MoreLove and Nature in the Poems of Robert Frost Essay2313 Words  | 10 Pagesmade all the difference.†(Frost 697) Robert Frost was a unique writer of the 20th century. In his poems â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†Birches Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Fire and Ice and Mending Wall Robert Frost explores the theme of nature, and the human emotion love. Robert Frost is considered a humanist and is one of the most well-known American poets. â€Å"If the United States ever adopted a national poet, chances are it would be Robert Frost. By the time Frost died in 1963 at the ageRead MoreRobert Frosts Use of Nature and Love3230 Words  | 13 Pagesdifference†(Frost 697). Robert Frost was a unique writer of the twentieth century. In his poems â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay†, â€Å"Birches†, â€Å"Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening†, â€Å"Fire and Ice†, â€Å"Mending Wall†, and â€Å"After Apple-picking†. Robert Frost explores the theme of nature and the human emotion love. Robert Frost is considered a humanist and is one of the most well-known American poets. Robert Frost died in 1963, at the age of eighty-eight. However his poetry is still legendary. Frost earned the PulitzerRead MoreThemes in Poetry586 Words  | 2 PagesThemes in poetry are about the topics the poet chooses to writ e about. It represents how the poet feels and thinks about the subject. Themes like childhood, comedy, war and imagination often appear in poetry. In Robert Frost’s poems â€Å"Out, Out†and â€Å"Birches†he uses the theme of death. Emily Dickinson also uses death for the theme in her poems â€Å"I heard a Fly buzz - when I died†and â€Å"Because I could not stop for death.†In the poem â€Å"Out, Out†by Robert Frost a young man in New England was using aRead MoreEssay on Analysis of Birches559 Words  | 3 PagesAnalysis of Birches  The discursive blank-verse meditation Birches does not center on a continuously encountered and revealing nature scene; rather, it builds a mosaic of thoughts from fragments of memory and fantasy. Its vividness and genial, bittersweet speculation help make it one of Frosts most popular poems, and because its shifts of metaphor and tone invite varying interpretation it has also received much critical discussion, not always admiring. The poem moves back and forth betweenRead MoreAnalysis Of Robert Frost s Birches 3014 Words  | 13 PagesThe most misinterpreted element in Robert Frost poetry is his use of nature in a symbolic way. Frost is not describing the inner workings of nature as we see it all around us, but about exploring human psychology. For example, Frost uses Homely farmers, rural scenes, landscapes, and the natural world to epitomize a psychological struggle with an everyday experience that is often met with courage, will, and purpose; contextually, using Frostâ€℠¢s own life and personal psychology. Frost’s attitude in
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Fascinating Essay Formats
<h1>Fascinating Essay Formats</h1><p>In a subject like showcasing, an innovative psyche is what is expected to compose a persuading exposition in a short measure of time. While perusing the set of working responsibilities of composing an article then again, would assist you with getting a brief look about the activity. Promoting is a kind of business which is drilled by enormous organizations, which offer a wide scope of items to the majority. The hopeful agents or corporate chiefs are required to compose a paper so as to do equity to their skills.</p><p></p><p>The composing work is one of the most troublesome assignment as there are numerous kinds of organizations that are utilized recorded as a hard copy. What an individual needs to consider is the language, appropriate sentence structure and accentuation. It might be ideal if the individual is knowledgeable with different composing style, for example, corporate and proposal style.</p> ;<p></p><p>There are basic things that should be considered also. One ought to consider the intended interest group for the article. There are numerous organizations of paper which are appropriate for all age gatherings and the readership. On account of business composing, the data ought to be placed so that it is speaking to the readership and furthermore to the objective market.</p><p></p><p>Essay on promoting ought to have a legitimate setting. An unmistakable picture is to be given about the business structure, crowd, items and rivalry. There is no uncertainty that without legitimate relevant data, the article is a whole lot of nothing. It is suggested that the exposition has a start, center and an end.</p><p></p><p>After the association of the primary data, there is no preferable route over to begin composing the paper by utilizing the correct catchphrases. Choosing the fitting watchwords can improve the helpfuln ess of the exposition. It is essential to realize how to examine and consider the keyword.</p><p></p><p>Proper syntax and accentuation are another viewpoint which is significant recorded as a hard copy. The exposition can be effortlessly comprehended by the perusers when they don't discover any mistakes in the essay.</p><p></p><p>There are numerous journalists who are known to compose articles in an alluring way and subsequently, individuals couldn't imagine anything better than to peruse their papers. They will in general appreciate the point by point portrayal, spelling botches and even misspellings.</p><p></p><p>Writing a paper can be an intriguing procedure. The article can make a brilliant asset of information for the understudies. There are a lot of chances accessible for the scholars and the hopeful business persons.</p>
Academic Writing-Essay Topics in 2020
<h1>Academic Writing-Essay Topics in 2020</h1><p>The determination of subjects for your next theme for composing a paper ought to be done in interview with a school teacher or a guide. The counsel ought to have the option to reveal to you which theme to take on the off chance that you are composing your senior theory, or in the event that you intend to proceed onward to another degree. An educator may likewise know whether your point will be a solid match for your group. Your guide can be an extraordinary asset to enable you to choose what points to expound on when the opportunity arrives to do your assignment.</p><p></p><p>Most of the themes have been chosen for the ongoing political race or for explicit subjects that were to some degree dubious. The points additionally fluctuate from subject to subject. In any case, there are some normal themes that are utilized for all understudies. One of these subjects is government. In spite of the fact that there is still debate about the exhibition of the legislature in Washington, numerous understudies expect that the theme will have some legitimacy in light of the fact that there are some normal issues with the administration, for example, it's capacity to fathom problems.</p><p></p><p>Another subject is policy driven issues. Understudies who center around policy centered issues will ordinarily find that their point isn't constantly well known among their schoolmates, however in any event they can be guaranteed that there is some contention about it.</p><p></p><p>People who are on the Internet may have discovered that there is a minor issue among them and another understudy. They may decide to address this issue in a disputable paper theme. Different subjects incorporate medicinal services, religion, and even social class.</p><p></p><p>The minor point may simply be their method of saying they are a pariah. This isn't really an awful thing; it is only one of the themes that will be talked about in class. Despite the fact that it is minor, the issues may work up some discussion and there might be a decent arrangement of contention to go around.</p><p></p><p>Another purpose of debate with disputable article subjects is what number of individuals will consider the theme simultaneously. At the end of the day, it could be exceptionally well known and they may see it constantly. There could be a great deal of cover in the conversation gatherings, which is the reason a point ought to be picked carefully.</p><p></p><p>It isn't in every case simple to pick a subject; you should converse with your teachers and accumulate conclusions from your cohorts before settling on any official choices. The web is an extraordinary asset for thoughts, yet the choice must be made by a school teacher, not simply in the previous two years.</p>
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
How to Write an Essay - An ESL Placement Essay Theme
How to Write an Essay - An ESL Placement Essay ThemeYou've finally decided to send your Community College ESL placement essay sample to an ESL tutoring center, but you don't know what to write. Here are some tips that will help you write the perfect essay.Students in all levels of English are very busy and often can't have time to sit down and write a proper essay. This is where it's so nice to have an ESL scholarship because most offer individualized support, including providing students with essay help. If you're a student who isn't sure what to write, here are some things you should consider:A community college placement essay sample for ESL students should begin with a statement that will stand out and grab attention. This statement needs to be honest and direct, while remaining simple and clear. It doesn't need to be long, but it does need to be a statement that speaks to the reader's mind.The second part of the essay should start off by discussing the various reasons for their desire to study English. Then the essay will continue to discuss their goals and expectations for success in English. You'll also discuss their relationship with parents, how they felt when they were at home, etc. It's also wise to include in the essay a statement that all student are encouraged to read and discuss a certain book or other material.Finally, the last part of the essay will review the major topics and prepare you for the remainder of the course. This includes giving an outline of all the important subjects that are covered in the class. After this, include in the essay the notes about the teacher, tutors, and other materials that were used in the class. Make sure that you make this essay short and concise.As you can see, the theme of the essay will make a huge difference in the way the reader reads the essay. It will say a lot about your expectations for the class. If you intend to get a passing grade and will not be awarded an advanced placement course, then you'll ne ed to focus on writing a solid essay.If you have a very high grade expectation, then you'll need to look at certain areas to make sure that the students' interests are identified and fully addressed. In these cases, you may need to review a previous essay that the student has written and find common themes. Even if the student hasn't written a solid essay before, they may be able to show you something that you didn't know or was written differently than they would have written it.If you want to write an essay for placement, it will benefit you to understand the meaning of the 'theme' that you write. After this you'll be ready to create an amazing essay. If you are unsure how to create an essay, there are many tips and techniques you can follow that will help you along the way.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Writing An Essay On Your Own - The Most Important Part Of Your College Experience
<h1>Writing An Essay On Your Own - The Most Important Part Of Your College Experience</h1><p>When it comes to composing a paper all alone, you comprehend what it resembles to be the individual who is continually posing inquiries and attempting to realize what characterizes you as an individual. You realize that the critical step of this will be composing your exposition all alone and what characterizes you as an individual that the article will be ready to talk to.</p><p></p><p>Writing a paper on your own will be the best piece of your school understanding, for there are such huge numbers of motivations to do it. There are such a large number of things that you need to expound on when you are composing your own article. From the contemplations that you are feeling about a specific circumstance, your inclination around one specific thing or individual, the emotions that you have about a particular subject or idea.</p><p></p>& lt;p>Writing all alone is such a magnificent inclination since you are the one that gets the opportunity to make your own story and that is the thing that characterizes you. You are the one that picks what you are going to state and that is the meaning of you as an individual. You have picked the subject, the point is the thing that characterizes you.</p><p></p><p>You are not the one that is going to give an article all alone at school. The articles that will be relegated at school will be essentially equivalent to they are at a secondary school or a lesser school. The school article will be a lot of equivalent to the secondary school exposition. The main contrast will be that you will compose it for the counselor.</p><p></p><p>An article all alone at school won't be anything exceptional or one of a kind. It will simply be a paper to respond to the inquiry that is posed of you by the educator or the guide toward the finish of the se ssion.</p><p></p><p>It is fascinating however that with regards to composing an exposition on your own you will be able to pick the subject that will characterize you as an individual. The subject of your article will characterize what you will be thinking about, what will be characterizing you as a person.</p><p></p><p>Writing on your own will enable you to communicate your sentiments and the things that you are feeling. You will be the one that is composing all alone and the composing will characterize you as an individual. The composing is the main thing that will characterize you as a person.</p>
Writing A Good Essay About Myself
<h1>Writing A Good Essay About Myself</h1><p>An paper is a decent method to make space for individual reflection and express what you are thinking. Expositions may incorporate individual stories, reflections on craftsmanship, writing, or science, or they may talk about the particulars of a vocation or other living situation.</p><p></p><p>Essays are one of the most widely recognized approaches to begin recorded as a hard copy. It tends to be hard to tell where to start, however knowing the most essential unavoidable issues facing everyone, just as close to home encounters can assist with making a strong first draft. The primary draft of a decent article can give a guide to correction and a chance to get familiar with the subject.</p><p></p><p>For those hoping to seek after a composing vocation, a great paper on self-awareness may give a venturing stone to getting further developed assignments or a prospective employee m eeting. What's more, an acceptable article can show that the author has genuine interests in the subject of the essay.</p><p></p><p>A great paper on myself and what I am keen on is additionally bravo advancement. At times I am called upon to compose an exposition on what my inclinations are, yet this is likewise an incredible method to expound on the characteristics I appreciate. Another valid justification to expound on oneself is to attempt to improve a piece of one's life. For instance, an author may feel that their composing style could be improved by featuring a trademark or quality that they find attractive.</p><p></p><p>A great article on self-improvement frequently incorporates anecdotes about close to home accomplishments and emotions. Expounding on one's victories is a significant piece of the self-development process. Everybody has an example of overcoming adversity that can be expounded on, so the capacity to expound on the se encounters can be an incredible advantage for some writers.</p><p></p><p>One great approach to expound on the nuts and bolts of life is to discuss love and sentiment. Individuals who have seen love tend as more joyful. Chuckling and cheer are generally connected with the sentiments of bliss and joy. Finding out about the rudiments of life is an extraordinary method to appreciate the subtleties of life.</p><p></p><p>An self-portraying or individual article is a helpful wellspring of information for the individuals who don't have the opportunity or persistence to give to a progressively conventional school level paper. Individuals who compose collections of memoirs normally examine their families, professions, or individual occasions, yet in some cases even ordinary occasions can be related. Short sections are commonly more viable than long ones, so take care to keep the exposition concise.</p><p></p><p>It isn' t hard to compose an individual paper on oneself. Simply make sure to follow your gut intuition about how to start the paper. Remember that individual papers are just viable on the off chance that they are finished and cognizant; it tends to be hard to compose an article that is inadequately composed, however gaining from your mix-ups can assist with improving your papers in the future.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
Do You Need to Write a College Essay at All Colleges?
Do You Need to Write a College Essay at All Colleges?You are likely to have difficulty answering the question, 'Do you need to write a college essay at all colleges?' I know that this is a common question that I get frequently when it comes to how to write a college essay. The question is usually asked by individuals who feel that they do not understand how to write and what type of essay to prepare.It is important to note that you do not need to write a college essay at all colleges. One of the most important points to make is that when it comes to college essays, there are some fundamentals that can be useful to learn.One of the key factors that you need to consider when learning how to write a college essay is the use of the acronym. I know that for many of you, you may have been taught this in school. While this can be a helpful way to do your homework, there are some other benefits that can be derived from this technique. This particular style of writing has been known to be a l ittle more difficult than the standard method of academic writing.Another consideration when it comes to 'Do you need to write a college essay at all colleges?' is to determine what type of writing that you wish to specialize in. This process is important to take advantage of because the possibilities are nearly endless. There are writers out there who specialize in English composition as well as those who are ready to take on a broad range of assignments.If you have not yet learned any writing that you are comfortable with, then you might want to take advantage of this type of course. Once you learn how to write an essay, you can start working on a number of different areas of writing. A great part of taking an online course on writingis that you can start using a variety of different styles and begin to find the style that suits you best.There are so many questions which can be answered by taking an online course on how to write a college essay. The most popular ones include such things as the difference between character writing and essay writing. It can be easy to confuse the two, but once you have begun to learn about how to write a college essay, you will see that the two do not always match up.Of course, one of the most important aspects of learning how to write a college essay is the fact that you must have a coherent argument that is able to stand the test of time. By mastering this particular skill, you can then turn your writing efforts to even more expansive areas of writing. This is something that will be helpful in any area of writing as long as you take the time to master the fundamental skills of using the basic terms and components of writing.As you can see, there are several reasons why you should take advantage of taking an online course on how to write a college essay. While the syllabus may be brief, it will provide you with the basics that you will need to answer the question, 'Do you need to write a college essay at all colleges?' And on ce you have learned these basics, you can move forward with additional skills that will make your writing efforts more expansive.
Essay Topics For the Compass Test
Essay Topics For the Compass TestEssay topics for the test are one of the most important aspects to take into consideration. When writing an essay, your topic must reflect your research on your topic of choice. As you can imagine, this is a big deal, as it determines your placement in the college.One of the most common essay topics for Compass test is 'History'. This is the most common subject that students struggle with. Not many students can write about history as an entire essay on their own or do justice to their own contribution to it. The number of topics students have trouble with in history can be incredible, because this is the only subject they learn about in school.There are four main areas that students struggle with in history: a) origin and evolution of the human race; b) development of the modern world; c) culture and art; and d) the ways people in the past were oppressed. Each area can be dealt with in a very different way, so this will be an extremely big part of you r Compass test topic.Be sure that your essay is organized and structure is not overwhelming. In order to make a true history, you must make a real history! A sequence of facts will not be complete without some structure and proper organization.Use a decision tree to help you separate the material into logical categories, and ensure your topics are categorized properly. Do not make the mistake of trying to think of generalizations too quickly, because this can lead to a multitude of problems.Also, focus on your topic. If you can identify what kind of person you are, then you will not lose your identity when talking about yourself. There are two forms of personal identity, which I will discuss later in this article.As you can see, an essay topic for the test is a very important part of writing your history. Make sure you do not try to think of topics as a whole instead of individually. As I mentioned, each area can be dealt with in a different way, so if you are in doubt, just try out some of your topic in the topic generator.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Security Risks On The Web Problems And Solutions
Security Risks on the Web: Problems and Solutions Eric Schnitzler Management Information Systems – BADM 325 Professor Emily Holliday 13 November 2015 This expansion of the internet has allowed people to share information and communicate on a level that was not imaginable just twenty years ago. This growth has become a tool for people to participate in social media as well as an economic and strategic tool for business today. As more people gain access to the web, new markets open for companies to conduct business globally. Small and large companies can make joint ventures or buy and sell goods around the world with a few clicks of a mouse and entering a method of payment. However these benefits do come with a†¦show more content†¦The availability of the system can be compromised through a variety of ways. The inattentive maintenance worker can destroy the network connection by cutting the power to the system or destroying the lines of electronic communication. The system can also be overrun by activity which leads to shutting down the system. Companies try to mitigate their servers from crashing by using more powe rful hardware and streamlining the application systems to be as efficient as possible. The accidental interruption of the flow of information can be frustrating and costly to business but the intentional destruction of hardware, software, or other components must be mitigated through continuous security efforts. A denial of service attack is a malicious attack by hackers via the web on a system to overcome its ability to properly handle the information that it is receiving. The purpose of the denial of service attack is to prevent the authentic communication between parties and closing down the system. This is accomplished by forcing requests to verify a connection, ping requests, at an ever increasing rate until the system is tied up, flooding the system with connection requests that cannot be accomplished, or by attacking the buffer. The Buffer Overflow attack provides excessive amounts of information that exceed memory size of the buffer and allow the attacker to enter their own code in the operating system. This code
Theories on War - 1060 Words
Negativity comes to mind on the issue of war as it is heard to be brutal or fatal, especially on innocent people and one cannot help but to hope for an outcome of peace or prosperity. Some respectful philosophers such as Mo Tzu, Sun Tzu, Eugene Delacroix, Pablo Picasso, Margaret Mead, Kenzaburo Oe, and Jean Bethke Elshtain can be found writing about their theories on war and peace in the text book, Reading the World: Ideas that Matter by Michael Austin. Over the years the issue of war has not disappeared nor has it ceased from carrying on lethal acts. Two men among the respectful list are Kenzaburo Oe and mo Tzu, both of these men shared similar theories. In Kenzaburo Oe’s The Unsurrendered People, he writes about the horrible even that†¦show more content†¦The famous painting known as Guernica depicts a form of abstract that reveals the horrible destruction Hitler. Both paintings artistically express the theories of these two gentlemen on what war and peace meant to them. Next of the philosophers is Margaret Mead and her article, Warfare: An Invention not a Biological Necessity. She states â€Å"warfare, by which I mean organized conflict between two groups as groups in which each group puts an army (even if the army is only 15 pygmies) in the field to fight and kill, if possible, some of the members of the army of the other group – that warfare of this sort is an invention like any other of the inventions in the terms of which we order out lives, such as writing, marriage, cooking our food instead of eating it raw, trial by jury, or burial of the dead, and so on.†(275). Margaret Mead continues to suggest along with her statement, that the Eskimo people have no sense of warfare. If warfare was a natural instinct than all groups of people around the world would use warfare to better their civilization. All in all, war has unfortunately yet to cease nor has the conflicting thoughts that go along with it. Furthermore, fighting and d eaths still continue to occur and theories on whether or not it is necessary to play out the battle increase. With the war it is evident that peace in most cases does not follow and the urge to find other ways to strategically win over the opponent is always in demand. Especially from the innocentShow MoreRelatedThe War Theory Of War1469 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is War? The term war can be defined as a clash that arises between different groups, states or nations. Different ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and scarce resources are just a few of many reasons why such an act of violence may be practiced throughout the world. However, could a war ever be completely just? And if so, who would be responsible for deeming what would and would not be considered as being morally and theologically justified? This will be discussed in further detail laterRead MoreThe Just War Theory Of War1841 Words  | 8 Pagesattitudes concerning the morality of war can change and lead the nation into unnecessary conflicts. The United States’ views towards war from two different time periods display a shift when compared to a moral standard. Comparing these attitudes to the Just War Doctrine displays this change towards morality. The Just War Theory serves as a guideline for determining a war as moral. The Doctrine consists of three major principles that contain the criteria of just war. Jus ad bellum outlines the situationsRead MoreJust War Theory815 Words  | 4 PagesJust War Theory and a Thoughtful Realist One important theory within International Relations shows a moral aspect on how to conduct war. This theory is called Just War Theory. Just War Theory is a doctrine of military ethics from a philosophical and Catholic viewpoint. 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Stress and Illness A Review of Literature
Question: Discuss a review of literature on stress and illness? Answer: Stress is a condition which put the functioning of different organs of the human body at stake. In the past and in recent years extensive research studies have been conducted on the effects of stress on the human body and on the mental processes of human beings. Most of the studies conducted on stress have found that there is a complex relationship between stress and the development of certain ailments in individuals suffering from excessive stress. Though more research studies are required to establish an explicit relationship between stress and diseases like cardiovascular diseases, the present literature on the topic of concern has emphasized the fact that there is a relationship between stressors and the development of certain diseases. Considering the evidential nature of the literature available on the topic of stress, it can be said that, stress causes illness and such illness encompasses diseases like deterioration of the immunity system and cardiovascular diseases. Stress is the bodys response to any sort of demand for change and often it is caused by both good and bad experiences (Mountain State Centers for Independent Living, n.d.). As a natural reaction to stress the human body secretes some specific chemicals and this secretion sometimes makes the body vulnerable to certain ailments. Psychological effects of excessive stress can be detrimental to the wellbeing of the person experiencing chronic stress. The fight or flight instinctive response is usual in cases of coping with stress and in the course of such response some chemical changes take place within the body which can either provide some short-lived benefits or can give rise to some specific illnesses in the long run (PBS, 2011). Considering the definitions of stress it can be said that, stress is a physiological response to a stressor, or an adverse circumstance in the environment leading to sympathetic nervous system activation, commonly known as the fight-or-flight response (Keefer , 2008). Stress also denotes the bodys way of responding to any kind of threat (Segal et al., 2015). When an individual feels threatened, his/her nervous system starts responding to the threat by releasing specific hormones that are meant for helping the body cope with stress and such hormones include adrenaline and cortisol hormones which help the body to safeguard vital functions in emergency conditions (Segal et al., 2015). Stress increases the rate of functioning of some specific organs in the human body and this includes sudden increase in the heartbeat instigating forceful blood flow which can put the life of certain individuals at stake. Research studies have also found that the release of certain chemicals within the human body in the course of experiencing stress can thoroughly diminish the immunity system of the human body paving the way for the intrusion of specific illnesses. Stress deteriorates the immunity system of human body and this gives rise to some other diseases. In the article, Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry, Suzanne C. Segerstrom and Gregory E. Miller (2004) have stressed on the relationship between stress and illnesses. Conducting a meta-analysis of more than 300 empirical articles discussing the relationship between psychological stress and the deterioration of human immunity system, Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have concluded that excessive stress often results in down-regulation of some specific immunity functions. Chronic stressors, according to Segerstrom and Miller (2004) are responsible for suppressing both cellular and humoral im munity and this may result in the development of some specific illnesses. Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have also stated that in the course of coping with chronic stress, individuals are often faced with the problem of deteriorated immunity system and age and other physical vulnerabilities often add to the process of deterioration making the emergence of some specific illnesses imminent. Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have pointed out, referring to the research studies conducted in the past on the relationship between psychological stress and illness, that, due to stress, sympathetic fibers may descend from the brain and may get infused in bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes and as these fibers have the potential to release a wide variety of substances influencing the immune responses, it can be said that there is a relationship between stress and the immune response. Moreover, there is a behavioral perspective of such relationship too. Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have cited that during stressful events some individuals tend to get engaged in certain behaviors like alcohol use which again can deteriorate the immune system of the body making it easy for viruses and bacteria to enter the body and cause diseases. Considering this relationship between stress and illnesses, Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have stated that behavior should be considered as a pathway that links stress with the immune system. Segerstrom and Millers findings can be related to the information provided by American Heart Association. The American Heart Association (2014) has revealed that, though much more research work is needed to establish a direct relationship between stress and cardiovascular disorders, there are ample evidences to prove the fact that stress gives rise to behaviors which, if sustained for long, can surely contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. In this regard the American Heart Association (2014) has revealed that fact that, stress may affect behaviors and factors that increase heart disease risk: high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, smoking, physical inactivity and overeating. The American Heart Association (2014) has also revealed that, Some people may choose to drink too much alcohol or smoke cigarette to manage their chronic stress, however these habits can increase blood pressure and may damage artery walls. Referring to studies conducted by Marshall et al. and Chiappelli et al. in 1998 and 1994 respectively, Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have stated that chronic stress has the potential to alter the patterns of cytokine secretion and this causes the suppression of Th1 cytokines which are responsible for activating cellular immunity which is meant for providing defense agains several kinds of infection and some specific kinds of neoplastic diseases. As a result of such alteration and suppression the body becomes vulnerable to illnesses. Moreover, Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have also pointed out that such suppression renders permissive effects on the production of Th2 cytokines which have the potential to activate humoral immunity and to instigate allergy and several other autoimmune diseases. Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have also stated that as such shift occurs via the effects of stress hormones such as cortisol, there is inevitably a relationship between stress and immunity-related illnesses. Amplifying the negative impact of stres s on human body and on the human immunity system, Segerstrom and Miller (2004) have pointed out how stress can give rise to autoimmune diseases in the course of which the immune system starts treating self-tissues as invaders and starts attacking them causing pathological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohns disease and several other related diseases. In the article, Reconsidering the methodology of stress research in inflammatory bowel disease, Laurie Keefer, Ali Keshavarzian, and Ece Mutlu (2008) have emphasized the research studies conducted on the relationship between stress and inflammatory bowel disease. Focusing on present literature on the relationship between stress and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), Keefer et al.(2008) have stated that, stress plays a direct role in the pathophysiology of IBD. Environmental stress, according to Keefer et al. (2004) plays an important role in enhancing IBD and though not explicitly proven due to some specific constraints, the fact that stress can instigate illnesses remains a truth. Apart from emphasizing on the relationship between stress and IBD, several research studies have also stressed the important role played by psychological stress in instigating cardiovascular diseases. Whether or not acute life event stressors play significant role in triggering coronary heart disease is a fact that needs to be researched and evaluated more, but present literature on the relationship between stress and cardiovascular diseases have hinted on the fact that acute life event stressors can actually trigger coronary heart disease (CHD) events (Bunker et al., 2003). It is to be noted in this regard that, Although the deleterious physiological effects of acute stressors as CHD triggers are well documented, the role of chronic stressors in CHD onset and prognosis remains unclear. But this doesnt mean that there is scarcity of research studies emphasizing the relationship between stress and cardiovascular diseases. In the research article, Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease: empirical demonstration of bias in a prospective observational study of Scottish men, Macleod et al. (2002) have emphasized the relationship between psychological stress and cardiovascular d iseases. Macleod et al. (2002) have concluded that there is a weak positive association between angina admissions and stress, but there is a more strongly positive association between stress and cardiovascular conditions where admission was likely to be, to a substantial degree, discretionary or when diagnostic classification reflected non-specific symptoms or signs. Even though Macleod et al. have remained inconclusive about the direct relationship between stress and different cardiovascular diseases, it must be said that stress is directly related to heart attacks and some other critical cardiovascular diseases. Stress causes angina, hypertension, arrhythmia, and several other heart-related problems, and if these problems sustain for long, an individuals life may be at stake. Stress itself is a problem and it raises an individuals blood pressure which is not good for the body and it is also not good for the body to get exposed to stress hormones on a continuous basis (WebMD, 2014). It must be noted in this regard that, Studies also link stress to changes in the way blood clots, which makes a heart attack more likely (WebMD, 2014). The relationship between stress and cardiovascular diseases has been the focus of the article, Psychological Stress and Cardiovascular Disease by Joel E. Dimsdale (2008). Dimsdale (2008) has emphasized the relationship between stress and cardiovascular diseases by citing research studies which have revealed that long-term stressors impact negatively on cardiac functions. Job stress, marital unhappiness, and burden of care-giving are some of the stressful factors which can instigate cardiovascular diseases and Dimsdale (2008) has pointed out that several studies on the relationship between stress and cardiovascular diseases have revealed the fact that stress ushers pathophysiological changes which can result in sudden death, myocardial infarction, myocardial ischemia, and abnormalities including wall motion abnormality. Stressors impact negatively upon sympathetic nervous system activities and such negative impact cause several illnesses (Dimsdale, 2008). Stress can also cause hemosta sis which can put the life of an individual at stake (Dimsdale, 2008). Dimsdale (2008) has also pointed out that, Although stressors trigger events, it is less clear that stress causes the events. There is nonetheless overwhelming evidence both for the deleterious effects of stress on the heart and for the fact that vulnerability and resilience factors play a role in amplifying or dampening those effects. Dimsdale (2008) has concluded that, there is a relationship between cardiovascular diseases and stress and when the stressor continues or when the patient continues imposing the stressor through brooding, there are adverse effects on the heart. Though considerably modifiable, stress-related cardiac risk is a fact and the relationship is also evidential in nature. Dimsdales claims can be supported by citing the points of discussion that prevails in the article, Stress and cardiovascular disease in which Steptoe and Kivimaki (2012) have referred to epidemiological data which shows that chronic stress has the potential to predict the occurrence of coronary heart disease on the part of specific individuals who are exposed to continuous stress. Steptoe and Kivimaki (2012) have stated that, those individuals who are continuously exposed to work-related stress and those individuals who are exposed to social isolation have greater chances of developing coronary heart disease. Stress like the ones related to job has the potential to put individuals at risk of developing complicated heart diseases. This argument can be supported by citing the fact that, One study found a linear progression between self-reported psychological stress a nd damage to the carotid artery. The extensive Whitehall Study in the UK among government employees found that those with the least control over their work had the highest rates of heart disease (World Heart Federation, 2016). Steptoe and Kivimaki (2012) have also pointed out that, cardiac problems can be triggered by short-term emotional stress and such phenomenon is specifically observable among individuals suffering from advanced atherosclerosis. Steptoe and Kivimaki (2012) have also revealed the fact that, acute psychological stress can induce transient myocardial ischemia in patients suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD). Steptoe and Kivimaki (2012) have also stated that, long-term stress can increase the risk of recurrent CHD events and mortality. Steptoe and Kivimakis (2012) findings can be supported by citing the fact that, stress undoubtedly exerts real physiological effects on human body and it can impact negatively upon the heart (Harvard Health Publications: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, 2013). Sudden exposure to stress (generated through news of death of a child, etc) can actually damage arteries and it has been found that when cardiac catheterization of an individual who have suffered from anxiety attack is done, an artery that was previously open is observed to be closed (Harvard Health Publications: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, 2013). This proves that stress has a direct relationship to cardiovascular diseases and anx iety-related illnesses. Moreover, cardiovascular damage in the form of broken heart syndrome is also an outcome of severe and acute form of stress (Harvard Health Publications: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, 2013). In conclusion, though more research studies are required to establish an explicit relationship between stress and diseases like cardiovascular diseases, the present literature on the topic of concern has emphasized the fact that there is a relationship between stressors and the development of certain diseases. Considering the evidential nature of the literature available on the topic of stress, it can be said that, stress causes illness and such illness encompasses diseases like deterioration of the immunity system and cardiovascular diseases. Stress increases the rate of functioning of some specific organs in the human body and this includes sudden increase in the heartbeat instigating forceful blood flow which can put the life of certain individuals at stake. Research studies have also found that the release of certain chemicals within the human body in the course of experiencing stress can thoroughly diminish the immunity system of the human body paving the way for the intrusion o f specific illnesses. Chronic stressors are responsible for suppressing both cellular and humoral immunity and this may result in the development of some specific illnesses. Moreover, due to stress, sympathetic fibers may descend from the brain and may get infused in bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes and as these fibers have the potential to release a wide variety of substances influencing the immune responses, it can be said that there is a relationship between stress and the immune response. Stress can give rise to autoimmune diseases in the course of which the immune system starts treating self-tissues as invaders and starts attacking those tissues, causing pathological conditions such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Crohns disease and several other related diseases. Stress is directly related to heart attacks and some other critical cardiovascular diseases. Stress causes angina, hypertension, arrhythmia, and several other heart-related problems, an d if these problems sustain for long, an individuals life may be at stake. References American Heart Association, (2014). Stress and Heart Health. [online] Available at: https://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/StressManagement/HowDoesStressAffectYou/Stress-and-Heart-Health_UCM_437370_Article.jsp#.Vo0u9_l97IU [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Bunker, S., Colquhoun, D., Esler, M., Hickie, I., Hunt, D., Jelinek, V., Oldenburg, B., Peach, H., Ruth, D., Tennant, C. and Tonkin, A. (2003). "Stress" and coronary heart disease: psychosocial risk factors. The Medical Journal of Australia, [online] 178(6), pp.272-276. Available at: https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2003/178/6/stress-and-coronary-heart-disease-psychosocial-risk-factors [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Dimsdale, J. (2008). Psychological Stress and Cardiovascular Disease. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, [online] 51(13), pp.1237-1246. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2633295/ [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Harvard Health Publications: HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, (2013). Stress and your heart. [online] Available at: https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/stress-and-your-heart [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Keefer, L., Keshavarzian, A. and Mutlu, E. (2008). Reconsidering the methodology of stress research in inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, [online] 2(3), pp.193-201. Available at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1873994608000044 [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Macleod, J., Smith, G., Heslop, P., Metcalfe, C., Carroll, D. and Hart, C. (2002). Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease: empirical demonstration of bias in a prospective observational study of Scottish men. British Medical Journal. [online] Available at: https://www.bmj.com/content/324/7348/1247 [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Mountain State Centers for Independent Living, (n.d.). UNDERSTANDING AND DEALING WITH STRESS. [online] Available at: https://www.mtstcil.org/skills/stress-definition-1.html [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. PBS, (n.d.). What is stress?. [online] Available at: https://www.pbs.org/thisemotionallife/topic/stress-and-anxiety/what-stress [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Segal, J., Smith, M., Segal, R. and Robinson, L. (2015). Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes. [online] helpguide.org. Available at: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-symptoms-causes-and-effects.htm [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Segerstrom, S. and Miller, G. (2004). Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry. Psychological Bulletin, [online] 130(4), pp.601-630. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1361287/ [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. Steptoe, A. and Kivimaki, M. (2012). Stress and cardiovascular disease. Nature Reviews Cardiology, [online] 9(6), pp.360-370. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22473079 [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. WebMD, (2014). Heart Disease Health Center. [online] Available at: https://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/guide/stress-heart-disease-risk [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016]. World Heart Federation, (2016). Stress. [online] Available at: https://www.world-heart-federation.org/cardiovascular-health/cardiovascular-disease-risk-factors/stress/ [Accessed 6 Jan. 2016].
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