Saturday, December 28, 2019
Consumer Perception Of Consumer Behavior Essay - 1488 Words
Consumer Perception Consumer behaviours are constructed by their attitudes, and the attitude itself is the result of the consumers’ perception (Fishbein Ajzen, 1975). This construct is explored in the Theory of Reasoned Action, where Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) state this in regards to attitude-behaviour relationships. When it comes to greenwashing, research has found that this attitude-behaviour relationship could manipulate the perception of the consumer. The consumer perceptions when it comes to companies can be explained by: perceived deception, which is caused by an organization which misleadingly advertises its product as being ‘green’ (Newell et al., 1998); perceived scepticism, from consumers regarding an environmental claim which could then decrease any possible positive impact on consumer behaviour (Albayrak et al., 2011), and; perceived inconsistency, which is caused by a company’s inconsistency in relation to advertising claims about being green versus their actual behaviour (Gallicano, 2011). Consumer perceptions towards products can be explained using the concepts of: perceived distrust, which is an unwillingness to have confidence in a product, this can stem from an expectation resulting from a lack of credibility and/or environmental performance (Chen Chang, 2013); perceived risk, which is connected to possible consequences of a wrong decision (Peter Ryan, 1976), and; perceived confusion, which arises as a result of consumers failing to acquire accurateShow MoreRelatedConsumer Perception And Consumer Behavior1027 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is Consumer Perception? As consumers play an important role to businesses, businesses must always satisfy all consumer’s wants and needs. In order to do so, marketers conduct research to learn consumers’ impression and awareness on the companies and their opinions on the companies’ products and services. Consumer perception is defined as a process where consumers select and gather information then form opinions regarded products. 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This value represents the value that the consumers feel should be that of the brand based on their previous experience with the brand or the opinions that they gathered from the market about that particular brand. The societal marketing is built over time as consumers start to build expectations about the usage, durability and other attributes of the brand. It is also built through market opinion as consumers begin to learn about the brand from other consumers who have hadRead MoreThe Impact Of Price On Consumer Brand Loyalty And Perception1507 Words  | 7 PagesThe Impact of Price on Consumer Brand Loyalty and Perception Brand loyalty is the target of all marketers. It is the product of a psychological contract between the brand and the consumer (Helicon, 2016). Loyalty consists of positive attitudes and preferences for brands leading to their consistent repurchase. Brand loyalty is an avenue for companies to develop long-term relationships with customers. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Avoiding Visual Clichs Essay Example
Essays on Avoiding Visual Clichs Essay The paper "Avoiding Visual Clichà ©s" is a great example of an essay on visual arts and film studies. A clichà © is described in the dictionary as a trite phrase or expression and a hackneyed theme, characterization or situation. A visual clichà © is a clichà © shown visually in the form of pictures. They are usually based on easily recognized or familiar cues which can be interpreted by the majority. Avoiding Visual Clichà ©s Visual clichà ©s are something that cannot be avoided entirely but they need to be avoided as much as possible. The reason is that for avoiding them a person needs to have a very original and unique approach to visualizing and showing things or another way to avoid is to explore an area that is new to people, therefore, showing a unique point of view to new things. Repeatedly, we have been told to avoid clichà ©s because clichà ©s repeatedly, tend to make a person accepting things just the way they are. This effectively kills the creativity of a person and encourages laziness if nothing else comes to mind. Visual clichà ©s can very rightly be portrayed as an old man with sagging eyes, worn knees, and feet pointing in a circular direction since they don’t lead anywhere. They just lead us in circles showing the same old things over and over in slightly different ways making it the same as everyone else’s.For the creativity and originality to come forward and for us to create and show new things with a unique and dynamic perspective is what is required in present times of visual progress, therefore avoiding any sort of clichà ©s is important by all.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
London free essay sample
Contentss Prehistory_____________________________________________________ 2 London is the largest metropolis in Europe_________________________________ 3 Cultural life of London___________________________________________ 5 The features of British humanistic disciplines and letters__________________________ 5 Theatre and cinema______________________________________________ 7 Music________________________________________________________ 8 Literature_____________________________________________________ 9 The all right arts__________________________________________________ 11 Museums of London____________________________________________ 12 Parks of London_______________________________________________ 13 Housing_____________________________________________________ 14 Traffic_______________________________________________________ 16 Bibliography__________________________________________________ 18 Prehistory Prehistory Two thousand old ages ago there was an Iron Age Celtic civilization throughout the British Isles. It seems that the Celts, who had been geting from Europe from the 8th century BC onwards, intermingled with the peoples who were already at that place. We know that spiritual sites that had been built long before the reaching of the Celts continued to be used in the Gaelic period. For people in Britain today, the main significance of the prehistoric period is its sense of enigma. This sense finds its focal point most easy in the amazing monumental # 8211 ; architecture of this period, the remains of which exist throughout the state. Wiltshire, in south-western England, has two dramatic illustrations: Silbury Hill, the largest burial hill in Europe, and Stonehenge. The population fell rapidly during the 19th and 20th century’s when residential housing was demolished in favour of new office buildings. It is now the case that there are 33% more workers than residents in the area. Having suffered heavy damage during World War II very few of the original structures remain. It is important to mention that St Paul’s cathedral did remain standing and there are many well-published photographs of St Paul’s surrounded by buildings which were on fire or completely destroyed, most notably ‘St Paul’s Survives’ taken by Herbert Mason. Despite the destruction caused by the war it did allow for mass rebuilding of larger scale and more modern developments. It is not too difficult to spot the difference between pre and post war developments, predominantly because pre war buildings are often much smaller. Many people suggest that Paternoster Square outside St Paul’s is an example of how the post war trends might have now been reversed. This view is largely due to the ‘traffic free, public open space’ and ‘classical architecture, using traditional materials’ that now forms the square. For the comparison purposes of answering this question I will be using the Lloyds Building located on Lime Street in London designed by Richard Rogers and completed in 1986. The insurance company Lloyds of London commissioned it in the 1970’s because they needed more space as they continued to expand. Lloyds had spread to three buildings across both Leadenhall and Lime Streets. This included the Royal Mail building and a purpose built office for Lloyds that been designed by the architect Terence Heysham5. This office had a considerably more conservative and classical look and was arguably much more suited to the location than the new Lloyds building. It had been planned to be adequate for Lloyds’ purposes until the 21st century but this wasn’t the case. The building has since been demolished and is the site of the modern Willis Building. The unusual design of the Lloyds building with all of the services located on the outside has certainly caused many conflicting opinions. This has been labelled ‘Bowellism’ and is a method used to create as much space and flexibility as possible for the interior. My general opinion of ‘services’ is grey, cold and they ought to be hidden within the walls. When I first set eyes on the building, thoughts of industrial factories and multi story car parks entered my mind. This is due to the large amounts of metal that forms the majority of the exterior. I believe the building looks as though it is performing a function, like a power station, not a useable office building. I am by no means against modern development in the City of London, however I believe the Lloyds Building is not suited to the City of London. The Willis building on the other hand is smart, light and looks like it means business. The same could be said for the closely located Gherkin and Shard buildings. The development can still be unusual and previously untried, but in my opinion shout not be outrageous and provoking. Having said this though, I believe an architect would feel he had failed if no one had been provoked by his work. A particular building or site distinguishes many cities. For example the Eiffel tower is the symbol for Paris and one may say Buckingham Palace is the symbol for London. This means that a city’s identity can be portrayed through its architecture and I believe that a building like the Lloyds building is not appropriate for the prestigious City of London. The extent to which the Lloyds Building is a modern success can definitely be questioned. One of the aims of locating the ugly serviceable components on the outside is that costs are saved on repairs because everything is accessible. However the cost of cleaning the external steel is so extortionate and frequent that the benefits are outweighed completely. Also, now that it is Grade 1 listed it means alternations are extremely hard to make. The whole point of the design was that the building could be changed and re-ordered like Meccano. This means it can no longer even achieve one of the primary objectives that were in mind when it was built. This is one of the main reasons I believe it does not represent a ‘successful modern property development’. In the summer of 2013 it was reported: ‘The outgoing chief executive of Lloyd’s of London blamed the design of the insurer’s headquarters for its high maintenance costs’ 6and that Lloyds are considering terminating their lease when the next break clause occurs in 2021. With regards to ‘respecting the historic sense of identity’ in the City of London, I believe it is completely unsuitable and looks out of palace in the ‘square mile’. It doesn’t necessarily comply with the description of the City that Glinert gives us either. Glinert portrays a medieval scene with bustling streets full of culture. The Lloyds building is certainly an attraction, and people travel a long way to visit it, but as far as expressing London’s identity goes it’s hopeless. Many people would argue that it shows the City of London is able to adapt and progress in new and exciting ways. An article from the Financial Times in July 2013 read ‘†¦the subsequent development of the city has shown the Lloyds Building to be a brilliant and resilient sculptural masterpiece which manages to maintain a balance between its dense, historic surroundings, its transplanted historic interiors and the rapidly changing cityscape around it7. ’ This quote seemingly contradicts my opinion regarding the building and explains that it is in tune with its surroundings despite its very contrary styling. I find the design almost rather sinister in comparison to other modern developments such as the Gherkin. Whilst I admire the Lloyds Building I don’t think that it has the right character for the City of London. Whilst even the newest skyscrapers don’t blend in with the City’s past heritage, they don’t blot it either. They look prestigious and add a new and exciting vibe to the area at the same time as not only respecting but also improving the overall identity of the City. There is no doubt that the Lloyds building was designed to stand out and be significant, but it is a futuristic mess of twisted metal and concrete that doesn’t have a place in London. I have also done some research and noticed that there haven’t been any further developments exposing the service components since the Lloyds building was finished. This evidently means that it hasn’t been a great accomplishment and could almost be viewed as an expensive experiment. I was surprised when it was granted Grade 1 listed status in 2011. English Heritage describes it as ‘universally recognised as one of the key buildings of the modern epoch’. Whilst it is significant and modern I can’t argue that it conforms to Glinert’s identification of London ‘seeping with history, filled with ancient churches and medieval alleyways’. 8 It could easily be placed in any other city in the world and it would still be significant for the same reasons and would take nothing of London with it. Due to the reasons I have presented I cannot accept that the Lloyds Building delivers successful modern property development or that it respects the historic sense of identity that is so important to the City of London.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Songs on Overcoming Obstacles Essay Example
Songs on Overcoming Obstacles Essay He explains that whatever is thrown into your life is for a reason and will only help you later on in a persons life. The song composed by Kenya West entitled Stronger, accentuates that no matter how life treats you, there will always be a light at the end of a tunnel and will guide you to a better and a stronger As proven in Stronger, no matter what hardships are faced, they are for a reason and will help you. Kenya West states Now that that dont kill me can only me stronger, is to prove that only things that will kill a person cant be overcome and that doesnt hurt will only help prevent it happening again in the future. This clearly shows that as we grow older and wiser, we realize more of what the world throws at us and we make ourselves able to attack the situation when we are poised with it again. These lyrics are figurative language because he clearly does not mean exactly that want kill you can make a person stronger. He really means that things are sometimes tougher than they may appear but will only lead to something good. Also, by knowing how to overcome these challenges, a person would be able to help others tit problems and challenges that may be similar to the one that they went through. We will write a custom essay sample on Songs on Overcoming Obstacles specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Songs on Overcoming Obstacles specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Songs on Overcoming Obstacles specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Kenya West clearly demonstrates that all challenges can be taken by the horns and beaten. There are many poignant feelings that permeated through the lyrics to express hardships and knowledge. It was stated that I know I got to be right now cause I cant much wronged, in order to express all of his mistakes and to prove that he has faced nearly all challenges in life, now he knows what will definitely happen and how to solve his problems. These challenges that he has faced made him strong enough to prove to the world that he is now able to defeat these new challenges. Foreshadowing is used here in order to prove that he does not know what will happen, though he does feel ready enough to take on whatever it may be. Gay using foreshadowing, we can identify the problems that will occur in our lives now due to the choices we make. If we can figure out our needs for the future, we would be a lot better prepared in life and make better choices. By Kenya West saying that he cannot get any ore wrong, he wants us to know that all of us have a motivation after we have all been through hardships. In a recent medical study in Buffalo, New York, scientists may have found cure for Cancer. This drug retrains a persons immune cells to fight cancer. This statement by a Channel 7 News reporter clearly relates to the theme of overcoming the hardships of an individual due to its medical research that can aid the health of cancer patients. This will thwart 1 1 cancer and keep it controlled and keeps it from spreading. Just as in the song that that dont ski e, can only make me stronger. Cancer is a very serious virus that has bee incurable for years. This disease had only been treatable to patients who ha the disease. Now with this advancement, many lives will be saved and there will be many more complications that can be figured out. The overcoming of hardships of man and using them to prep the rest of their life is irradiated throughout Okay West song stronger. As I analyze certain songs, I realized that many of the challenges that an individual make their gallant 13 efforts will always help them break free of challenges. This WI eventually make the challenges of an individual a lot less hard. The individual who learn from their mistakes will also learn from others mistakes. This would lead into an endless chain of overcoming what is right and what is wrong. If an ambiguous event occurred in your life, would you be consciously enough to face that challenge and get through it? As people grow older, they seem to question many things in life including their inner conscience. As the Metal band Megawatt states in their song entitled Sweating Bullets, the main character questions himself and has a lull conversation about what happened in his life. As he tries to expose whale he has really been through he states Hello me Meet the real me, in order to tell himself that what he shows on the outside only covers up what he really is on the inside which is My misfits way of life. When he states meet the real me, the word me hes actually comparing two versions of himself. He calls himself a misfit in order to show that how his conscience is immature, undeveloped, and troubled. Though, when he says me the first time, he is trying to explain who people see him as.
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