Monday, September 30, 2019
Health Prevention of Heart Disease for Plano Texas Essay
Due to the increase risk for Heart disease in Plano, the population is Risk for developing Hypertension which in turn could result in decreased cardiac output, activity intolerance, imbalanced nutrition by taking more than body requirements, and a learning deficient in regarding condition, treatment plan to include, diet, exercise, follow up, Untreated Hypertension potentially puts them at risk for Congestive heart failure, angina, or myocardial infarction. These in turn can result in severe pain, decreased cardiac output, ineffective tissue perfusion, and again a learning deficient in regard to condition, treatment plan and self-care after discharge. Development of any of the above puts the patient at risk for potential anxiety and depression which may be a result of changes in role, particularly for the male bread winner, thus resulting in a threat or change in socioeconomic status, changes in environment and routines or threat or perceived threat to self-concept and Interpersonal conflicts. In assessing readiness to learn in Plano, Texas it is important to note over 53% of adults have a bachelor’s degree or higher (more than twice the national average) (Demographics). This population is in a better place to absorb knowledge. Typically, young and middle-aged adults participate more than older adults, and the average age in Plano is 37. 2 so this is a positive for learning as we move forward on our Health Promotion plan (Adults). The population more at risk for difficulty in learning is the homeless. The total number of homeless as of September 2012 is 291; this is a 55% increase since last year (Conrad, 2012). Although this is not a huge number comparatively it is significant in evaluating readiness to learn. Homeless people are at a great disadvantage for receiving access to education because it is not as easily readily available to them. There are a number of community resources for the homeless, and it is important we work with The Samaritan Inn, The Family Promise Network, My Friend’s House as well as the Collin County Homeless Coalition, and the Metro Dallas Homeless in presenting the education materials we stand a better chance of the material being received, absorbed and applied by the homeless population. It is also important to work with these programs to see if the education is being implemented within the facilities by evaluating meal selections, access or encouragement of exercise. This can serve as not only physical by emotional advantage to all at risk patients.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Essay on 2g Spectrum
Essay on 2G Spectrum Scam B Rajashekar Reddy (1593206) MADS 6604 Ethics and Public Values Prof Brenda Lyshaug, Ph. D. Fairleigh Dickinson University April 01, 2013 â€Å"2G†stands for â€Å"Second-generation wireless telephone technology†. The 2G scam is one of the biggest scam till now in India and the highest authority of India Supreme Court stated that this scam is mother of all the scam till now in India. In this 2G spectrum scam many government officials are involved for illegally undercharging frequency allocation for the mobile telephonic companies.The difference between the money collected and the money to be obtained is 1, 76,379 crore rupees (USD 39 billion). The issuing of licenses to the mobile companies occurred in 2008, but it first came to notice when the income tax department investigating one of the political person NiraRadia. CBI and CAG are the two investigation agencies involved in the investigation of the 2g scam. CAG is a file based government aud iting agency. It focuses on reporting the issues when there is a deviation from the set policies and procedures and also how it is effected the economy growth.CAG has clearly mentioned that the allotment of licenses was not held in realistic price. That has caused a loss of revenue up to Rs. 176 lakhs crore to the government of India. The report also stated that telecom minister A. Raja has totally ignored the advice of finance ministries on allocation of license to benefit for few operators. It also that all the telecom regulator acts are ignored to misused. CAG also reported that the price at the license was allocated in 2008 are according to the prices in 2001.The price is very low when compared to the technology and other development from the year 2008 to 2001 which has resulted in loss to the government. The auction methods followed and the bids to invite the participants to sell the license are not carried out according to proper rules. CAG also stated that telecom ministry ha s crossed all the financial procedures, policies and rules according to his needs. Raja has issued licenses to the candidates who are ineligible and to the candidates submitted the false documents. From 122 licenses 85 are illegally assigned nd they are not to the mark or rules needed by the telecom regulations act. Government has also formed a special central bureau of investigation team to investigate the case. The charge sheet filled by the CBI has stated that the loss was 309845. 5 million (US$ 5. 7 billion) on 2nd April 2011. As per joint report of Income Tax Department and Central Bureau of Investigation agencies. It has stated that A. Raja could have received an amount of 30 billion rupees (US$ 550 million) as a bribe from the companies for bringing the cut-off date forward for the applicants of spectrum.The actual date of submission is 1st October 2007 then later it is shifted to 25th September 2007 this shift in the deadline has eliminated many applications and it went favo r of some of the applicants. His auction is not done according to the market valuation and instead he adopted the rate of 2001, when the telecom sector was in perfect boom. Actions to prevent such scams All the proceeding done by the parliamentary committees should be made clear to the public and media, so that everyone can clearly understand the issue.The government needs to take severe and serious actions in such issue that can restrict others to involve in such scam. Government has to prove itself by taking all the actions on the accused independent of their position and personality. Media has to perform its duty by letting out the truth to the public in such issues. Fast track courts are to be established by government to create transparence in the justice in such scams. On May 2007, A. Raja has been appointed as a telecom minister and in august 2007 department of telecommunications DOT has initiated a process of allocation for 2G spectrum.On 25th of September 2007 telecom minis try issues press not for the deadline for applications as October 1st 2007. The prime minister of India writes to the telecom ministry A. Raja to make sure that all the process of allotment should be carried in a transparent and fair manner and to make sure about the fee with respect to the market value. But, A. Raja has wrote back to prime ministry rejecting many of his suggestions and recommendations. This scam involves many political issues, as A. Raja is member of DMK party which supports congress government in the central.Some videos related to A. Raja regarding the lobbing for the post of telecom ministry has been leaked to press. That became as a serious issue in the central at the same time 2g scam has been came in to the picture. Congress government thought of laying off the case as it became a prestige issues to the government. In this process the CBI head and Income tax department head has been discharged from their positions and sent to other department. Since, DMK is a supporting party to the government. The government doesn’t want to lose their support as it is very much needed to be in power.As the video’s regarding the lobbing for the telecom ministry post has went in to the public through media. Then the government stated to resign for the post of telecom minister. Earlier, A. Raja refused to resign but later his is left with no other option. In this scam, the government tried to divert the issue by stating that there was a gain instead of loss to the government. Later, other statement has been issued from government stating that there was a zero loss to the government. This two contradiction statement has created my doubts in the public.As per the public petition filled by the senior retired officer the Supreme Court has take up the case and on 2nd February 2012 the supreme court of India has stated that the license allocation are done without following any procedures and rules and this directly has favored many companies. A. Ra ja has been arrested on February 2nd 2011 and this impacted many company shares and share market has been collapsed by 20% on that day. Companies like swan telecom and unitech have got the licenses at very low price and then they sold and given partnership to other companies at very high price when compared to the price that they got the license.This clearly states the difference between buying and selling price, which has done great loss to the government. For this, A. Raja has taken bribe from the companies indirectly by investing the money into the Kalaignar TV channel in Chennai, which is headed by MP Kanimozhi daughter of DMK party leader M. Karunanidhi. Telecom department need to follow the telecom regulation act and rules and this should be monitored by the department of telecom director. If anything done in wrong way or without following the rules then it should be notified by the director and definite action should be taken like cancelling the licenses.The government needs to assign this post to talented and trustful and sincere persons like retired IPS officers. This scam could not been occurred if the director of department could have noticed it and complained it to the higher officials. When such bids or allocations are conducted with large amount of money then there need to be some steps should be carried out like perfect document verification and perfect financial statement. Also need to check whether the company has all the eligibilities to apply or not. There need to perfect rules and regulations need to be setup before the process of bid is initialized.The income tax and CBI need to focus on the participants of the bids. Since, large amount of money is involved in the bid. Government also need to act irrespective to the political issues when such issues occur. Instead of covering those issues the government needs to take transparent and fair action regardless of the political issues and matters. As a government servant A. Raja has misused all his powers and responsibilities for his now needs and work. He used his power to build his own wealth and his fellow beings. As a public and government servant he needs to serve the public with their needs and wants.He used all the powers for his own interest. As a public servant he has lost all his faith and trust towards the public. He misused the public funds and values of the parliamentary. Which is very unethical to do being in such high position. Beside A. Raja, M. K. Kanimozhi has also involved in the scam. M. K. Kanimozhi is only daughter of five time chief minister of Tamil Nadu, M. Karunanidi representing DMK political party. Kanimozhi is Member of Parliament representing Rajya Sabha for Tamil Nadu. As per the charge sheet Kanimozhi has 20% share in her family owned TV channel Kalaignar in Tamil Nadu.As per the CBI Kamimozhi is main head behind the scam as she worked with A. Raja to shift the money from the applicants of spectrum to Kalaignar TV about 2 billion. Also, stat ed that A. Raja has directly involved in launching the TV channel by getting the permission from Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and also from DTH Tata service. She was charged a case to breach the trust by a public servant. She was arrested by CBI on May 20th 2011 and granted bail on November 28th, 2011 after spending in judicial custody. Still the tail is being following in special branch court CBI.Siddharth Behura is the telecom secretary when whole issue has taken place. Allegation on him is that he has shifted the deadline for the applications so has to avoid some companies. This is total misuse of power. He has been arrested by CBI on Feb 2nd 2011 and granted bail later. RK Chandolia, Raja’s private secretary involved in each and every aspect of the scam. He and Behura both together planned to limit deadline for the applications. He was arrested by CBI on Feb 2nd, 2011 and later granted bail. Irrespective of political pressure the ministry should be handed to w ell educated and trustful person.I think the director of department and minister is responsible for the entire scam. The Director of Department position needs filled by the sincere and honest person like retired IPS officers. The CBI offers and income tax department need to work out very effectively. Political pressure should not be applied on both the departments. In most of the cases the CBI is operated by the central government which makes its weaker to actions on the accused. That is not good for the country growth. CBI is a independent department under Supreme Court but most of the cases it work with respect to the ruling party.The income tax department needs to be more advanced and strengthen. This could reduce the flow of black money in this kind of situations. They need to monitor every action when related to the huge change of money. Media need to be alert in such issue and need provide perfect information to public. In this scam media played a vital role by leaking out the important videos to the public and letting out the truth. Whistle blowing in some situation is very important and in some other situations it create serious problem to the whistle blower.When coming to this scam I think whistle blowing is right thing to do. Since, the highest position of the department of telecom is involved in it. Report against a minister to any higher authority is not a normal thing. This could be harmful to him and his position in the government. In this scam a government offer has approached to income tax department about the issue and other filled a case in the Supreme Court. As many political and government officials are involved complaint to higher authorities is very risk thing to do.In this case the government tried to reduce the impact of the issue by withdrawing the head of CBI and Income tax department by this we can understand the political pressure in this issue. Later whistle blowing to the media had made to case to sustain and the accused got arres ted. A. Raja has cleared used all his powers for his own purpose. The lobbying for the post of telecom minister itself clearly stated his nature. He didn’t even consider the recommendation and rules that Prime Minister has recommended. His thoughts were to earn and take advantage from his position.In his views it is ethical for him to do like as he did for his self advantage. The result of Raja’s dissent is the 2G scam. His dissent had done great loss to the government of India. Lot of money has been misdirected from the government treasure which should be used for the public welfare. This issue has lost the trust on the government in the public. The entire license issued by the Raja has been dismissed by the government and allocations with new prices are done later. This has been wasted government time and money. The moral principles like not to cheat the public being a public representative are at stake.The responsibility values as being in the position are at stake. As a responsible person Raja has make all the allotments in fair and transparent manner. He should act in such a way that government and public need to get advantage of it. Everything exposed in this scam are done unethically, being a public servant he should use the power for the public welfare not for his own needs. But Raja has totally misused his power for his personal needs and to give advantage for his own people. To stop such scam CBI and income tax departments need to be provided with full power and no political pressure on them.Reference 2g scam: Timeline. (2011, OCT 22). THE INDIAN EXPRESS. Retrieved from http://www. indianexpress. com/news/2g-scam-timeline/864055 2g spectrum scam: The story so far. (2011, September 15). NDTV. Retrieved from http://www. ndtv. com/article/india/2g-spectrum-scam-the-story-so-far-133841 Court to consider charge sheet in 2g scam case on feb. 11. (2013, JAN 30). THE HINDU. Retrieved from http://www. thehindu. com/news/national/court-to-conside r-charge-sheet-in-2g-scam-case-on-feb-11/article4360930. ece Dhananjay , M. (2011, sept 07). 2g loss? ovt gained over rs 3,000cr: Trai. THE TIME OF INDIA. Retrieved from http://articles. timesofindia. indiatimes. com/2011-09-07/india/30122800_1_spectrum-trai-2g John , R. ( 2012, February 06). India to auction 2g spectrum from scandal-tainted licences. TECHWORLD. Retrieved from http://news. techworld. com/networking/3335201/india-to-auction-2g-spectrum-from-scandal-tainted-licences/ What is the 2g spectrum scam about?. (2012, march 2013). DECCAN HERALD. Retrieved from http://www. deccanherald. com/content/112984/what-2g-spectrum-scam-about. html
Saturday, September 28, 2019
International trade is an economic phenomenon is a strategy that has taken the experiences of many countries in the world. Between joining and not joining globalization that promotes international trade few will disagree that joining is the better option. This paper seeks to analyze and discuss the manner that greater international trade benefit or hurt the US economy, by identifying likely sectors which will benefit or suffer from expanded international trade, the good or bad reasons for expanding the NAFTA to into the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and finally to make a conclusion in sum, whether  expanded international trade is really to be a good or a bad thing for the United States. In so discussing the to topics, the paper incorporates in detail, five of the concepts from Economic Concepts section. Analysis and Discussion: Expanded international trade aims to promote free trade among nations. For the USA, having the NAFTA and CAFTA as just examples of more definite agreement between or among nations to promoted the trade between or among them. The WTO is actually a bigger organization that promotes the same purpose. The seeming aim therefore of free trade agreements and America under the NAFTA and CAFTA may have other reasons that US has in mind but for the purpose of this paper, the economic benefits for the US as simply undeniable. The greater international trade and the US economy: Greater international benefit rather than hurt will go to the United States because the United States could produce more than it consumes. It is being net producer should have been reflected in its trade balance which should have reflected a Surplus Trade Balance but over the years the United the states have always bee in trade deficit†¦ What makes in interesting for America is that despite the trade deficits over the years since it has imported more than it has exported, its gross domestic products over the years have still been increasing over the years. Viewed from the whether its people have benefited from the high GDP over the years, it could be argued that whether the trade balance is surplus or deficit, it is favorable to the United States. As how does this happen, could still be explained the fact that many countries make investment in US dollars in term of US stocks and bonds and even in currency. This reaction of countries seems to put the US almost always in a better position. The net effect for the US despite the trade deficit is the gains from as translated in terms of better foreign exchange as against other countries. Again on this angle, although strong dollar as against other foreign currencies would have made US in a better position, devaluating the same could still result to the US still winning the net effect of things. On this note, Samuelson (2004) said that a sliding dollar would have three possibilities:  The first one is that the United States wins and no one else loses if a falling dollar incites the â€Å"U.S. economy by increasing exports and restraining imports.†This will have the effect of Surplus industrial capacity which will keep the inflation low. Samuelson however believes that under this scenario, Europe and Japan don't suffer much, because the ongoing global economic recovery gathers strength and cushions export losses The second possibility is for the second, the United States and China to win while Europe and Japan lose. This happens because China keeps its currency, the renminbi, fixed to the dollar, and that it also gains competitive advantage when the dollar drops. This is further supported by the fact that China stabilizes the renminbi by investing surplus dollars in U.S. Treasury securities rather than selling them for local currency.). This however will depress exports of Europe and Japan and destroys their economic recovery and then protectionism rises. The third although possible to happen be remote to happen that is the dollar â€Å"crashes†and that everyone loses. This happens when foreign investors dispose of their U.S. stocks and bonds, as values weaken in terms of their currencies which will trigger massive selling (Samuelson. 2004) As to how the US does it depends on it monetary policy. The US government through the Federal Reserve Bank can influence the foreign exchange market in the world because of the bigness. Using the power of the Reserve Bank, it can increase interest rates hence attracting many holders of other currencies to buy the US dollar and this will again put the value of the US the dollar stronger despite fact that the US has have may trade deficits in terms of more imports as against its exports. The sectors that will get affected by expanded international trade: There are sectors that benefit and some which will suffer from the expanded international trade. To prove such effects, it is was reported that thousands of US jobs were lost due to NAFTA. Scott and Ratner (2005) blamed the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico through 2004 for the lost of more than a million since NAFTA was signed in 1993. Jobs displacement occurred in every state and major industry in the United States and that more than half those lost jobs were in manufacturing industries.†The US may have lost in terms of jobs but it may have won in terms of more investments made in the US and in terms of cheaper goods that have entered and the US where its citizens benefited. Expanding the NAFTA to into the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA): The issue of whether I would be in favor of expanding the NAFTA into the CAFTA appears to depend on what is the purpose of this organization. The main issue is whether free trade is better for America. Again on the basis that America produced more than it consumers it is always better to for America to expand NAFTA to CAFTA. Zoellick (2005) said that if CAFTA is voted down, the region's poor in Central will not improve their lot but instead, a door to upward mobility will be slammed shut. The US is doing not only free on economic reasons but also for political reasons since it believes that by generating employment it lessens problems to society. In sum, expanded international trade is a good for the United States: Boyes, et. al (2003)  said that the US need to be the leader in strengthening the world trading system to promote freer, fairer trade and consequent efficiency gains. Most urgent is for the U.S. to improve its diplomacy within the Doha Round of the ongoing World Trade Organization talks. They even recommended that the U.S. should make concessions to developing countries in agriculture and in intellectual property relief for critical medicines so as to successfully extend and improve the more important multilateral system under a free trade. By so adopting and other public policy actions, Boyes, et. al (2003) believes that US will maintain its long-term strength in its economy.  By so adopting freer trade as a rule for the US, it necessary has to turn its back against protectionism and this is the antidote to freer trade. Boyes, et. al (2003) explained that â€Å"protectionism and isolationism aim to maintain advantage in particular industries and professions, but other nations can and have emulated and bested the U.S. in selected and targeted areas, and they will continue to do so.†They also believe that â€Å"the strength of the U.S. is not to found in isolation from globalization. The nation's strengths are instead its ability to adapt to change, its ability to attract foreign capital, and its ability to attract the best and brightest from across the globe.†Conclusion: We have found that the US will benefit more from greater international trade than not joining than not joining. The simple of joining international trade is the fact that it produces more than it consumes. There is however some sectors that will likely benefit and some which will suffer from expanded international trade because it could not be that America monopolizes all the knowledge in the world. As it opens its economy, there are industry sectors where America is not good at but it employs so many people. When we say, America is not good at certain industries, we are saying that America is simply not efficient economically that other nations are simply better than it that America could acquire it at a lower cost, hence it should leave America to source the industry outside and instead concentrate on industry where it is good or in industries where is has potential for growth. The industries that it is good are on agriculture while an industry where it is not good at is on services of some professional like those of nurses. Since free trade is better to America as a rule, expanding the NAFTA to into the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) must be deemed to be a better option. In sum, I believed that expanded international trade is to be a good thing for America. Protectionism is no place in America. Its democratic government would be inconsistent to adopt the same since democracy means freedom and freedom means freedom not only to vote in elections but also freedom to excel where its people have the capacity. The US is very reach to lose many things in free trade if one would look at it. Hence it is difficult to see why other developing nations like those in Central America would fail to see the benefits of free trade. References: Boyes, et. al. (2003) Lessons From the Past: History Says the Future of U.S. Industrial Competitiveness Is Brighter Than We Think, {www} document URL,, Accessed June, 2007 Samuelson, R. (2004) A Global Glut of Greenbacks, Newsweek January 5, 2004, {www} document URL,, Accessed June, 2007 Scott and Ratner (2005) Issue Brief #214, NAFTA's cautionary tale Recent history suggests CAFTA could lead to further U.S. job displacement, , {www} document URL, Accessed June, 2007 Zoellick, R. (2005), CAFTA Is a Win-Win, The Washington Post, , {www} document URL, Accessed June, 2007  Â
Friday, September 27, 2019
INTERNET MARKETING MANAGEMENT Assignment , Written report Essay
INTERNET MARKETING MANAGEMENT Assignment , Written report - Essay Example A good website is made-up on AIDA model. "A" means, it attracts the consumer. "I" means it creates interest. "D" means it buoys the consumer's desire for the product. Finally the "A" means that it leads to consumer into an action i-e buying the product. Search Engine Marketing (SEM), which is marketing a website online via search engines, either by improving the site's natural (organic) ranking through search engine optimization (SEO), buying pay-per-click (PPC) ads or purchasing pay-for-inclusion (PFI) listings in website directories, which are similar to offline yellow page listings. Email marketing, which is a method of distributing information about a product or service or for soliciting feedback from customers about a product or service through Email. Email addresses of customers and prospective customers may be collected or purchased. Various methods are used, such as the regular distribution of newsletters or mass mailing of offers related to the company's product or services. Email marketing is essentially the online equivalent of direct mail marketing. Blog marketing, which is the act of posting comments, expressing opinions or making announcements in a discussion forum and can be accomplished either by hosting your own blog or by posting comments and/or URLs in other blogs related to your product or service online Article marketing, which involves writing articles related to your business and having them published online on syndicated article sites. These articles then have a tendency to spread around the Internet since the article services permit re-publication provided that all of the links in the article are maintained. Article marketing can result in a traffic boost for your website, and the distribution of syndicated articles can promote your brand to a wide audience. With the passing of time internet marketing is gaining a lot of popularity day-by-day due to its unique feature: Cost-Effective: It's very cheap to set up a site and very little money is needed to maintain it once it has been set up Nowadays every business is going global. The first step to go global is showing your product to the World and internet is the cheapest and reliable way to advertise your product. Ecommerce has resulted in increase in sales for various businesses due to online sales. This encourages the businesses to develop their websites. Internet is a way of obtaining market research data. Websites are used for marketing research and stuff that help businesses develop new products. Websites for comparisons and evaluations: Let's look at the marketing management techniques adopted by
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Disability Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Disability Law - Essay Example Discrimination against these people is not justifiable since anybody is a potential candidate of this condition. The role that Equality Act 2010 has played cannot be underestimated. The equality Bill received royal assent in April 2010 and became an Act. It was a replacement of all the existing acts on discrimination. Actually it did consolidate all these legislations. Some of the acts that were consolidated to come up with the equality Act include Disability Discrimination Act 2005, The Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and Equal Pay Act 19702. This act reforms, streamlines and harmonizes these previous legislations with the sole aim of achieving equality among people regardless of their physical or mental state. Thesis Statement The Equality Act 2010 has been very effective in eliminating disability discrimination in all walks of life starting from the physically to mentally disabled. Components of the Act The Equality Act 2010 covers up nine guarded features which make it a brea ch of law to discriminate any individual on the grounds of age, disability including those who have or previously have had a disability. It also makes it unlawful to discriminate against anybody on grounds of gender relocation, marriage and civil companionship, pregnancy and motherhood, race, religion or belief comprising lack of belief, gender and sexual orientation. The act covers fields such as those of employment, goods and services, facilities admissions and treatment of students. There are a number of significant changes in the Equality Act 2010 that have had a lot of positive impacts in the sector of education which is fundamental to the development of the country. The definition of direct discrimination has since changed to include the protection from discrimination based on both the perception and association for all the nine characteristics protected by the Act. Discrimination is no longer a direct and evident but sort of perceptual and associative. As such, the Act has be en very crucial in shaping the society by eliminating discrimination. The Act has also explicitly extended discrimination protection to disability. Again, this is with the view that those who are disabled either physically or mentally did not choose to be in the condition and, therefore, there is absolutely no reason to discriminate against them3. If anything, they are very important components that can steer the society forward if given the opportunity to do so and should, therefore, be made to feel equal to the rest of the society. The disability-related discrimination has also been replaced by a newer kind of discrimination: discrimination against disability. It is unlawful to discriminate anyone because of disability in any sector whether in education or in any other sector. The breastfeeding mothers can now be explicitly protected ensuring that a woman is neither looked down upon nor treated in a less favourable manner just because she is breastfeeding. With this in mind, a bre astfeeding mother feels free and as an important component of the society. She lives a stress free life since she is considered an equally important part of the society. The Act also protects pregnant students from discrimination. For a long time, students have been discriminated against on grounds of pregnancy. They are not treated fairly and equally giving rise to a sense of disorientation and isolation. This does not provide breathing space for academic excellence in schools. The Extent
The Life of Oliver Cromwell Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Life of Oliver Cromwell - Research Paper Example Cromwell became Cambridge’s Member of Parliament, in 1628. However, he did not make any significant development, during his tenure as a member of parliament. This is because his tenure did not last long when Charles I dissolved parliament and ruled alone for 11 years before the Bishops of the Scott forced him to recall parliament due to lack of money (Carlyle & Sanderson 67). Cromwell returned to parliament and served only for three weeks as a member of parliament for Cambridge. This was called â€Å"the short parliament†because it existed for only three weeks. A long-term parliament was elected that same year and Cromwell returned as a member for Cambridge. He was forced to table ridiculous petitions before the house such as that of the release of John Liburne, who was arrested for importing religious tracts from Holland, because he owed his position to the elite, in parliament. Cromwell also linked himself to a religious group, which contained members from both the H ouse of Lords and House of Commons. On behalf of this religious group, he also tabled a motion for the abolition of episcopacy, which was called the â€Å"Root and Branch Bill†(Carlyle & Sanderson 76).The only experience Cromwell had in relation to military matters was the band training. However, he recruited his own cavalry troop and blocked a valuable silver shipment that was meant for the king. This was after his troop gained a lot of recognition and was formally incorporated into the formal army. to form part of the Eastern Association during the winter (Gardiner 8). Cromwell continued to gain a lot of experience by winning a few battles such as the battle of Gainsborough, which made him appointed as the governor of Ely and colonel of the Eastern Association. He entered the English civil war on the side of the parliamentarians who were nicknamed the â€Å"Old Ironsides†or â€Å"Roundheads†to become one of the principle commanders, in the New Model Army (B ritannica Concise Encyclopedia). Here, he played a significant role in the defeat of the royalist forces at the battle of Marston Moor. Cromwell’s military strategies though he had not undergone through any form of training were exemplary. His ability to train and lead his men and the invention of the close order military formation with his troops riding knee to knee made it more difficult for opponents to penetrate them (Carlyle & Sanderson 46).
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Judicial activism of the European Court of Justice Essay
Judicial activism of the European Court of Justice - Essay Example In spite of this, the ECJ tends to take a cautious approach in adopting the policy. It is worth noting that the ECJ has a constant need to develop general principles for procedural purposes, which can sometimes be interpreted as activism (Kelly 315). Unlike federal states, there is no hierarchy relation between European community laws and national laws. Therefore, these two sets of laws coexist in the European judicial environment. As such, there is a need for certain comprehensive principles to resolve problems arising from conflict between these two sets of laws and the ECJ took up this boundary-pushing duty of setting up principles such as the direct effect and primacy. The EU Treaty does not assign the ECJ federation duties and its assumption of this role can be interpreted as judicial activism (Kelly 315). Member states, institutions and individuals in the EU are bound by the constitutional principles developed by the ECJ when they act within the community. In a series of decisi ons, passed in the 1960s and 1970s, the ECJ established doctrines that have served as precedents of a theory of legal intervention into the relationship between Member States and the Community. In an apparently activist approach, the ECJ held that the provisions of the Treaty could have a direct effect in its ruling on the 1963 Van Gend en Loos case. This essentially means that individuals and private citizens could sue national governments in the national courts for failing to enforce the Treaty. In its declaration, the ECJ stipulated that the Treaty is superior to an agreement that creates mutual obligations between contracting states insisting that the Community constitutes a new legal order of international law limiting the sovereignty of states within limited fields (Abels and Joyce 59). In the case of Costa v. ENEL, the ECJ established the supremacy doctrine meaning that state transfers of legal powers were irreversible and permanently limited their sovereign rights. In its ru ling, the ECJ decreed that the EEC treaty was no ordinary international treaty and had its own legal system which upon enforcement of the Treaty became an integral part of the legal systems of Member States and their courts were bound by the system. It further stated that the creation of a community of unlimited duration, with its own institutions, personality, legal capacity, capacity of representation on the international plane and most importantly, real powers limiting sovereignty of Member States or the transfer of power from the states to the Community, members had effectively limited their sovereign rights, within limited fields, creating a body of law binding their nationals and themselves(Abels and Joyce 59). In the Francovich case, the court resolute that the failure of Member States to swap orders amounts to a breach of Community law and as such were obliged to compensate harm suffered by individuals. The court in its ruling held that the complete efficiency of Community r ules would be compromised, and the protection of the rights they grant weakened if individuals were denied redress when their rights were infringed by violation of Community law for which a Member State was responsible (Dougan 157). The ECJ developed the preemption doctrine in a series of cases. This doctrine implied that
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Emotions In Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Emotions In Film - Essay Example Orientalism, as it was known by Napoleon, was based on just such knowledge – that is knowledge about the Orient projected upon it by the Western world. This idea of the Orient, as it was expressed among the Western scholars – overrode the true Orient. Observers entering the true Orient were already convinced of what they knew regarding an unchanging and already defined system, locking everything labeled Orient into a passive, unresisting object for study. Comparable linguistics were the basis for many of these assumptions (Said, 1979). This had, and continues to have, a negative effect upon the Western world’s perception, understanding and appreciation of a multitude of cultures that were erroneously grouped into a single identity. Philosophers continue to argue that reality, as it is presented within films and on tv, is not reflective of our ‘everyday’ reality, yet their arguments are based on water as there is as yet no true definition or conceptio n of what actual reality might be. In his book â€Å"What is Philosophy?†(1960), Jose Ortega y Gasset discusses several key defining aspects of philosophy, including a discussion regarding a definition of the focus of philosophy as a science. While earlier philosophers tended to identify philosophy by the tagline ‘the study of knowledge,’ Ortega points out that nowhere in these texts do any of the philosophers who came before him work to define what the empirical concept of knowledge is and therefore reach an understanding of what is ‘everyday reality.’ Although Ortega does not necessarily phrase his point in this exact terminology, his discussions regarding the nature of knowledge, the nature of science, and the nature of reality perception as it exists within the very human context of time make it abundantly clear that Ortega at least does not feel we will ever completely understand the world around us. To begin with, Ortega brings into clarity the idea that time
Monday, September 23, 2019
Nursing Evidence Based Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Nursing Evidence Based Practice - Essay Example Without resolution, rancor between opponents and supporters to the practice would continue to divide the profession. The selected literature would give valuable insights on the current situation of evidence based nursing practice. Moreover, both sides of the opposing groups would be given due consideration to give the reader a balanced view on the issues. Simpson (2004) traced the origins of evidence based nursing practice (EBN). It began in the 1970's when the clamor for better health care delivery required research to be part of professional development (p.10). The University of Minnesota defined evidence based nursing as "the process by which nurses make clinical decisions using the best available research evidence, their clinical expertise, and patient preferences." (p.10) The University also proposed three areas of research competence that should be developed. They include: "interpreting and using research, evaluating practice, and conducting research." (p.10) Simpson (2004) also included the steps required to gain competence. First, issue identification is an important aspect of problem definition. Second, nurses must be able to conduct research on related literature to support or augment their current knowledge. Third, nurses should be able to formulate criteria used to evaluate evidence. Finally, actions and decision should b e validated against existing evidence to ensure that the delivery of service is optimum (p.10). Rycroft-Malone et al (2003) identified what constituted as evidence in the EBN. Knowledge from "research, clinical experience, patients, clients and carers, and local context and environment" all comprised the knowledge base (p.83). In the order of priority, research came first. Evidences coming from research were fully supported and could validate information gathered (p.83). Next came clinical experience where accumulated knowledge through practice could be drawn when necessary. In this aspect, health care professionals were valued and they do derive their care delivery options through previous experiences (p.84). Third, the personal knowledge, experiences and preferences of the patients, their kin or caregiver should be considered (p.85). Finally, evidences from local context could be drawn from "audit and performance data; patient stories and narratives; knowledge about the culture of the organization and individuals within it; social and professional networks; information from 360 degree feedback; and local and national policy." (p.86) As an emerging practice paradigm, Wallace, Shorten and Russell (1997) cautioned that adopting evidence based nursing should be a contemplated decision because aside from professional responsibilities, evidence based nursing has economic, ethical and moral implications that could be drivers of future developments in nursing practice (p.149). French (1999) enumerated the critical features of evidence based practice. Essentially, it is problem based that could consolidate pertinent research information to implement a better delivery of health care services. The incorporation of first and second hand information to strengthen decision-making is also a feature of evidence based practice. Finally, like any professional development agenda, it aims to improve the quality of service (p.76). Issues and Challenges Closs and Cheater (1999) cited the presence of touchy issues that fueled the debate between
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The enzyme potato catalase Essay Example for Free
The enzyme potato catalase Essay Analysis Instead of filtering out poor data for my results I have decided to select the best result to concentrate on. I removed quite a few results. The reasons for removing results was either because of missing data, anomalous data (not following the trend of others that I believed to be correct), and unusual entries such as amount of oxygen collected decreasing as the experiment went on. This most likely was because of inaccurate readings as other explanations, such as the oxygen dissolving in the water, are unlikely. These are the result I have chosen: The effect of hydrogen peroxide (substrate) concentration upon the rate of oxygen production in the presence of Catalase Concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide (vol) Volume of gas collected in inverted measuring cylinder at end of each successive minute (cm3) over a period of 4 minutes Student InitialsThis is an example of one of the results I did not include: From my selected results I also split them into the 4 different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide tested for ease of use which went as follows:5cm2 10cm2 1 Minute 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 1 Minutes 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes Minutes 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 1 Minutes 2 Minutes 3 Minutes 4 Minutes 1I did not include this as some information is missing, possible implying that the way in which the experiment was performed was faulty. This could lead me to a false conclusion. This is another example of the type of results I did not include: As you can see the amount of oxygen collected has decreased throughout the experiment, this is very unusual, and likely suggests that the readings were incorrectly read, for this reason I do not want inaccurate data to lead me to a poor conclusion. Read more: Essay on Potato Catalase After that I found the standard deviation of all my results to further check there were no anomalous data, these are my findings: CONCENTRATION 5cm2 Entry/Minute Sum of Standard Deviation Standard Deviation0CONCENTRATION 10cm2 Entry/Minute Sum of Standard Deviation CONCENTRATION 20cm2 Entry/Minute Sum of Standard Deviation 7. 26 5. 98 7. 45 8. 72 Standard Deviation Although there are a few entries with high deviation (for example entry number 6 on the 5cm2 concentration table) all his/her results are consistently off the standard deviation, this suggests that there is nothing wrong with their collection of data, so there for I decided to leave them in. After selecting my results, I have taken the mean of the selecting results, it is as follows: Concentration/Time This graph shows that as the concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases so does the amount of oxygen produced. It increases at roughly the same rate throughout the reaction and the amount of oxygen produced is generally a higher amount with a higher concentration. This half matchs with my hypothesis, I predicted that the reaction would start to slow down after the initial reaction had occurred, this does not however seem to be the case. However, the initial rate of reaction is a lot higher The possible reasons for this could be that the reaction did not have enough time to start to level off or slow down as there was still a lot of substrate left over and the reaction could still be performed at maximum rate, if this was the case it would not start to slow down until there was significantly less substrate available, obviously this has not been the case. These results do match my hypothesis in that I said as concentration increased, so would the amount of oxygen produced and the rate of reaction would generally be greater. Here is a graph to show the initial rate of reaction for different concentrations of hydrogen peroxide As you can see, as the concentration increases, so does the initial rate of reaction, this is because a greater amount of hydrogen peroxide is available, which means more substrate molecules come in contact with the enzymes (and thus their active site) and can be separated into their products, this is explained simply by collision theory in the introduction. The reason that later on in the reaction the rate of the reaction may be different is because there is likely to be less substrate left over as the reactions occurring would have separated them into their products, hence the reaction rate would not be going as fast. Appendix Mean Added up all the entries, then divided them by the number of entries there were. E. g. The mean for Would be (1. 1+1. 3+1. 2+1. 4)/4 which equals 1. 25 Standard Deviation For the single entries: (Entry-(mean of all results in that concentration and minute))to the power of 2 For the total standard deviation: Square root of (Sum of all single standard deviations/number of entries 1). Bibliography Biology 1 (Cambridge Advanced Sciences) Internet URLs: http://www. clunet. edu/BioDev/omm/catalase/frames/cattx. htm http://www. beyondtechnology. com/tips016. shtml The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Multimedia Using Adobe After Effects Computer Science Essay
Multimedia Using Adobe After Effects Computer Science Essay Increase in technology making wider use of multimedia and its applications. For a good presentation multimedia is used to present in very effective and innovative way. Every internet technology makes use of this multimedia. To bring a good output in any broadcasting medias multimedia is used. In general the term multimedia has many definitions; each author denotes it in their own ways. According to J Grimes it is The combination of two or more media(J Grimes,1998). Media can be anything like audio, video, graphics, images, text etc. Multimedia is in the form of global hierarchical system, the software of this applications provides direct communication to their users. Multimedia is used not only in internet but also in intranet like LAN (Local Area Networks). To get the information or to access the remote systems or servers the request or information must pass through multimedia to the networks. Because before sending the data to the network the media files should be compressed with the help of multimedia to avoid the communication delay. At the receiving end some of the constraints like delay, jitter will be used for the effective transmission of audio and video files. This is the reason why communications network technologies are increasing rapidly. To produce an effective animation with good effects multimedia and its applications are widely used. To produce good effects there are many versions and softwares available in the market. Of them Adobe After Effects is the one which produces affective result (CH Wu, 2009). The earlier version of After effects is CoSA which came in January 1993 supports only MAC (Adobe, 2008). From then to till now many versions were evolved with adding extra features to the existing. Some emerged versions supports only MAC systems some are compatible with WINDOWS operating system; some are with command prompt like UNIX and LINUX. There are also versions which also support both the operating systems. The Prior version of CoSA was later in 1994 attained by the Adobe Company (Adobe, 2008). From then, that brand released many versions including Page Maker and Adobe After Effects. The primary use of Adobe After effects is to create motion graphics and visual effects, which allows user to alter, animate and composite media in 2D and 3D space with its various built-in tools and plug-ins. After effects and some NLEs (Non Linear Editing systems) are layer oriented this means each and every object media has its own individual tracks. In contrast this also has track oriented system which means all media objects fall in to same track without overlapping each other. This makes editing easier and can comprise with less efforts. There are different software packages available to support not only small volumes of media objects, but also support large volumes of data. The better suited software for large volume data is Appleshake. Using Shy switch adobe After effects will oppose the clutter selectively by hiding the layers (Adobe, 2008). The main interface consists of several panels of them the three most important are Project Panel, Composition Panel and Timeline Panel. The Project panel acts as interface to import stills, audio and video footage items. The footage items used here are in the time line panel, where timing and layer order can be adjusted. In composition panel the items visible at the current time marker are displayed. This report starts by giving a brief knowledge about the multimedia and its applications, Adobe After effects. Later discusses about the existing features in After effects and future advancements for the same. Finally the summary includes. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW To support each and every common individual need multimedia is used. So, todays globalised world is known as The world of Multimedia(Slawson, 1993). The features of multimedia are used not only for creation of movies or for animation with good effects. This is also used in many organisations for communicating over the networks. As electronic process for teaching technologies is becoming more expensive, an interactive process of learning method was introduced through multimedia (Slawson, 1993). Interactive learning multimedia is treated as process, rather than the technology which always provides potential knowledge for the updated technologies (Slawson, 1993). To create such classes in interactive and effective way Adobe after effects is used. Adobe is used to create, edit and alter the motion graphics for DVD, video, Film etc. The latest versions of Adobe has many more extra features which gives good composting and resulting in a blockbuster results. Though multimedia is expensive t o learn, the significance of it is increasing day by day because of its enormous effects and capability. So many people are showing interest towards learning the same. To become a multimedia professional no prior qualifications are required. There are no age or gender constraints, so anyone can become professional in this at anytime. Innovation of ideas is important here because to edit an existing graphical image or to create new motion picture creativity is important. Composting software packages like Apple shake are used to create a node or workflow process. Each package has its own importance the importance of those and its features will be discussed in detail in the coming sections. Multimedia In todays world the term multimedia is used very often. Till now there is no standard definition of multimedia each author describes it in their own convenient way (B Furht, 1998). The term media refers to a form of human interaction that is amenable to computer capture processing such as audio, video, graphics, text, images etc and the term multi refers to the combination of the media present in a single application( B Furht, 1998). Multimedia Compression and Technologies Standards There are many widely accepted technologies in the world of multimedia, every day many new technologies are emerging in to the market. So, the importance of products changes from day to day life. But all emerged and existing products are based on some standards which are used for compression. Let us now discuss in brief about some of those standards and products like Quick Time player, Video for Windows, Indeo [1] ( Intel Video) (CH Wu, 2009). There are also some new and basic standards like ISO (International Standard Organisation) and MHEG (Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Expert Group) (CH Wu, 2009). Basing on these standards the compression techniques follows. 2.1.1(A) Quick Time Player Quick Time is a basic technology developed by Apple Computers (CH Wu, 2009). The format of this media is compatible with almost all Operating systems like Linux, Windows (NT/95/XP/7) and for all apple computers (CH Wu, 2009). This technology is the most commonly accepted mass storage for multimedia communications. The media format of this supports MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group) which is an ISO- standard, Indeo (Intel Video). This also supports the photo CD format for Kodaks and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) (CH Wu, 2009). The main intention behind developing this technology is such that it can be used by anyone without any charge. So it is a trusted player which can be easily downloaded from the internet with free of cost. 2.1.1 (B) Video for Windows The technology Video for Windows (VFW) was developed by Microsoft especially for Windows environment (95/NT/XP). After this technology Active Movie emerged with in no time this replaced VFW and designed in such a way that it supports the VFW technology (CH Wu, 2009).Then after multimedia world has experienced an excellent technology which not only supports video but also audio files and that file is AVI( Audio Video Interleave). These file formats play back with a small size of 320240 pixels (quarter VGA screen) using the software. If the processor is of Intel versions it plays with the size of 640480 pixels (quarter VGA screen) because Intel computer can able to cope up with good graphics accelerator by using run length encoding method to compress the information(CH Wu, 2009). In addition to it, this also supports player formats like quick time and Indeo by using video compression algorithms. 2.1.1 (C) Indeo (Intel Video) The basic intention behind developing this product is not only to play back audio and video files, but also to store it on a personal Computer (PC). So this was originally developed by the David Samoff research Center for the conversion of NTSC (National Television System Committee) analog signal in to digital video signal (CH Wu, 2009). The software of this may be a choice for compression in Quick time and Video for Windows. The major comparison among the above two technologies and Indeo product is Quick time and VFW will be compressed by the software and hardware will be used for Indeo which achieves higher frame rate with better resolutions. For compression of Indeo through hardware the requirements are a PC size card using DVI (Digital Video Interface) technology which is based on 1750 chipset of Intel (CH Wu, 2009). Indeo uses the Compression technique called Vector Quantization with run length coding in the ratio of 160:1. Video Conferencing is the major application of Indeo wh ich can store minimum of 70 minutes video in a CD-ROM. Based on Video Conferencing application Intel has launched one more product named PCWG (Personal Conferencing Work Group). The compression technique used here is software instead of hardware to cope up with reasonable cost. Intel has developed many products based on different standards. As Indeo is based on Vector Quantization it works much faster than MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group) and H.261.This is an ITU-T (International Telecommunication Union- Telecommunication) Video Conferencing standard based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) (CH Wu, 2009). 2.1.1 (D) MHEG (Multimedia and Hypermedia Information Coding Expert Group) To control the presentations of multimedia and hypermedia MHEG is a standard prepared by ISO for a set of object classes. To support the multi vendor client or server environment MHEG-5 technique was introduced (CH WU, 2009). Vendors who developed applications in this environment have feasibility that application can be developed once and later information can be interchangeable according to the end user (client/vendor) environment. MHEG has additional multimedia handling capabilities like it is used for representation between different computers and compatible with all typ0e of OS, has 3 different spatial coordinates compared to HTML (Hypertext Markup language). This is good at time synchronisation. ARMIDA service which is a product prototype developed for video conferencing (CH WU, 2009). COMPRESSION STANDARDS There are many widely accepted compression standards like GIF (Graphical Information Format) which is mostly used for internet services and ISO (International standard Organization) standard for high quality of delivery. This report illustrates about the two major ISO compression standards which are accepted worldwide. 2.1.2(A) JPEG (Joint Picture Expert Group) This standard is used for compressing and decompressing the colour or gray scale images which was set by ISO standard. JPEG is used for compressing the still pictures like images, graphics, colour FAX, audio graphical conference, desktop publishing etc. The standards of JPEG follow four coding processes. Base Line System: This is a simple and efficient system which is suitable for many of the applications. To encode the data it uses sequential coding which means data passes in a single through which produces 8 bit resolution for each input (CH WU, 2009). Extended System: The extended system improves the quality of base line system by producing 12 resolution bits. For encoding the data is uses arithmetic coding by progressive build-up. This progresses low frequency blurred image to higher frequency quality image and successive approximation for most significant to least significant bits (CH Wu, 2009). Progressive build-up is suitable for communication sensitive applications. Arithmetic encoding compresses almost 5-10% better when compared with Huffman coding. Hierarchical encoding method: The name itself indicates it is hierarchical, so it build-up the data from low to high. This means it follows the pyramid shape model form low pixels to high pixels. It uses DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) encoding method for comparison between current and succeeding frame (CH Wu, 2009). This supports both 8 and 12 bit resolutions. Lossless Method: This is widely used in medical applications where exact reconstruction of the image is required. Each pixels digital value can be 2 or 16 bits. It supports sequential encoding and also user has a choice of selecting encoding methods either arithmetic or Huffman coding (CH Wu, 2009). This does not make use of DCT. Fig 1: Block Diagram of JPEG compression scheme [] 2.1.2(B) MPEG (Motion Picture Expert Group) The MPEG standard was developed by the ISO/ JTC1/SC29/ WG11 for compressing motion pictures in contrast to JPEG which is used for still images (CH Wu, 2009). MPEG standards specify and concentrate on decoding process with bit syntax format. It leaves a separate space for encoding process. This has two standards MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 in addition to this there is one more standard which is under progress MPEG-4. Let us discuss in brief about the same. MPEG-1: For compressing video on digital storage like CD-ROM MPEG-1 is used (CH Wu, 2009). In storage media the compression is rate about 1 to 1.5 Mbps (Mega bit per second) and in communication networks its range is about 6 to 9 with compression ratio of approximately 130:1. MPEG-2: In addition to the video compression on media it also used for compressing interlaced digital video in cable, satellite TV, HDTV (High Definition TV), High- quality digital storage media and video service through communications with range of [6-9]. The compression ratio of this is 30-100:1 (CH Wu, 2009). MPEG-4: This is a long term project which was started in 1993 with the expected completion year as 1998 (CH Wu, 2009). This sets for all type of applications and has advanced coding method. It has got the following features in addition to the compression potential. Content based scalability and error prone environments have universal access capabilities by providing good robustness. Content based interactivity for multimedia access, manipulation and bit-stream editing (CH Wu, 2009). In addition to this it has coding methods like hybrid natural and synthetic methods with improved random access which is temporary. In MPEG-4 MSDL ( MPEG-4 Syntactic Description Language ) was introduced to describe the flexibility of bit stream structure, configuring, decoding of the program, selecting, describing, editing, and downloading. MSDL include tools, profiles and algorithms. Profile may be a single or combinations of one or more algorithms. Algorithm is a collection of tools for providing one or more functionality. Tools are simple and basic technique (CH Wu, 2009). Syntax of MSDL layer FLEX 0 This is used in switching between pre-defined algorithms like MPEG-1, MPEG-2, JPEG, etc (CH Wu, 2009). FLEX 1 This syntax is for configuring decoders using standard tools like DCT and Huffman coding (CH Wu, 2009). FLEX 2 used for tool updating and downloading (CH Wu, 2009). Fig 2: Block Diagram of MPEG encoder [] Multimedia Applications Now-a-days we can find the use of multimedia in not only media, entertainment and arts field but also in almost all places and in all services like hospitals, government organisations. Its also used in the field of education departments like physics, mathematics etc. The following are some of the important applications of multimedia. Commercial Purpose Creativity is most widely useful in these areas because for doing any type of business a good popularity is vital. For launching a product a good advertisement is necessary where in which creativity should be used here to deal with. Education To make the classes interactively for the students multimedia is used by giving SFX and VFX effects. Entertainment Multimedia is basically developed for this field where different types of media are included. Used to create animation movies, multimedia games. Many video games include multimedia techniques which are a good time pass and in addition to it this improves the knowledge of the player. Multimedia games can be available through online to play or it can also be obtained through CDs. In Mathematical and Scientific field Multimedia has extensive range of use in the research field. Because after creation of a particular molecule or a single substance using multimedia that molecule will be studied by enlarging the size or increasing the properties of it. In this way multimedia will also be used in the field of calculations. For creation of any visual or animation graphics the most commonly used effects are special effects popularly known as SFX and visual effects named as VFX. To edit these there are many editing softwares available of them the most popular editing software is Adobe After Effects which commonly known as AE. Adobe After Effects (AE) Adobe After effects is mainly used for workflow process management for colour processing. To achieve a perfect quality of colour blended emotions or graphics to the images AE is used. The currently used software for editing in version of AE is AECS5. Prior to this there are many previous versions which are used for colour blending process. The basic version of Adobe is CoSA and the code name for it is egg in the year of 1993 in January (Adobe, 2008). The features of this are mask with layered compositing, effects, keyframes, transforms (Adobe, 2008). In the same year but in the month of May one more version of it is released but with extended features. Both versions of these CoSA1.0 and 1.1 support MAC operating system (Adobe, 2008). From then to till now there have been many technologies and versions evolved. The report concentrates on AE and its versions. Adobe After Effects CS5 To succeed in todays media culture visual richness and outstanding performance is required which can be obtained through CS5. Its new 64-bit native support helps most of the computers to work more efficiently with complex projects like HD, 2k and 4K. A broad range of innovative features from the new roto brush allows for creating the stream line of workflow. This enables to create ordinary graphics in to extra ordinary graphics which results in blockbuster effects while delivering the work with variety of screens. 2.3.1(A) Features of CS5 64-bit performance support: To craft complex 3D scenes it works flexibly with all types of available RAM and different types of processors (Adobe, 2008). It is easy to work on large frames, camera moves, preview of long deep layered composites, a single layer can be viewed in to different types of output format. The four colour channels of this are red, blue, green, alpha. Fig 3: 64-bit native support [] Format memory requirements standard definition 720486 pixels x 4 color channels* x 8 bpc =1.33 megabytes/frame10 seconds @ 29.97 fps = 398.6MB (Adobe, 2008) high definition 19201080 pixels x 4 color channels* x 16 bpc =15.82 megabytes/frame10 seconds @ 23.976 fps = 3.7GB (Adobe, 2008). Digital cinema 40962304 pixels x 4 color channels* x 32 bpc =144 megabytes/frame10 seconds @ 24 fps =33.75GB (Adobe, 2008). Visual Innovation: After Effects CS5 includes Mocha for After Effects CS5 v2 with the Mocha Shape plug-in, Color Finesse 3, and Digieffects FreeForm (Adobe, 2008). As these are third party plug-ins included with CS5 the user interface was installed in only English language. Efficient Composition: Performs composite productions very faster with maximum bit depth rate because of the new roto brush tool. There is a new support for colour LUTs (Look Up Table) and other breakthroughs. Production of pipelines was excellent and in complex digital workflow productions good support of XMP metadata is important.CS5 completely uses innovation of technology everywhere (Adobe, 2008). Deliver everywhere: Work with a wider range of media types-now including AVC-Intra and expanded RED camera support-and render the final results in formats from mobile media to feature films at maximum bit depth and resolution, using industry-unique colour management and new custom Colour Look-Up Table (LUT) support to help ensure accurate results across a variety of delivery platforms (Adobe, 2008). The Adobe After effects not only works well in Windows environment but also it is compatible also with MAC and can produce good result. The Roto brush tool is a very powerful tool which separates foreground and background and chooses which environment and position of scale sets to fix the image. If drawing a position of image is unsure then positioning an outline on the picture with roto brush gives good result. The digieffects which is a free from effects which gives 3D modelling effects. 3. RESEARCH In multimedia applications the effects used are like SFX and VFX to edit this Adobe after effects are used. The following are the key point which I found in my research on this topic. Adobe After Effects is an application which is used for 3D Compositing and as well as visual effects. It is one of the most top10 compositing software. Well coming to software, there are more drawbacks on that compare to newer versions. Newer application is more user friendly and more reliable compare to previous versions. It supports all types of major media formats for both import and export. In newer version i.e., After Effects CS5, it only supports 64bit Os. So application can take more memory from Os which support up to 64GB of memory. So that huge amount of data can be accessed through local HDD (Hard Disk Drive) and also from network. The speed of the drive can be experienced by using 1Gbps of LAN. But in this the main issue is multitask cannot be performed. This means at a time only application can be run and processed. Due to this backlog, working on more files at a time is not possible so the process becomes time consuming one. The drawback of this issue can be overcome by installing the application and plugins which we used in more than one application. But it takes 2-3Hrs of time moreover it is a time consuming program. In addition to it one user cant work on multiple projects/files at a time. 4. PROPOSED SOLUTION To overcome the delay process, there is a trick which should be followed to open multiple applications. The trick is as follows. I.e., just add the letter -M after the path at target tab. The image is as follows. Using this script multiple applications can be opened at a time which works faster and also save the time depending on the configuration of the user machine. If the machine is of good configuration a very good quality of speed can be experienced. Fig4:Explanation of Multi Application 4.1 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Adobe After Effects CS5 boost the performance and results in a high quality of production. Its features like roto brush tool used to create and separate foreground and background images without much time. Its third party plug-ins increases robustness and efficiency of the program. Its 64-bit native support makes the process compatible with all type of processors. Use good colour blending and movie rendering techniques which gives good effects with innovation of ideas. This also supports auto key frame modes and provides flexibility to customer or client for choosing his own colour Look Up Tables (LUT). In any product there are not only advantages but also we can find disadvantages. This paragraph discusses all about the disadvantages of CS5. For installing CS5 the OS should support some features like OSx10.5.7 (Adobe, 2008). As this supports 64-bit native support every third party plug-in of it should be upgraded to the same. This is not only time taking process but also costly process. CS5 is not compatible with older versions so every time backward version like CS4 must be installed in addition to the CS5. This makes to work on the current projects without difficulty. Installing on a single PC two or more versions decreases the speed of the processor as older versions works only on 32-bit applications. For AE lights and other 3D layers there is no real interaction of 3D. So the lights and 3D layers should be applied separately in Photoshop this is another important drawback which should be considered. 5. CONCLUSION This report describes briefly about the multimedia and its applications. A very clear and basic explanation about working flow of Adobe After Effects and its current version CS5 which is popularly known as AECS5. This paper also discusses about the problem of opening multi applications at a time and provided the solution for the same. The detailed explanation about the roto brush tool and its importance is provided. This research has clearly explained the merits and demerits of AE (AE CS5). As the technology has good advancements in day to day life the long term project which is still in progress should come out with good advancements. The future advancements of this technology can be upgrading the software with built in lights and 3D effects with good real 3D interaction. CS5 must be compatible with backward versions of CS like CS4 and Cs3. In addition to this there can be many future advancements based on the technology developed. (4300 words excluded references and index) ABBREVIATIONS LAN- Local Area Network AE- Adobe After Effects NLE- Non Linear Editing Systems DVD- Digital Video Disk INDEO- Intel Video MHEG-Multimedia Hypermedia Information Coding Expert Group MIDI- Musical Instrument Digital Interface VFW- Video For Windows AVI- Audio Video Interface DVI- Digital Video Interface MPEG- Motion Picture Expert Group JPEG- Joint Picture Expert Group ITU-T International Telecommunication Union- Telecommunication DCT- Discrete Cosine Transform HTML- Hyper Text Markup Language GIF- Graphical Interchange Format ISO- International Standard Organisation HDTV- High Definition TV MSDL- MPEG-4 Syntactic Description Language SFX- Special Effects VFX- Visual Effects LUT- Look Up Table
Friday, September 20, 2019
Euthanasia Essay - The Immorality of Physician Assisted Suicide
Euthanasia: the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefit, a highly controversial subject. Assisted suicide: Someone provides an individual with the information, guidance, and means to take his or her own life. When a doctor helps another person to kill themselves it is called "physician assisted suicide" ( 1). This widely debated topic of assisted suicide is immoral and unethical in today's standards. Most people who commit suicide or wish to commit suicide are mentally ill and make impaired judgments. Many of those who wish to commit suicide are really just reaching out for help, and disorders such as depression, which lead to attempted suicide, are treatable (Pretzer 1). For those people suffering with chronic pain from, there have been many advances in pain control and management. Today in the United States, Physician Assisted Suicide or PAS is illegal in all states except for Oregon. If PAS were to be legalized in the rest of the country, it would cause major problems. In the one state that Physician Assisted Suicide is legal there have been major problems and any unhappy people. Mentally ill patients have been stereotyped as crazy people who have to be locked away so they don't hurt themselves or anyone else. This is a reality only for a very small portion of mentally handicapped persons. The majority of the mentally ill are fully capable of living on their own and making just decisions. They are not a danger to anyone except themselves. These people are classified as clinically depressed and have a chemical imbalance in their brains that impairs their perspective about their lives. People suffering from depression are the ones who g... ...d on the alternatives to assisted suicide. Works Cited Anderson, Kerby. Euthanasia in Oregon. Probe Ministries. 13 Nov. 2001>. Cannon, John. Another Look at Euthanasia. Independent Press Association. 13 Nov. 2001 Euthanasia Definitions. 13 Nov. 2001 Langley, Tamora. Physician Assisted Suicide. Voluntary Euthanasia Society. 15 Nov. 2001 O'Bannon, Randall K., and Burke, J. Balch. Why We Shouldn't Legalize Assisted Suicide. National Right to Life. 13 Nov. 2001 Pretzer, Michael. Assisted Suicide: Should it be Legal? 15 Nov. 2001
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Misguided American Dream in Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman :: Death Salesman essays
Misguided American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman Death of a Salesman deals with hopes and dreams gone wrong. This does not necessarily have to be the "American" dream as such, because all people share the same hopes and dreams, regardless of nationality. The underlying factor, and the inevitable truth is that we all have to dream, dreams are important for human existence. It is evident to the reader that for Willy, his ultimate dream was to follow in the footsteps of Uncle Ben and become a successful salesman. Unfortunately for Willy, most of his dreams are illusions, yet he is unable to come face to face with this fact. At the plays conclusion, Biff is susceptible to succumb to the fact that his father, Willy, did in fact have "all the wrong dreams", and the reader will agree that this is ultimately what lead to Willy's downfall. Willy's false hopes and dreams are evident in the fact that he wants to be a mirror image of his brother Ben. "The man knew what he wanted and went out and got it!" Willy believes that Ben has the "ultimate life", and strives to follow in the dream of being a successful salesman. This brings forth the notion of Willy kidding himself, and not knowing any different. "The jungle is dark but full of diamonds." The jungle metaphor is continually bought to the reader's attention throughout the novel. Like Ben, Willy hopes to strike it rich in the business world of New England. Yet Willy never finds the diamonds (success), and he leaves life without fortune or fame. In many ways, the jungle also represents the American Dream ideal that Miller often criticized. It is the opinion of Willy that the job of a salesman is the most enjoyable of all jobs. "...And the smile on your face" gives the reader the notion that Willy is happy in his job, which Willy himself leads him self to believe. Evidently, this only turns out to be another illusion that Willy has created for himself. Nearing the novels conclusion, it is evident to the reader that Willy is unable to maintain this smile, and he is no longer happy in his job. Willy's illusions throughout the novel are also evident to the educated audience.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman :: essays research papers
Personal Writing: Fickle Fisherman It was an early Saturday morning, about 6:00am. I was Awake and dressed ready to fish! I had been preparing for the fishing derby for about 1 month and was ready to win. I got to the lake at about 6:30 and started to fish. As the day progressed more and more people showed up. Before noon there was no place to sit around the lake and people couldn't fish. Lines were being crossed and people were getting kind of mad. Beside me was an old, hardened looking man who i just ignored.Then finially i had a bite! I looked at the line and instantly jerked back the rod and reeled as hard as i could. I fought the fish for 5 or 10 min and netted it up. Not a bad catch, it was only a catfish but it was fair sized.But the guy beside me didn't seem to think so he looked at it and gave a little laugh and kept on fishing. I really didn't know what to think, was he laughing at something i didn't see or was there something wrong with my fish? I just disregarded it and continued fishing. Then as i was getting bored and drowsey I heard a yelp and the old man shot up. He had a bite! As he was fighting it he started talking and telling me how to catch a REAL fish not the guppy in my bucket. As he talked and talked the fish got closer and closer and he netted it up and took a look. The fish was about half the size of mine but it was a carp not a catfish. I gave a little laugh and continued and he tried to explain...."well you see boy, a carp is a hell of alot harder to hook than a catfish. Carp don't just eat everything they see, they're very selective. So if I were you I wouldn't laugh to hard just yet". I wasn't to sure if the information was legit but i really doubted it so I just went on with my fishing. It was getting close to weigh-on time so i had to get a better fish. Then the out of all the things that could happen, the old guy gets a fish on his line, and it was a big one! He fought the monster and got it to shore and as he was netting it he fell in the lake. Not in the deep part, only waist deep but I
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Pegasus Airlines Essay
Please read the case on page 36-37 and answer the following questions: Question 1: Give examples of the needs, wants and demands that Pegasus customers demonstrate, differentiating these 3 concepts. What are the implications of each for Pegasus’ practices? (10 points) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Examples of needs: Pegasus’ customers need diversification. examples of wants: Customers are willing to improve the airline company and reflect their opinions, mostly by the website â€Å"Pegasus listens to you†. examples of demands: low-cost flights, choice between many destinations , good quality services, and discounts and other benefits for the customers. The implications of each for Pegasus’ practices are based on the orientation on customers. So, they want to satisfy their customers and meet their expectations. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Question 2: Describe in detail all the facets of Pegasus’ product. What is being exchanged in a Pegasus transaction? (10 points) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Pegasus sells customers a product, a ticket for a flight. Since it is a low-cost airline company, the tickets are not very expensive and compared to other airline companies the tickets are cheap. But Pegasus is not a company with low quality service like most other low-cost airline companies, they in fact focus on satisfying their customers. So besides the flight they give the customers all kind of discounts and benefits. For example they have: a credit loyalty card to reduce insurance rate, have a refund strategy for when departure is delayed, give away free tickets for winners of events on social networks. Also the company really meets the customers’ expectations and the company improves itself by listening to the customers’ voice. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Question 3: Which of the 5 marketing management concepts best applies to Pegasus? (5 points) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Pegasus wants to satisfy the customer as much as possible when they choose Pegasus airline by all kinds of discounts and benefits. This is a good example of the marketing concept, where the idea is that the organizational goal is to deliver the desired satisfaction better than competitors by adapting your product/service to the needs and wants of the customer. So that means they definitely apply best to the marketing concept. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Question 4: What value does Pegasus create for its customers? (10 points) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- The most important value is that Pegasus has a great price-quality ratio. That is basically the main reason why they are so popular in Turkey and the neighbour countries, if Pegasus holds on to that strategy they seriously could be more successful. Other values that Pegasus gives their customers is that, Pegasus insures successful service through safety, training and is devoted employees, it employs creative communication with customers, it offers great destinations and easy access to international hubs and it uses efficient management techniques, delivering low prices with a high-quality service experience. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Question 5: Is Pegasus likely to continue being successful in building customer relationships? Why or why not? (5 points) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- The relatively good relationship between Pegasus and its customers, will highly likely be continued. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Because the economy of Turkey is currently stable, especially compared with the European countries and the United states. Which basically means that they could keep continue with their strategy. Moreover Pegasus created a Twitter and Facebook account several years ago. With which they keep close touch with their customers. Social media has been a great hype lately. Since the early 2000s social media became a great way to communicate with friends, relatives and even colleagues . Soon enough companies found out that social media is good way to make commercials. Pegasus automatically focuses on the youth as their target group. This is a target group that has been increasingly integrating social media such as Facebook and Twitter into their daily life. The y outh of today is the customer of tomorrow! That is the main reason that we think that the relatively good relationship between Pegasus and its customers will be continued in the future. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-
Monday, September 16, 2019
Biggie Smalls Is the Illest
Authenticity defines what is ‘real’ and what is not. Having ones own genuine, homegrown swagger and to then continue to maintain that strut as ones career (or life in general) carries on. The most prominent aspect to being authentic is having the courage to design entirely new, different and altered concepts and bring them into the mainstream, or at the very least attempt to do so. Turn the page to 19990’s hip-hop. The Rock N’ Roll era was over and it was time for a new genre to takeover. The 90’s contained so much diversity in it’s sound to the point where it started a phenomenon; the rap game.Within this frenzy of shootings, gang pride, and territorial disputes came one of the greatest hip hop artists to ever live. His sound had a Jamaican ring to it, thanks to his mother who was a Jamaican native. His deep ‘uh-n’s in his tracks were so organic that it was good enough to get his name out throughout Jamaica Queens, NY and then ev entually to the desk of P. Diddy. Diddy is often recognized as the ‘founding father’ of the Notorious B. I. G. When the 90’s reached their midpoint, Biggie Smalls and Diddy had created an empire which they called Bad Boy records.As both their business senses grew keener, so did the killer instinct of the west coast rap artists. Unfortunately, so much hype was surfaced in the media pertaining to the differences between East Coast style and West Coast style, so much that the murder rates were skyrocketing in major cities†¦and nobody saw an end in sight. The media brought the two most prominent figures into question; Christopher Wallace and Tupac Shakur. Now, there is a theory of a ‘beef’ between these two rappers that happened one night but it will take much too long to explain.In the end, Christopher Wallace was shot while visiting California, doing a tour on the West Coast. From there it’s all history. Christopher â€Å"Biggie Smallsâ₠¬ Wallace left his ginormous Timberland boot-print on hip hop forever. His audacity lead him to create a whole new sound in hip hop, a sound that made people bump and dance to in the NY clubs. No body wanted to listen to Ice Cube or Dr. Dre bellow about crack rocks and cutting people. Sure, Biggie has drug and weapon references, but that’s hip hop.That is how it has always been, and Biggie changed the face of rap by his unique talents and finding his own authentic sound. Brooklyn stand up. â€Å"To protect my position, my corner, my layer While we out here, say the hustlas prayer If the game shakes me or breaks me I hope it makes me a better man Take a better stand Put money in my moms hand Get my daughter this college plan, so she don't need no man Stay far from timid Only make moves when ya heart's-in-it And live the phrase Sky's The Limit†The Notorious B. I. G. â€Å"Sky’s The Limit†featuring 112 Life After Death (Disc 2) (1997)
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Little Miss Sunshine Theme Essay Essay
An important idea in the film â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine†directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris is the idea that being a winner is more about perseverance and having fun than coming first place and always succeeding. A key character in the film is Richard Hoover, who portrays the development of this idea through his dialogue, costume and camera angles. Initially as defined by Richard, the world is split into only two types of people, â€Å"winners and losers†. Richard’s opening shot shows a middle-aged man orating to an audience, with a large projector behind him showing ‘the 9 steps’. The low angle establishing shots make him look like a man of importance, but ironically, once his speech has ended we realize he is speaking not to a large crowd of people, but a near empty classroom, with only 10 people. While there is a slight feeling of pity it also brings a note of humor to the speech as Richard who was portrayed as the ‘winner’ of the scene is now revealed to be more of a loser. The opening line of the film is â€Å"There are two types of people in this world, winners and losers†indicating to the viewer that the idea of what makes someone a winner will be dominant throughout the film. The statement is also used as a voice-over for the films first scene, where Olive is practicing winning a beauty pageant. Through this the audience quickly connects that Richard’s view of success has greatly influenced his daughter’s, as she practices her ‘winning’ face. The opening scene has been carefully chosen by the Dayton and Faris as a way to communicate to the audience that Richard’s perspective on winners will be a significant theme throughout the film. Richards’s obsession with winning and how he pushes this onto others is again witnessed as he manipulates Olive into not eating ice cream. When the slightly chubby Olive chooses Waffles and ice cream for breakfast, Richard implies that fatty foods and beauty pageants cannot co-exist. His careful choice of words â€Å"Have you ever seen a fat beauty pageant winner? †show him using Olive’s ambitions to dictate her behavior. He knows she cares deeply about this, and takes advantage of it. The Hoovers reaction to Richard is subtle but vital suggesting to the viewer that when people reach this level of obsession with victory it is no longer appropriate. As in this scene, Richard is shown in a close up of his face. However, when Dwayne, Grandpa and Frank try to get Olive to eat ice cream, they are shown with a mid-shot, displaying their cohesion when trying to cheer up Olive. This group shot further enforces Richard’s separation from the group, illustrating how the family is starting to realize that Richard’s attitude is no longer acceptable. The next important scene is were the audience finally sees Richard at his lowest point, and how he has invested so much of his life into the 9 steps that he cant bear to move on. When Richard is confronted with Sheryl screaming â€Å"Fuck the 9 steps Richard†¦I never want to hear the nine steps again! †he realizes that the foundation of his life might all be crap. Richard urgently hunts down Stan, his ex-business partner, but is met with further rejection. Richard is unable to accept that Stan has moved on, replying, â€Å"You mean give up? One set back, you’re ready to quit†. This scene is important for displaying the theme of what makes someone a winner because it fully encompasses the fact that Richard has become so consumed with compartmentalizing the world into winners and loser, he can no longer see the difference between giving up and just moving on. Costume was also used in this scene to fully emphasize the contrast between Stan Grossman (the winner) who wore an expensive suit, and Richard (the loser), who has on trainers, kaki pants and a cheap polo shirt. When Richard’s father dies, we see an important shift towards the idea of participation relating to winners. The directors have chosen this moment for this idea of what makes a winner to take a significant shift as the audience can see that the grief of losing his father causes Richard change his view on success as he learns to appreciate family. Choosing between abiding by the law (remaining with the body at the hospital) or supporting his daughter, makes him realize that coming first doesn’t always make you a winner. â€Å"If there’s one thing my father would have wanted it’s to see Olive perform in the LMS pageant. †This dialogue shows how Richard has developed, realizing that winning is more about determination and taking part, than first place. Winners are now seen as people that â€Å"don’t give up. †He sees that it wasn’t about Olive coming first for Grandpa, it was about her taking part. Finally the family makes it to the pageant but things start to take turn for the worse when Richard sees the rest of the competition. His expression goes from one of pride and excitement to a look of surprise and worry with and his mouth agape as it gradually dawns on him that the whole point of the trip (winning the Pageant) is no longer a reality as the other contestants are obviously much more experienced and competitive. Richard then rushes into the changing rooms to hurriedly tell Sheryl â€Å"I don’t want her to go on†. This shows that he still believes that it is better to avoid being a loser by not participating than to try and have fun with the risk of not winning. Although the audience can tell by Richards ashamed face, and avoidance of eye contact with Sheryl that he is somewhat embarrassed about having this feeling. This attitude is directly contrasted to the advice that Grandpa gave to Olive â€Å"A real loser is someone so afraid of losing that they don’t try at all†. The final scene where we finally see the idea that winning is more about perseverance and having fun than coming first is when Olive performs her dance routine. In this scene Richard finally understands what being a winner is really all about and instead of telling Olive to stop dancing he instead takes part jumping on stage and validating Olives choice to take part by copying her movements, regardless of if they are going to win. This is when he realizes that participating because you enjoy it is also a lot more fun, smiling and laughing as his family takes the stage, skipping in circles and whooping. This final scene fully conveys to the audience the joy and fulfillment you can gain if you leave your inhibitions behind and have fun by following your passions In conclusion an important Idea in Little Miss Sunshine was displayed through the use of Richard, a main character, coupled with various cinematic techniques such as dialogue, camera angles and costume. This helped to show how initially in the Hoover household a winner was someone who always came first and put their goals before everything else, even family. But gradually as the film progressed they came to realize that striving for first place is an unfulfilling goal but being a true winner is someone who has the perseverance to take part and have fun, regardless of how what others say.
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