Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Media and the Uneducated Masses Essay -- Media Argumentative Persu
The Media and the Uneducated Masses In the United States or every country with favorable or democraticgovernment, freedom of the media is essential. However, many analysts remember that freedom granted to the media gives it occasion that may be usedabusively, power to influence the public. These critics are against a sortof, Lesse-fairre attitude of the government towards the media. At theother end of the table however, some feel that freedom effrontery to the mediamay go unchecked, for it is the citizenry that influence the media and controlthat power. Perhaps the legality lies somewhere in between... James H every(prenominal)ow attempts to approach this issue in his work WhyAmericans Hate the Media. In this text Hallows examines the evolution ofthe media and its kinship to the public it caters to. In the thirties,media mimicked sleepytime Sunday morning semipolitica l debates that one would fascinate on the public access channel. They, in many ways were consideredboring. Nedeucerks were ripening more interested in attracting theiraudiences. As the years advanced and engine room followed, media begantaking different approaches to arouse the public. Conflicts on televisionwhere seen as a more interesting and productive approach to increasingratings. After a while, interviewers would attempt to provoke debate, mudthrowing and even emotion out of its political guests. Politicians who beallowed air-time to address questions presented by viewers and interviewers. One major explosive charge however, was that the media was more interested inevoking a resp... ...nterpretations of data. You mayreceive the news, only how you receive it may decide how you interpret it.But perhaps it may actually be a symbiotic relationship between the twoentities. It may be that the media manipulates the masses and the mass esmanipulate the media. It is true that the media could promote how thepublic may feel towards a public figure or towards a recorded event.Television could make a person a hero or villian at the whim of thepresentor through the use of blandishment or just the data that was selectivelypresented to the intended audience. But peoples slightest reactions inturn can affect the medias presentation on the issue. After all it is aharsh group of critics that one is trying to appeal to, whence it isreally a delicate ever-changing balance between the desires of people and their hosts.
The Four Functions of Management Essay -- essays research papers
The Four Functions of ManagementThere be quaternary functions of management that need to be successfully applied if a affair is to survive and thrive in the fast paced economy of today. They are devicening, organizing, leading, and controlling. all business, large or small, public or private impart clear from a well- organise, coordinated, directed, and monitored business plan.Planning is the process of defining a structured sequence of specific t leases that need to be accomplished to achieve a goal. Good planning is key to their success of all considers. Some projects accept the installation of whole production lines and others may involve only modifications to an living line. However the size or scope of the project, there must(prenominal) be a well thought out plan in correct to guarantee a successful outcome. When planning a project it is of the essence(p) to first imagine the completed project. The project film director must ask him/herself, what will the success ful project look like? What are the guests requirements? When these questions are answered the project manager digest move off with an action plan. One method a project manager will use to go developing the action plan is to break the project down into manageable segments. Each segment will have countable tasks and we will call them milestones. When building the list of project milestones it is helpful to begin by imagining the completed project and working backwards, consider all the go it took to get there.Now that the project manager has a list of milestones and has disquieted them down into manageable segments, he or she will organize the requisite resources into a project aggroup. This organizational aspect is vital to the success of the project. The police squad will be comprised of individuals qualified to deliver those milestones. A project manager charged with modifying an aseptic filling line will select aggroup members from engineering, manufacturing, process v alidation, quality assurance, and safety. The project manager is now the project team attraction. The team will meet and agree on a timeline for run into the project milestones. The team leader will establish the frequency of ensuant meetings, assign responsibilities, and state member expectations through the development of a team employ. The entire team will participate in developing the charter. The charter will describe their com... ...t has 4 fields they are the action item, consider assigned, individuals responsible, and date when they expect to deliver. During each team meeting the team members are required to report the progress made on their action items and gabfest on their anticipated expiration. It may be possible for the team leader to adapt and modify the timeline based on un judge challenges or changes that can often occur. After each team meeting the scribe will produce a formal-minutes document and E-mail it to all members. This is helpful in that all members will know through their next steps what is expected of them and their role on the team. The team has completed their goals when all milestones in the plan have been achieved.As technology changes, businesses have to change with it to remain competitive. Businesses must be willing to apply the four functions of management in unsanded ways. In the example above the team concept is used to vest and motivate its members by giving them ownership in the project, however a team needs a good plan to follow. Todays manager is often a team leader that delegates, motivates, controls, and targets resources towards the successful completion of the project.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Five force model of PIXAR
panic of new entrants High Advanced technologies make it difficult for new competitors to project the merchandise because they have to develop those technologies before effectively competing. The requirement for forward-looking technologies positively affects PIXAR. The PIXAR has a high level technology development department, so the threat of new competitors is the technology. Threat of substitute products or services correct I consider substitute products to be theater or different forms of entertainment.Internet is also a substitute form of entertainment as the concept of instant messaging was very popular at this time. Also, we plunder see the beginning of the popular social network Facebook gain clasp as it was launched in 2004. Rivalry among existing competitors High Since there argon only a few key players with similar percentage of market sh ar (ranges from 14%-19%), the competition between them is strong. To be more competitive, the ontogenesis trend is to consolida te and acquire other studios.For example, Vivendi acquired Universal in 2000, which was whence acquired by GE in 2004 and Viacom acquired DreamWorks in 2006. Power of buyers Moderate I treasure this threat to be moderate as there are many potential consumers with fixateed financial impact on the industry. In addition, the industry is dominated by key players thus is able to limit the options for the buyers. On the contrary, even though there are only a few options, there are effectively zero switching be for customers.Hence, go throughing a film by one company does not make it more costly or difficult to then watch a film from a competitor. Power of suppliers Moderate I assess this threat to be moderate since with technology, hand-drawn animation is being replaced by computer technology. In addition, the needs for these computer animation skills start to be outsourced from mating America to Asia Pacific where there are significant lower be coupled with high quality computer animation production.
The Effects of Drug Abuse
The Effect of drug subvert Jason Russ The Effect of Drug Ab exercise Many people do non understand why or how other people become addicted to do dosess. It force out be wrongfully assumed that medicate misdirectrs lack moral principles or allowpower and that they could point using medicates simply by choosing to change their style. In reality, drug dependance is a complex disease, and quitting takes more than good intentions. In position, be feat drugs change the capitulum in ways that foster compulsive drug demoralize, quitting is difficult, even for those who be ready to do so.Through scientific advances, we know more about how drugs produce in the mindset than ever, and we also know that drug dependency contribute be successfully treated to garter people gag rule abusing drugs and rifle productive lives. Today, thanks to science, our views and chemical reactions to drug contumely has changed dramatically. Groundbreaking discoveries about the brain bring o n revolutionized our understanding of drug addiction, enabling us to respond efficaciously to the problem, (Volkow).Addiction is a develop custodytal disease that begins in infancy and adolescence and is influenced by a combination of factors involving genes, environment, and an individuals age at first drug use. The genes that people ar born with in combination environmental influences of their addiction defenselessness. To addition that, gender, ethnicity, and the mental disorders may influence insecurity for drug abuse and addiction. Scientists estimate that genetic factors account for between 40 and 60 portion of a persons vulnerability to addiction, including the cause of environment on gene expression and function.Adolescents and individuals with mental disorders atomic number 18 at greater risk of drug abuse and addiction than the general population, (Volkow). Few helplessness genes have been show for intoxi poopt dependence and nicotine addiction. Alcoholism is a ge netically inherited disease. There are several(prenominal) evidences proving that Scientists at Washington University domesticate of Medicine conducted a genome-wide association interpret in 2006 and identified several novel genes involved in nicotine dependence.In 2004, researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found a protein, called Arc, which may be a culprit in drug addiction. The protein helps the brain retain memories for longer than an hour or two, ( link of American Medical Colleges). In 1994, scientists at the Oregon Health & adenine skill University were the first to cl wiz the mammalian gene for the D2 dopamine receptor. Dopamine is a brain neurotransmitter that is thought to be essential to the brains response to drugs like opiates and psycho stimulants, (Association of American Medical Colleges). Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers describe in 2006 that mens brains show evidence of up to ternion times the amount of the brai n chemical dopamine as womens brains when exposed to amphetamines. This is the first clinical study that pardons why more men than women abuse amphetamines and could lead to tailored treatments for drug abuse and neurological diseases, (Association of American Medical Colleges).On the other hand, many people believe that Addiction is a choice, meaning any wizard can stop or moderate their use of addictive drugs anytime they want to by just going to Meditation, Yoga, Exercise, Acupuncture and Counseling. However, drug addiction is a certain disease because one of the main reasons is called dopamine. habit-forming drugs trigger the release of the brain chemical dopamine, which in turn creates a reward circuit in the brain. This circuit registers that blood-and-guts experience as important and creates lasting memories of it as a pleasurable experience.Dopamine changes the brain on a cellular level, commanding the brain to do it again, which heightens the possibility of regress even long after the behavior (or drug) has stopped. Dopamine also helps to explain why intense experiences can be just as addictive as drugs, (Smithstein). A persons environment includes many diametric influences, from family and friends to quality of life in general. Factors such(prenominal) as peer pressure, strong-arm and sexual abuse, stress, and quality of parenting can greatly influence the occurrence of drug abuse and the growth to addiction in a persons life.Many people today do not understand why virtually become addicted to drugs or how drugs change the brain to foster neurotic drug abuse. Parents who abuse drugs or engage in criminal behavior can increase childrens risks of developing their own drug problems. routine of substances by parents and their children is strongly correlated generally, if parents take drugs, sooner or ulterior their children leave also. Teenagers who use drugs are more likely to have one or more parents who also use drugs. Children who depend on illegitimate drugs usually have poor sociable skills or academic failures. In 2004, researchers at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA used geomorphological magnetized resonance imaging (MRI) and computational brain mapping to reveal structural abnormalities in the brains of degenerative methamphetamine users, (Association of American Medical Colleges). A 2005 study at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine showed that functional MRI might be used to predict relapse in substance-dependent individuals. A simple two-choice experiment correctly predicted 20 of 22 subjects who did not relapse and 17 of 18 subjects who did, (Association of American Medical Colleges). In one study, 41% of addicted parents account that at least one of their children repeated a grade in school, 19% were involved in truancy, and 30% had been suspended from school, (National Association for Children of Alcoholics). People, who believe that drug addiction is not a disease, c laim that have nothing do with the environment. But the scientist says that a people were influenced by a combination factors including genes and environment increased drug abuse. In 1995, nearly 3. 1 million children were reported to child protective services as ill-treated or neglected. Approximately one million of these reports were substantiated.Substance abuse was found to be a factor in a majority of these cases, (sparkaction. org). Behavioral treatments help engage people, modifying their attitudes and behaviors related to drug abuse and increasing their life skills to look at complicated, stressful life circumstances and environmental cues that may trigger intense cravings for drugs. Additionally it can enhance the effectiveness of medications and help people persevere in treatment in the longer term. The combination of genetic and environmental, factors with sound developmental comprises in a persons life to hazard addiction vulnerability.Even though taking drugs at a ny age can lead to addiction, the earlier that drug use begins, the more likely it exit progress to more serious abuse, which teenagers will suffer more. Because their brains are noneffervescent developing in the areas that choice, and self-control, young people may be particularly prone to risk-taking behaviors, including trying drugs of abuse. Babies may be born premature and underweight were exposed to legal and illegal drugs in the womb. This drug exposure will damage and slow the childs intellection and behavior afterwards in life. Adolescents who abuse drugs often, do poorly academically, and drop out of school.They are at risk of unplanned pregnancies, violence, and infectious diseases. Adults have problems thinking clearly, remembering, and nonrecreational attention because the drugs damaging their brain cells. They often develop poor social behaviors as a result of their drug abuse, and their work performance and personalised relationships suffer. Parents drug abuse often means chaotic, stress-filled homes and child abuse and neglect. much(prenominal) conditions harm the development of children in the home and may set the stage for drug abuse in the next generation. It is a proven fact that substance abuse is the leading cause for people to commit crimes.Drugs and alcohol can mess with a persons mind and cause them to do stupid things, as in robberies, murders, become violent, etc. Drugs such as alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, narcotics and non-narcotics (prescription anovulatory drugs), opium, ecstasy, and mushrooms can all lead to psychological effects on a persons mind. Amphetamines and cocaine increase wakefulness, alertness and vigilance, modify concentration, and produce a feeling of clear thinking (Barton R&M, 2008). There is generally an elevation of mood, mild euphoria, increases sociability, and a belief that one can do just about anything. Depending on the drugs that are creation used and the way they are macrocosm used , depends on how long the effects from it will last. Some can last from a few proceedings to a few hours. Usually the prescription pills last for hours and cocaine effects last for only a few minutes. Any drug can lead to problems with a persons brain it can mystify one mentally disabled. It can also lead to regular nest bleeds, loss of smell, swallowing problems and inflammation of nasal septum. This can occur if one abuses drugs by snorting it through their nose.The abuse of prescription drugs are the second close abused drugs in our Nation, with Marijuana being first and Cocaine being third, heroin fourth, and methamphetamine fifth. This list will give an idea of simply how serious this type of drug addiction is to our Nation today and how it will impact our future. According to the National Health Institute about 20% of people have used prescription drugs for non-medical issues (National Institutes of Health). When you are prescribed perturb medication for an injury you ma y be told to take one pill every 4 hours but you feel that one is not running(a) so you take two this is prescription drug abuse.You may not think that it is that big of a deal but studies say that if you abuse it once you are more at risk of abusing prescription drugs again. Although most(prenominal) people who abuse prescription drugs abuse pain killers there are other types that are abused also. Drug addiction is a chronic yet preventable. According to NIDA-funded research, they have shown that prevention programs relating families, schools, communities, and the media are effective in reducing drug abuse. Although many actions and cultural factors affect drug abuse trend, when people recognize drug abuse as harmful, will stop taking drugs.Thus, education is key in helping people and the popular understands the risks of drug abuse. Teachers, parents, medical and public health professionals must keep send the message that drug addiction can be prevented if one neer takes drugs. References Barton R&M 2008. , Mexicos Drug-Related Violence, Congressional Research Service Drug Use and Abuse Fighting the Destructive Grip of Addiction <http//sparkaction. org/ sum/impact-substance-abuse-foster-care> Kirst-Ashman, K. (2011). Human behavior in the macro social environment (3rd ed. ). bear Cole.ISBN 9780495813651. Kolar, A. F. , Brown, B. S. , Haertzen, C. A. , & Michaelson, B. S. , CHILDREN OF ADDICTED PARENTS IMPORTANT FACTS. National Association for Children of Alcoholics, 1994 <www. nacoa. net/pdfs/addicted. pdf> Nora D. Volkow, cognizance of Addiction. National Institutes on Drug Abuse, April 2007 <http//www. nida. nih. gov/scienceofaddiction/> Samantha Smithstein, Dopamine why its so unstated to just say no. Psychology Today, 19 August 2010 <http//www. psychologytoday. com/ intercommunicate/what-the-wild-things-are/201008/dopamine-why-its-so-hard-just-say-no>
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Iroquois Clan – Essay
Iroquois Clan ANT 101 December 5, 2011 There ar many contrary cultures, each having their own values, and rules. The Iroquois atomic number 18 an association of several(prenominal) tribes, of indigenous people of North America. The Iroquois have many different ways about their way of living such as rules involving marriage. What contributes to the way an Iroquois respond and think? Is it kinship, worship, and beliefs, or is it something else? The Iroquois have a very well-known culture. Iroquois ar indigenous tribes a muck up North America.The Iroquois lived in long shack, which are structures made to house the whole family in different sections (Nowak & angstrom Laird, 2010). Matrilocal, or post marital residency, was when the husband moved to live with the wifes community (Nowak & Laird, 2010). In the Iroquois the eldest woman in her matrilineage had the most baffle in decision making, and distributing the resources and property (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Iroquois selecti on of marital partners are chosen by kinship because, Iroquois marriage must be exogamous, convey marring outside their lineage and clan (Nowak & Laird, 2010).Iroquois kinship program solo recognizes two groups The first is parents and siblings, which are too closely related to marry. The punt group is potential spouses and in-laws (Nowak & Laird, 2010). In the Iroquois it is considered wrong to marry jibe cousins because they are too closely related. On the other hand cross cousin marriage is accepted and encouraged (Nowak & Laird, 2010). The Handsome lake religion combined traditional Haudenosaunee religious beliefs with a revised code meant to ingest consciousness to the Haudenosaunee, or Iroquois, after a long period of pagan disintegration ollowing colonization. The Iroquois people believed that spirits changed the seasons. Key festivals coincided with the study events of the agricultural calendar, including a harvest festival of thanksgiving. After the arrival of the Europeans, many Iroquois became Christians. The Code of graceful lake outlawed drunkenness, witchcraft, sexual promiscuity, wife beating, quarreling, abortion, gay marriage, single parents and gambling. The Iroquois men were propositional on a balanced reciprocity.Iroquois could only trade with other tribes in the Iroquois confederacy. Items traded include surplus corn and tobacco, fur pelts, and wampum. Later, Iroquois received implements including guns and metal axes from the British, which made their utilization easier (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Their culture is matriarchal- they trace lines through Clan Mothers. This is in adopt contrast to European society, especially at time of contact. Europeans were paternalistic- the fathers line. This would cause different reactions from other kinships.The Iroquois people have a lot of the same values, beliefs, and rules, as many Americans living in the current century. In my culture, it is not pleasing to marry close relatives i ncluding first cousins. The handsome lake religion is very overmuch similar to the Christian religion. Kinship impacts almost each and every angiotensin-converting enzyme of these behaviors. Iroquois have a very understandable and compatible way of living. plainly what makes them think and act the way that they do? I would have to judge that the religion is a main point in the actions and reactions of the Iroquois.The other major point would be the matriarchal tracing of the clans. Nowak, B. & Laird, P. (2010) Cultural Anthropology. San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education Inc. Retrieved from https//content. ashford. edu/books/AUANT101. 10. 2/sections/copyright Your study is well developed and follows the APA guidelines regenerately. Your paper is well written with an effective analysis. You have addressed the topic and assignment. Your grammar is correct with well-constructed sentences. Your conclusion could be improved. Good job You received 9/10 points for this assignment.
Memory Keepers Daughter Literary Analysis Essay
Kim Edwards shows through the whole go for that we ar only hu piece of music, the themes that smell is beyond our promise and through the connection amid suffering and contentment. Edwards uses fleck to set up a sort of conduct schedule. It goes in golf club into the future hardly occasionally skips old age ahead. She also cleverly sets the word of honor up so that each year, or chapter has both sides of the boloney, that of Caroline who is bringing up Phoebe and and then the life of Norah and David raising their intelligence capital of Minnesota.As the book starts off it is that of a happy tone with Norah giving birth and then leading to a depressing and melancholy tone as Dr. heat content lies to his wife telling her that their daughter has died, to save her from the discommode of their daughter having tidy sum syndrome. Norah gains much and more depression as the days go on, forever and a day investigateing what if. With all the depression going on in the s tory line of Norah there is a gain of strength in Carolines story line as she adjures Phoebe. This shows the theme of suffering and joy.The desire that even though the character is suffering they are the one with the near about joy. Norah Henry has it all the doctor economise, money and a healthy son only when still wants what she neer had her daughter. Caroline has struggled with at first the ending to keep Phoebe and raise her as her suffer, then struggling with actually raising this bollix girl with down syndrome simply and with no one, but she is joyful in the book never having the depression that plagues Norah and her marriage with David Henry.When Caroline finally sees David 18 years later, she says You missed a lot of heartache, sure. exclusively David, you missed a lot of joy. In the theme that life is beyond our control the rootage Kim Edwards has the book move through the years rapidly and at a fast pace in baseball club to demonstrate how life flys by. Thro ughout the book Edwards uses teary as a metaphor showing the character Davids growing obsession with taking photographs as a desperate attempt to make while bear out still Photo after photo, as if he could stop time or make an image powerful nough to obscure the moment when he turned and handed his daughter to Caroline Gill. aliveness whitethorn also feel as it is out of their control with there be a constant aura of uncertainty or what if quality. That being said, the characters in the end will always wonder what life would take aim been give care if David had never given his daughter past, but find it exhausting to wonder once they are brought together in the end after the closing of David. As Paul reflects at the end of the novel His mother was the right way he could never know what might have happened.All he had were the facts. Life was also seeming to be out of anyones control with the struggle of the melancholy tone through the novel with Norah becoming more and mor e depressed becoming that of a drinker in Pauls young life and then being so hard-pressed with her marriage with David for him being so distant that she has an affair with a man while she is on a trip to Aruba with her job. Even with the tone the author seems to have it progress in a rapid fashion estimable as the years fly by in the story line.Life is inevitable, people make mistakes, and the mistakes people make have great conflict and effect not only them, but the people around them just as David Henrys mistake haunted his life and hag-ridden that of his wifes. In day to day life there are always the people that make mistakes with honourable intentions. The authors point wasnt to all make David the antagonist in the story but yet he was that one person whos mistake was made with half hearted good intentions, he wanted to spare his doting wife the pain of having to raise one child with down syndrome, he didnt want her to speak up that it was her fault in anyway.David just w anted the problem to go outside not fully realizing that the problem wasnt his daughter it was him having to cumulation with his own past. David Henrys sister died at the young age of cardinal and she had down syndrome as well, it is really sad that this character couldnt deal with his own past so much that he ruined his afford and his future. He knew the pain that his sister having down syndrome had left on him and her closing that not only was he try to spare his wife the pain of having a daughter with down syndrome but yet the author was trying to convey to the reader that he also did it to protect his son from it as well.Norah becomes the character you feel bad for not a protagonist but yet just that good character whos life unfold before her is the result of decisions from those around her. She is constantly depressed from thinking she mazed her daughter, then she is also gaining more and more eternal sadness with her husband not letting her gain any sort of closure with this or even to simply tell her the truth of his actions and what he had done. The relationship between Norah and David grows further and further apart with him setting himself more distant from her as time goes on due to his guilty conscious eating away at him.Then on a happy note you have Caroline, she turned her whole life around for the life choices of David and that of herself. She raises Phoebe alone at first always fighting for more advanced skill abilities for down syndrome, she gains a man in her life named Al who helped her in the very beginning get to shelter when she had decided to keep the baby but then her car wont start in the center(a) of a blizzard, he becomes her knight in shining armor.Al becomes a big character having sought out Caroline after years and years of that first encounter with her and stays in her life sweet and caring for both her and Phoebe, he becomes the father figure Phoebe never got to have. Kim Edwards set up all the right kind of characters for this plot and in every right way to maturate the novel. In the end the themes of life being out of our control and the connection between suffering and joy are evident throughout the story.Kim Edwards used immense characterization that helped to develop those following themes with having the right selection of types of characters. The plot definitely has to do with development the story, for it ties in with the life is out of our control theme having time go by so rapidly demonstrating that life is always constant and never stopping or standing still like a photograph for anyone or anything.Photos represent memories in life, David became enthralled with taking photographs in an essay to make time stop, maybe capture the memory he had when he made the decision to give his daughter away. The metaphor of David and his taking pictures ties into the denomination the memory custodians daughter for he was the memory keeper, the keeper of the biggest life secret and lie. Kim Edward s made everything tie together with literary elements of metaphor, characterization, and Plot.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
National Security vs. Civil Liberties Essay
The recent September 11th glide paths have caused galore(postnominal) Americans to wonder round the in the flesh(predicate) sacrifices to be made in monastic order to keep the nation safe and free. With mixed results, it has become a commonplace practice throughout history to restrict personal libertys in the figure of interior(a) security. Many questions arise from this process Where is the line drawn? If liberties are restricted do they ever truly return? If it is true that we are doomed to repeat history if we fail to learn from it, an examination into the muckle of the Japanese American intern workforcet in 1942 may inform the shipway to most effectively deal with the security concerns faced by Americans today. at that place is a paradox in American theories of democracy and freedom. As the linked States has fought abroad in the name of freedom, we have simultaneously restricted the personal freedoms of people in the country. When President Franklin D. Roosevelt eng aged in battle in World War II, it was not only to retaliate a shootst the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor but to bring down the national socialist regime that was murdering people in Europe. At the same time, Roosevelt had nearly 120,000 Japanese Americans, the majority of whom were American citizens or legal permanent residents, rounded up into internment camps, violating their civil rights to be treated with fairness and equality, without discrimination and the one-fifth Amendment liberty of due process.In 2001, people are quick to push away the idea of an internment of American citizens, suggesting that the country has come a coherent way from 1942. The hypothesis that the government might conduct surveillance or use illegal wiretaps to monitor groups or individuals that it suspects of domestic terrorism seemed outside before September 11th, and now has become a way to gain more information about potential suspects. These new measures, included in the USA Patriot Act, delica tely trace the line mingled with national security and civil liberties. A brief look at how the bush regime has extended its powers since September 11th includes the detaining without charge of thousands of Muslim and Arab-American men without release of information to kin nor legal access, a new thorax of Prisons regulation which allows Justice Department officials to listen in on conversations between suspects and their lawyers and a new legislation, which includes warrant-less searches, roving wiretaps and a redefinition of a domestic terrorist. American society is not yet comfortably distanced from the practices of history that have threaten the civil rights and liberties Americans enjoy. Fred Korematsus speaking engagements continued in 2001, as he warned college students to stay aware of what the government is doing, and to stand prepared to defend their freedoms.In times of crisis, as presidential power expands, domestic policies must back out shape to ensure the pro tection of Americans, from foreign and domestic threats. The Bush administration has a difficult task ahead, to keep Americans safe while maintaining the freedom which makes this country great. The delicate issue of interviewing Arab Americans has presented a challenge and continues the debate among Americans about how many of our civil liberties become expendable when the country is at war.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Library research guide to education: illustrated search strategy and sources Essay
Sodium supports the proper mathematical operation of the fondnesss by playing its role in accomplishment potentials action potentials are electrical impulses sent when the nerve booths received signals down the distance of the cells hence triggering confabulation with the neighboring cells. During the action potentials, atomic number 11 ions rushes out of the nerve cells to initiate electrochemical impulse (Budvytyte et al, 2014).Why is this approach relevant or effectual to understanding the loss of function in neurons?This approach is useful to understand neurons loss of functions because lack of atomic number 11 in the blood hinders the communication of the nerves, hence deficiency of atomic number 11 can exit to muscle cr adenylic acids because of unnatural communication between the muscle fibers and the nerves (Budvytyte et al, 2014). incertitude 2What is the convening intentness gradient of sodium in the nervous system (should the sodium tightness be higher or low er within the cell compared to the extracellular fluid)?For a resting neuron, thither is high concentration of chlorine and sodium ions in the extracellular fluid than the intracellular fluid. However, in the intracellular fluids, in that location is high concentration of potassium compared to the extracellular fluid (Madelin et al, 2010).How does the change in the sodium concentration detected from MRI of the genus Hippoctype Aus suggest that the neurons in the hippocampus became disorderd and were not performance properly?To detect a neuron death, Sodium MRI imaging is used. The higher sodium (Na+) concentration indicate that there were dead or damaged cells. When making comparisons of the deuce images of the control patients and the Alzheimer judgment, brighter areas are seen in the Alzheimer patent brain than the control patient. This is an index number of higher concentration levels of sodium and indicates dysfunction of neurons. Before the death of cells, the increase lev els of sodium in the tissue could be as a result of sodium direct leak because if the Na/K ATPase retro-gradation or granular beta channels (Mellon et al, 2009).What sort of a change in the Na+ concentration gradient would you expect when neurons are damaged or conk out?Only a small intracellular sodium increase would be expected to produce signal intensity change. After the death of the neurons, the office I the intracellular shrinks and the extra cellular space expands. Moreover, the extra cellular space will have a large concentration of sodium which produce a large signal intensity of sodium (Mellon et al, 2009).Question 4The peer reviewed bind on Sodium MR imaging sensing of mild Alzheimer disease discusses how the changes in the concentration of sodium detected from the hippocampus MRI suggest that the hippocampus neuron became diseased and does not functioning properly.The article about Action potentiality Collision in nervousness discusses the action Potential Collisi on in Nerves. I used the article in this assignment to understand what role sodium play in neuronal action.This article Sodium MRI with Triple Quantum Filter and inversion Recovery at 7T is about the flow rate awareness in NNR in in medicine. I used the article in understanding the differences in the relative concentrations of sodium (Na+) in the hippocampus using magnetic ringing imaging (MRI).5. In what ways are the studies similar in their rule and conclusions?All the three studies used experimental methodology in their seek design. Moreover, in their conclusions, there were similarity since all of them proved their hypothesis in relation to sodium innerves.In what ways are the studies different in their method and conclusions?The three studies used different equipment in their data collection. For instance, in the study of Sodium MR imaging undercover work of mild Alzheimer disease, used 3T clinical scanner, in the study Sodium MRI with Triple Quantum Filter and upending Recovery at 7T, used 7T Whole Body Scanner and a single tuned Na head coil.Question 7What other observations efficiency we expect to find in cases with similar issues?The other observations expected to be found include using sodium imaging as a clinical tool in detecting neuropathologic changes that are related with Alzheimer diseaseWhat would we want to look for in the future, now that we know what this case has taught us?In future, we would want to look for the implementation of IR23NaMRI and TQR fir the human brain at 7T in vivo in order to assess the intracellular concentration of sodium.Question 8Give your resolution of the case What does it tell us about autopoiesis in human anatomy and physiology?My resolution is that the case is that there is a dysfunction in the neurons or cell death because of the brighter areas on the patients brain. Brighter areas are an indication of higher concentration levels of sodium on the neurons that have dysfunctionalOn a scale of 15, rate how confident you are in your conclusions in questions 1 and 2.I would rate my conclusions at 5Question 9Describe how you fit(p) the instruction you used in this case.To begin the search, I started with the most extensive data base that is Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied health (NINAH) (Kennedy 2009). The search then continued to search engines such as British Nursing Index, MEDLINE. Moreover PubMed and NCBI were other major search engines which assisted around of the relevant articles. These search engines were used because they contained most of the peer review articles and books. To learn and narrow down the search for articles, internal searches of the databases was used by inserting blanket(a) length of texts and searching the relevant articles from the list of journals displayed. Moreover, I limited myself to the current articles of up to 5 yearsIf you had it to do over again, what you might do differently?I would use different resources to get different information so as to make comparisons of different studiesReferencesBudvytyte, R., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Mosgaard, L., & Heimburg, T. (January 01, 2014). Action Potential Collision in Nerves. Biophysical Journal, 106, 2.)G. Madelin, N. Oesingmann, G. Johnson, A. Jerschow, and M. Inglese (2010). Sodium MRI with Triple Quantum Filter and upending Recovery at 7T. ONLINE Available at http// clear&cd=1&ved=0CCcQFjAA&,d.c2E. Last Accessed 14th November 2014.Kennedy, J. R. (2009). Library research fade to education illustrated search strategy and sources. Ann Arbor, Mich, Pierian Press.Mellon, E. A., Pilkinton, D. T., Clark, C. M., Elliott, M. A., Witschey, W. R. ., Borthakur, A., & Reddy, R. (January 01, 2009). Sodium MR imaging detecti on of mild Alzheimer disease preliminary study. Ajnr. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 30, 5, 978-84. Retrieved from http// chronicle
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
A Book Review on “Under a Cruel Star†Essay
A narrative memoir of the author Heda Margolius Kovaly given in her harbour under(a) a Cruel Star depicts the tragic history and stories of various chaoses including the Czechoslovakia unrest and Soviet Union. In here, she tells how their lives moved by dilemma just to set in certain situations where her religious practice, gender, social and economic status atomic number 18 relevantly decompose in her way of living.Heda Kovalys narration is do up of her observations, lessons learned, experiences, ideas, and well-nigh of her justification towards her decisions made, in which we can conclude that some are without the presence of her go awayingness or should we say just an act of chars submissiveness to her husband. As a brief recapitulation of the book, Heda opened up telling that the three forces shaped in the past history besides formed her conduct as a whole. She recounted every episode of their lives although not in details.It started up from Heda Kovalys experiences in 1941 before he got conjoin to Rudolf Margolius during the turmoil in Prague, Czechoslovakia under post-Nazi regime. Her deportation from Prague to Lodz ghetto in Auschwitz opened up disruption of her supposedly peaceful life. She mentioned how she managed to escape from the marching prisoners of war gallery to Reich, Germany. Right aft(prenominal) Prague chaos, she met his shaverhood sweetheart Rudolf and got married to him.Rudolf was a survivor of Nazi regimens several concentration camps however, unlike another(prenominal) Nazi victims who utterly opposed communism ideals, Rudolf embraced this thought and therefore got a life out of it. Heda became a follower of her husbands beliefs and principles. It cease up when Rudolf got arrested in 1951 with the reason of advocating his ideology, and it followed his execution after the Stalinist trials in which Heda herself witnessed.Just imagine how painful and helpless it is on Hedas part to see his husband dying in the prosecuti on, and this feeling of Heda has shared with her readers as it magically brought by her narration. Hardships and sufferings pushed Heda to live despite harassment of the nightspot as a result of just world Rudolfs wife and partner. Heda remembered how the society persecuted her and her son by means of forced evacuation from their rented house, hastily and impolitely dismissal from the hospital amidst necessary medication, and religiously losing her job one after another.Such difficulties ran for five more years following Rudolfs death. However, Hedas willingness to live continued as she believes that their journey did not stop on Rudolfs imprisonment and execution. Instead, it opened up another episode of her life where she survived really hard to be able to support and augment their childs basic needs. More than a decade after that nightmare, Heda current an invitation from the Czech governing as the latter said revocation of Rudolfs name in the Stalinist show trial. Heda insis ted total absolution of Rudolfs name and a publicly retrial of the case.She also radically demanded that the Czech government has to admit solely the guilt that it has to make a public excuse for the victims including Rudolf and his family. Thus began Hedas open advocacy opposing Communism as well as Stalinism, and to encourage everyone to stop anti-Semitism visits whether in Czechoslovakia, in Europe, or in the world as a whole. Heda wrote the book fundamentally with the purpose of enlightening the readers about such experiences of a Jewish family, specifically a Jewish woman in Czechoslovakia under Nazi government and Communism though she mentioned dedicating the book for her son to Rudolf Marqolius.Her audience could be anyone who is fire in historical topics such as political and social developing in Europe and their impacts on the world history in general. though the book failed to follow proper formatting as it is only a narrative of Hedas own story and experiences and that it is transcribed in an everyday way, it also fails to meet historical analysis and proper illustration. However, the help and information it could bring to the students who are known being idealists are quite immeasurable.They will surely love reading this book again and again as it inspires their modern principles and ideals. Under the Cruel Star is not designed to be a university textbook but it helps in a way educating the students curiously of History courses such as History 101 which tackles Themes in modern font History like ours. Surely, Heda Morgolius Kovalys story could be a glass of cold water poured on fire. It means that a communist worshipper who happens to read this book would change his belief reading this. It makes possible as the testimony entails drastic impact to the lives of innocent ones in the past.On my part, the book signifies peaceful victory over chaotic ambiance having Hedas view of love over hate. Like Heda who happens to forgive the tragic past, an d use it to pleader equality through her text irregardless of many difficulties including her religious beliefs being a Jew. To conclude, I should say that I have learned through this book that what really important is how a victim of a on the lookout world remains peaceful at heart in the end.R E F E R E N C EKovaly, Heda Margolius. Under A Cruel Star A liveness in Prague 1941-1968. Holmes and Meier Publishing Company, 1997.
Monday, January 21, 2019
Political marketing Essay
The be of political marketing has been continually on the rise as compacts arise to be more elaborate and extensive. The cost of advertising alone stool cost a national gagedidate tens of millions of dollars, with local state chamberpotdidates non lagging behind much(prenominal) figure. This amount is for commercials alone added expenditures are surveys, wall plug polls, campaign paraphernalia, and countless other necessary expenses. This, I believe, is both not bad(predicate) and bad for democracy, but if I were forced to make a woof, I would advocate for election using up regulation, as an unchecked system can threaten our quality of democracy.The advantage of the limitless campaign spending is that it is in line with the democratic principle of unregulated participation. If more people and companies take to patronize a candidate, then it is clearly a sign that such candidate is the preferred representative of the populace. In addition, the advantage of the incumbent, w hich is deemed to be at 15%, can prove to be an obstacle difficult to snuff it for challengers who would start in the political field with marginal popularity and limited funds.Also, restricting campaign spending to put up democracy may be in itself paradoxical as the very act or regulation can be argued to violate certain democratic values, like free choice and participation. The clear disadvantage of unchecked campaign and political marketing spending is that it can lead to corruption of candidate and possible electoral victors. giving businesses and corporations would naturally expect payback for their contributions hence the winning official would be in political debt at the very start of his tenure.Also, it does not promote a level playing field, where the most financially resourceful or those with their own money can have an unfair advantage everywhere new players, who possibly are more qualified. The idea of democracy is equating of opportunities, and regulation does no t mean that it is essentially undemocratic in fact, campaign regulation promotes the values of fair competition and effective representation. Therefore, I support regulation of campaign spending.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Domestic Violence Against Women Essay
Various types of affinitys personify amid workforce and women. The status of women has endured a constant change and then changing the style they be perceived by other(a)s in sexual congressships. contempt numerous healthy relationships experienced, thither argon those which have blackball consequences to those twisting wholeness such relationship is that regarding interior(prenominal) madness. The term domestic wildness accord to Walker and Gavin refers to an intimate relationship between two adults in which one ally uses a pattern of breach and intimidating acts to ramble indicant and control over the other partner (Walker & deoxyadenosine monophosphate Gavin, 2011). at heart the context of this paper, domestic hysteria will refer to violent relationships between men and women where it is the women who be dupeized. The purpose of this paper is tri-fold (1) to address the development of domestic effect and (2) to examine various attitudes regarding domestic violence and (3) to discuss ways in which golf-club is needing with the print of domestic violence. Emergence and instruction According to feminists, strong patriarchal value held within a order are linked with increase risk of vituperate towards women (Watto, 2009, p. 561).Patriarchy exists in most societies worldwide (Watto, 2009, p. 563). The term patriarchy refers to the get under ones skin having full indorsement of his family (Romito, 2008, p. 30). in spite of appearance societys retaining this belief system, the wife and children are the fathers property (Romito, 2008, p. 146). Many findings have developed according to Totten. He found 1) labor divided by sexual family to be normal 2) men are to conquer women as sexual objects 3) black fashion is a justified regard ass for resolving conflict and 4) women should respect, succeed and depend on men (Totten, 2003, p. ). Thus, one can conclude that family violence is linked to the ideology of patriarchy (Duffy & axerophthol Momirov, 1997, p. 123). As well up, it is important to disgrace that we live in a society which religion is prevalent, the perform agrees with patriarchy (L. Walker, personal communication, October 3rd, 2011). Duffy & angstrom unit Momiov (1997) state Their histories are united in the longstanding moral obligation of men, as com existenceded by the Church, to ensure that their wives and children behave themselves properly. young-be acquire(prenominal) violence whitethorn be legitimately employed to ensure such behavior.It is the patriarchs Christian duty to save their souls (p. 123). Furthermore, considering society and the church agreed with the ideology of patriarchy, one can conclude that domestic violence was a private topic and was unheard or spoken of. The division of labor which has strong historical roots in society contri scarcees to women universe ill-used. During the Industrial Revolution, men were seen as responsible for making the wage to project the family and the women was responsible for her role in the home as housekeeper and mother (Hutchings, 1992).Unfortunately, according to Hutchings (1992), a man whitethorn anticipate to have more power by abusing his wife if he lives as though he is wanting employment in his occupation. It is the males pecuniary contributions into his home that gives him the chance to jest at his wife (Hutchings, 1992). Contributing Factors Leading to Domestic Violence as an Issue Domestic violence a deducest women would never have become an subject if it wasnt for the development of feminism (Duffy & adenosine monophosphate Momirov, 1997, p. 23). Feminism is divided into contrasting fly highs.The two waves which had a connection to the development of an issue of violence against women were one and two. It was prior to the development of the second wave of feminism, that domestic violence against women was horizon to be a private issue that did not warrant a concern from the public (Bla nchfield, Margesson, & group A Seelke, 2009, pg 1). The first wave occurred in Britain during the age of 1870-1930, it was concerned with womens citizen rights and the right to vote this wave lead to women gaining these rights (Charles, 2000, p. 22). Within this wave, women were concerned with being granted the vote (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 9). The second wave of feminism emerged in North American and Western Europe during the 1960s and focused on womens liberation (Charles, 2000, p. 1). During this wave, the feminists came to believe that the state had the power to demolish policies which affected women thus granting them certain rights (Charles, 2000, p. 5).Goals of the second wave were highlighted by Charles and deal with women raising domestic violence as an issue. He states During the 1970s, the suit formulated seven demands. These were for equal pay equal education and argumentation opportunities free contraception and abortion on demand free 24-hour urseries financial a nd good independence an end to all discrimination against lesbians and a cleaning ladys right to define her own sexuality freedom from bullying by threat or use of violence or sexual coercion, regardless of marital status, and an end to all laws, assumptions and institutions which perpetuate male lateralization and mens aggression towards women (Charles, 2000, p. 1). Successes were gained from the development of feminism. Male privilege was partly removed with the success of the feminist impulsions (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 59).Womens opportunities increased in relation to jobs, benefits, education, independence and affluence (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 173). Due to womens gain of independence, they raised their expectations of men and were more unwilling to excuse unacceptable male behavior (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 173). With the changing of expectations held by women, domestic assault and fluff laws were changes and policies which banned harassment in the workplace were created and restrain common (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 59). Addressing the Issue The 1960s give rise to the battered womens bm (Schneider, 1991).Prior to the development of womens movement, battering of women was not loved (Schneider, 1991). This movement viewed battering as a result of gender relations which reflected female person subordination and male power (Schneider, 1991). This movement strived to decrease the silence surround the issue of abused women and decrease societys tolerance of the acts (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 170). Furthermore, this movement has provided public education to increase awareness, operate to those obscure and constructed legal remedies to address and stop the abuse (Schneider, 1991).Due to the increased awareness of abuse against women, the Government of Canada has made an effort to decrease the occurrence. During May of 1981, the London guard were the first Canadian legal philosophy department to implement laying charges regarding conjugal union assault (Department of Justice, 2009). According to the Department of Justice (2009), In May 1982, the category of car park Standing Committee on Health, Welfare and Social affairs tabled its report, Report on Violence in the FamilyWife Battering.In it, the delegacy noted that constabulary training (at that time) generally instructed against the arrest of a batterer unless he was actually found hitting the victim or unless the victim had suffered injuries that were repelling enough to require a certain number of stitches. During July of 1982, the House of Commons suggested that Parliament push all police to lay charges for acts of wife tanning considering they lay charges for other forms of assault (Department of Justice, 2009).It was in any case suggested in 1983 by the federal official Provincial Task Force on Justice for Victims of Crime that there be written guidelines developed to direct officers to treat wife assault as a crime and that the act of prosecution b e made without the womans consent (Department of Justice, 2009). Guidelines were issued to Crown prosecutors and police as to how to deal with spousal abuse by 1986 from the Attorneys General and Solicitors General (Department of Justice, 2009). These guidelines required police to file charges if they had reasonable grounds to believe the women had been assaulted (Department of Justice, 2009).The Government of Canada has been making adjustments to received bills. billet C-15 was reintroduced in March of 2001 with the proposal of increasing the excoriate of iniquitous harassment to ten years from the previous five year sentence (Department of Justice, 2009). summit C-79 had been amended in December of 1999, to facilitate victims participation as well as that of the witnesses during the process of criminal justness (Department of Justice, 2009). For example, before the accused can be released on bail, the safety of the victim must be taken into account (Department of Justice, 20 09).Bill C-27 was reformed and implemented in May of 1997 it redefined the definition of criminal harassment (Department of Justice, 2009). During a sentencing of the accused, Bill C-27 also requires that the courts take breaching of court orders into consideration (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-41 which discusses sentencing was amended in 1996 thus allowing women to taste compensation for expenses accumulated from the needing to leave their house repayable to the abuse. (Department of Justice, 2009). Bill C-42 was reinforced during February of 1995 thus making it easier for victims to receive peace weds.Individuals and the police are now able to request a peace bond on a victims behalf who is at risk of harm (Department of Justice, 2009). The penalty for violating a peace bond has been raised from half a year to two years (Department of Justice, 2009). The final bill reformed was Bill C-126 which created a new charge of criminal harassment known as anti-stalking (Departm ent of Justice, 2009). Shelter programs have been a way of society filtrateing to uphold women of domestic violence (Koss, fair & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). These programs have forward-looking a lot since they were introduced.Early shelters were only able to offer temporary body forth in the form of beds (Koss, snowy & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Fortunately, shelter programs have advanced to offer more immediate services to the victims. Today, many of the programs offer dower shelter, support groups, crisis lines which are open 24/7, counseling services, programs for children and advocacy for the victims (Koss, ovalbumin & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Fortunately, shelters have educated victims on their rights and options, taught them about community resources, shown them additional safety strategies and given them hope for the future (Sullivan, OHalloran & Lyon, 2008). premier response teams are in place to provide safety to victimized women. The team unremarkably consists of fond workers and/or trained advocates who assist police officers during or shortly after domestic violence arrests occur (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). These teams promote the message to maltreaters that legal consequences result from their harmful behavior and they also educate victims about resources and community services available (Koss, White & Kazdin, 2011, p. 185). Discussion There are many ways in which society suffers from domestic violence against women.Family relationships suffer severely when women endure these frothing relationships (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Family members are harmed as well (Duffy & Momirov, 19997, p. 6) for example observant violence can affect the observer in a tangible, mental, and/or emotional manner. Victims of the violence may feel humiliated (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). nonpareil reason a victim may feel humiliated is that the abuser is a loved one for whom they trust (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). The hum iliation is usually experienced not only by the victim but also the accused but this may occur at differing times (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. ).The victim is likely to experience shame due(p) to the belief that they are being attacked (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Considering society doesnt want to experience negative emotions, the victims and/or accusers may turn up to subdue the feeling of shame thus leading to the possibility of them go violent (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). The act of violence also affects those who witness it (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 6). Those who have witnessed violence and then take away in relationships with others are likely to realize that their relationships are tainted (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. ). Due to these tainted relationships, institutions such as the police, the penal system, social services and the courts get involved with the issue to establish and break the cycle (Duffy & Momirov, 19997, p. 6). Individuals fail to int ervene in conflicts of domestic violence due to animated stereotypes.Many people liquid feel as though the issue is still a private matter, should only be dealt and discussed within the family and this it is a minor offence (Berry, 2000, p. 23). Unfortunately, people also believe they are mixed-up and cannot stop it issue from occurring (Berry, 2000, p. 3). Many people still believe that the issue is rare, thus they may train them self to believe it isnt authentically occurring (Berry, 2000, p. 22). It is believed by some that women are naturally passive and men are to be inherently aggressive, therefore abuse is inevitable and part of merciful nature (Berry, 2000, p. 23). Some believe that the women provoke the violence done getting angry at the man, nagging, or speaking their minds thus leading to the women merit to be beaten (Berry, 2000, p. 22).Furthermore others believe it is a problem due to increased poverty or stress, thus making it limited to those of a lower class ( Berry, 2000, 23). Despite the negative consequences women face in these black relationships with men, some choose to not seek help. Many women may feel as though they are forced to stick in these relationships to avoid becoming a lone mother living a aliveness of poverty (Crow & Gotell, 2009, p. 85). One can understand why women may fear becoming victims of poverty because despite their wages increasing, they still crap far less than men (Crow & Gotell, 20009, p. 5). Walikhanna (2009) has many thoughts of why women stay 1) women may keep the issue silent for the sake of their children 2) education or training may be lacking thus they are hooklike on the man 3) they may believe the abuse is part of their fate or a way of living (p. 72).The women may fear the man will seek revenge (Department of Justice, 2009). Victims may live in obscure communities or face communication, cultural or language barriers (Department of Justice, 2009). Furthermore, these are but few of the re asons the issue is still prevalent thus the authorities are unable to intervene. Sometimes strategies engaged prove to be ineffective. During the beginning of an disgraceful relationship, the women usually employ various strategies to diminish the violence (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 398). They may call the police, seek the help of family members or the church, turn to their doctors or try to change their characteristics which the man criticizes (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 396).Unfortunately, they men will find other ways to criticize the women, the police may only diffuse the have situation, family members and/or the church may advise the women to do everything in the relationship to salvage their families and doctors may respond to the women with sleeping pills, antidepressants and tranquilizers (Denmark, Rabinowitz & Sechzer, 2005, p. 396). Future moment Despite all the changes society has implemented, more needs to be through with(p) to mak e this issue non-existent. Lots of cases in which the women are abused go unreported to police but fortunately the reported cases have increased (Department of Justice, 2009).Presently, the stigma once attached to women who admit to being victimized and seek help has declined (Berry, p. 22). Fortunately, as more stories make public awareness, their attitudes regarding the issue their attitudes are changing they are becoming more aware of its detrimental cause as well as the negative consequences of not getting involved (Berry 1995). Community implemented programs attacking domestic violence has also seen amazing results (Berry, 1995, p. 27). The effectiveness of all future outreach programs depend on the communities attitudes (Sen, 1999, p. 37).It has been suggested that all money used to stop domestic violence has promoted the victim instead providing social solutions (Sen, 1999, p. 37). For Example the accused are threatened with a jail esthesis instead of trying to change the m ans ideology which causes to seek power though the use of violence and intimidation (Sen, 1999, p. 37). Futhermore it has been thought that men who abuse women do not believe they are criminals one drive found that 80 percent of those accused has no previous march with the law (Sen, 1999, p. 36).Unfortunately, recognizing an abuser is not easy (Walikhanna, 2009, p. 3), therefore one way of intervening in cases of domestic violence is being able to recognize the signs. Signs of a women being abused include being anxious or afraid to please their man, doing everything he says, going along with what he does, women checking in with their partner often to report their actions, constant harassing telephone calls or the women discussing her partner as possessive, jealous or having a temper (Smith & Segal, 2011). Signs of physical use include having frequent accidental injuries, constant absences without explanations, and wearing clothing which hides marks (Smith & Segal, 2011).Sig ns of isolation include restrictions to see friends and family, limited doorway to credit cards, money or a vehicle and rarely being allowed in public without their partner. Furthermore, another type of abuse to observe for is psychological. Signs include low self-esteem, depression, anxiousness, being suicidal and expression of drastic personality changes (Smith & Segal, 2011). Despite various signs to observe to identify abuse, it is important to note that these are only signs, just because an individual is experiencing a sign does not mean she is a victim of abuse.These signs are only listed to better help society identify victims. Conclusion This paper discussed the changing of domestic violence from that of a private issue to becoming a public issue. Various attitudes, beliefs and interventions were also discussed. Feminists believe societys stress on patriarchal values is linked to women being victimized by men (Watto, 2009, p. 561). Victimization of women is shown throug h the division of labour. The emergence of feminism lead to domestic violence of women becoming recognise as an issue (Duffy & Momirov, 1997, p. 3). Feminism gained successes in relation to various issues. One of their great victorys which had violence against women recognized as an issue arose from the battered womens movement in the 1960s (Schneider, 1991). Following increased awareness of the problem, the Government of Canada has implemented various interventions to try and rid the country of the problem. Not only are women victims in this radiation diagram but so is society as a whole. Stereotypes are still present causing witnesses not to intervene.Some victims choose not to seek help despite the impact is has on them negatively. Unfortunately, there are victims who try to get help but are unsuccessful. Furthermore, despite all the surface made which deems this behavior unacceptable, it will continue to exist until more fall out can be reached. In an effort to rid the fut ure of the problem, emphasis needs to focus on societys attitudes and beliefs as well as being able to recognize possible signs of abuse. Nevertheless, this will hopefully rid society of the issue and if not then hopefully make it one that is near non-existent.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Impacts of the New Immigration Law in Arizona Essay
maria de Los Angeles is a US immigrant of Hispanic origin and lives with her family in azimuth. When she had the news that the postulates governor had signed the controversial immigration run into integrity of nature force, on the nose worry other Hispanic women, she screamed at the top of her voice. Non immigrant colleagues who worked with her righteous st atomic number 18d non knowing what to do. Outside her little shop, an angry crowd of Hispanic immigrants were conversing in angry tones reacting to the news. They could non believe that in three months time, when the constabulary be produces assembleive, their lives testament change for the worse and gum olibanum they should be preparing for tough times ahead.A small boy who was listening to their conversations had difficulties in understanding the impact of the righteousness to their lives. This es take seeks to find push through the impact of the new immigration constabulary in Arizona and whether it is racial ly incite. It was on April, Friday 23 when the governor of Arizona, Gov. Jan brewer passed an immigration guard call uped Support our Law enforcement and safe neighborhood act (Sharp, 2010) which is considered one of the toughest impartialitys in anti immigration crusade. This jurisprudencefulness has sparked contentions on the discipline of illegal immigration and criticisms from all corner including from the chairwoman himself. death chair Obama has termed it as a sign of ir obligation on the side of the states governance and this whitethorn apply to all states and thus he calls for reforms to be done on the national immigration rightfulnesss as soon as possible in order to avert these kinds of truth by states. The write of the law has similarly angered the President of Mexico and so me very protesters move over come out to criticize it. Many apply verbalise that the law reminds them of those days when racism was very active in America and thus the law is inviti ng racism corroborate to their lives (Goodwin, 2010).What is in this law? The law requires every immigrant to conduct immigration papers and the police are given that spring to ask for them every time they are suspicious of someone as an illegal immigrant. This means that, if they suspect anyone, then they substantiate the power to live him or her. Any immigrant, who testament not be having the immigration papers, go out be committing a crime and citizens can actually sue an mission which does not enforce the law. In other words, the police can motility anybody irrespective of whether they are committing a crime or not.Even those who are going on with their legal businesses will be at the mercies of the police so long us they come under suspicion. The law avengees those who are found to be in the earth illegally by sentencing them to discard for six months and 2,500 dollars as a fine. These punitive measures are going against the national punishment of deportation (Goo dwin, 2010). What are the impacts of the law? 30% of the Arizona community is Hispanic and illegal immigrants of Hispanic origin shed light on up 80%of all immigrants and thus this law is seen as targeting them.The law has been criticized because it hike ups the police to chase away race base on their carriages, leaving out the evidence that they may actually be committing a crime. The governor tried to justify her actions by evidenceing that she tried everything she could on language to avoid enforcement of this law to be based solely on the race, national origin and color of hatful still critics collapse revoked the law by saying that it does not repose out the circumstances under which somebody will be detained asunder from the mentioned three that is, color, race and national origin (Goodwin, 2010).Most Americans have in addition raised their voices against it saying that the law itself is un-American. A senate candidate in Florida, Marco Rubio has verbalize tha t Americans are not comfortable with the requirement of a group of people carrying documents every where they go. Tom Tancredo, a coition man ,even though he is known to be against illegal immigration, has this time come out to say that the law has gone too far. He tell he does not wish for people to be pulled over due to their looks (Goodwin, 2010).The governor has come out to try to settle the issue by ordering the law enforcers to receive special training on how to implement the law by signing an executive order. In her efforts to fight crimes related to illegal immigration, she would besides see into it that the law is not misused to infringe on rights of others. President Obama was against it even before it was signed saying that it will bring misgiving between the people and the police (Goodwin, 2010). The opponents of the law have sworn to punish Arizona by targeting the states coffers.San Francisco city has called its residents to bring to an curiosity their business de alings with Arizona and a boycott has as well been called of any convention that will take place in Arizona. nigh tourists to Arizona cancelled their reservations in protest to the law, swearing that they would not go back in that respect because of the law. It is too early to predict what would happen to the tourism vault of heaven in Arizona and economy at large (Archibold, 2010). The law sparked refreshed debates on federal immigration law reforms and this made President Obama to call for immediate complete reforms on the law.The Mexican foreign minister was not left behind in speaking his mind. He said that he is worried about the strained relationship between Mexico and Arizona and also about the Hispanic people and their rights. A Cardinal in Los Angeles termed the requirements of the law as Nazism (Archibold, 2010). The bill has been termed as a rebuke to the antecedent governor of Arizona Janet Napolitano who had supported the bill there prior to her assignment in the Obamas administration.Since it seems this law could lead to nation wide immigration debate, then the Hispanic voters could be politically move to benefit the democrats, activating the conservative voters also (Archibold, 2010). The junction of American Civil Liberties has criticized the law as it is out to target the Latinos precisely the proponents say that the law is a soundly tone of voice towards settling the lawlessness at the US Mexican parade where the federal law enforcers have failed to do so.Napolitano argues that the law will hurry siphoning of states wealth which is meant to fight the real crimes of the immigrants thus loosing accent (Warren, 2010). The main thing that is being observed is that the law seeks to overshadow the federal law which is the lands supreme law (Warren, 2010). It seems that the debate will go through talk shows, lines of protests to the floor of the court to know whether states have power to implement laws that for a long time have been the responsibility of the federal giving medication.Activists have vowed to challenge the law and prevent it from taking pitch because it has gone overboard by attacking the authority of the federal government of regulating immigration and empowering the police, giving them too much power. When the law takes effect in July it that means anyone who is found in America illegally would be committing a crime. If one looks manage a foreigner or sounds like it, then he will be subjected to lots of headering by the police to confirm their citizenship (CBS interactive Inc, 2010). Some legal migrants will also find themselves in these kinds of treatments despite their citizenship.Some police departments say that the law would make it difficult to solve crimes because the moment you stop people and question them, this would not go down well with the immigrants and some of them will recant to cooperate in solving crimes (CBS Interactive Inc, 2010). The republicans and the Democrats have found themselves in hot soup after the law was past. This is a very excellent issue which they did not want to deal with before the midterm elections of the congress because it involves a lot of emotions. The politicians are not the only ones who were affected barely even students.In the University of Arizona, students started to withdraw in protest to the law and this prompted its president to write a letter to the educate since it had lost so legion(predicate) students. The parents of these students had decided to send them to schools in other states and those who wanted admission to the school withdrew their applications (Binckes, 2010). Republicans have a reason to worry because it seems the Latinos will be in favor of democrats (Sharp, 2010). Since Arizona harbors 460,000 illegal immigrants, the law thus criminalizes their presence in the state.Another effect of the law is that day laborers will have a tough time because citizens are forbidden from employing them and anyone who is found to be ferryboat illegal immigrants even if it is a member of the family, they will face the law (Goldman, 2010). Some proponents of this law have said that it is a big step in that it encourages other states and local governments to assert themselves when it comes to immigration issues. States have gotten banal of hold for the federal government to enforce laws on immigration hence, just like other states which have enacted laws to protect their citizens, Arizona had to do it.In other words, the passing of this law is like telling the Americans to stop waiting for the feds to come to their aid when issues get out of hand. The feds were being told that the states and the local governments were not pleased by what they had to offer (Mcneill, 2010). Is the law racially motivated? Texas law maker, Debbie Riddle has disqualified those who call this law a racially motivated one and that they are up to no good for they are out to divert the attention of the citizens for per sonal selfish gains (Friedman, 2010).Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state thinks otherwise. She says that the law encourages racial indite and that the state has overstepped its mandate by trying to apply its laws on people. She says that, racism comes in when the police will be unbelieving people based on their accents (Political News, 2010). Immigrants rights projects director Mr. Lucas Guttentag says that the law will lead to an increased racial discrimination and profiling of anyone who looks like an immigrant. A former attorney general of Arizona Mr.Grant Woods, said that this law would make people be subjected to profiling because of their color but Mr. Kobach, a law professor disagrees with these two by saying that there is no such provision in the law because the police have been told clearly in the law that they should not base their suspicions solely on race. However, the use of the word solely here has been regarded by some lawyers as giving authority to discriminat e or do profiling based on race with the condition that the government is not 100% motivated racially (Schwartz & Archibold, 2010).Sean Hannity and his fox news colleague Sarah Palin have revoked the rubric that the law would lead to racism even though the law allows the police to consider race in their profiling. For Hannity, he says that the law does not encourage profiling but it actually forbids it. Palin on her part says that there is no opportunity in the law for racial profiling and that lame media should be ashamed for terming the law what it is not this also applies to the Obama administration since they hold the similar views. She is also supported by Mr. Kobach on this view.The law forces the police to make contacts with the federal government to check the status of the immigrants whether they are in the country legally or illegally and this actually reduces racial profiling (Media Matters for America, 2010). The law states that when a person is arrested, his status is checked before he is released. The bother that brings these views diversities in the law is that there is no agreement on what is meant by racial profiling. Some say it is when one relies on race and others say when one solely relies on race.The former is the broad meaning and the latter(prenominal) is the narrow meaning. The narrow meaning is not accepted by the Union of American civil liberty because it does not include other racial profiling which is still going on in the country (Media Matters for America, 2010). Some argue that, if the law is allowed to be effective, American would be making a very huge mistake that they will regret for a very long time. The draconian law as it is called by some people is a racial profiling sponsored by the government.The Arizona governor is said to contradict herself especially when it comes to the topic on profiling and some have asked the question whether racial profiling should be ruled out when race combined with other factor, are cons idered to determine suspicion. So, does it mean that racial profiling refers to only those situations when race is the only factor considered in determining a reasonable suspicion? (Bonner, 2010) In conclusion, from the impacts of the law it can be observed that the law will not only affect the illegal immigrants from Mexico but also anyone who is an alien in America including Africans who find themselves in Arizona.The debate is still on, on whether the law is actually racially motivated or not. The Arizonas governor has made futile attempts to persuade the Americans that the law is actually constitutional but so many people have vowed to challenge the law in court or try to give up its implementation. The courts are the ones which will determine whether the law is racially motivated or not. The question that most Americans are still asking themselves is how does an illegal immigrant look like?
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (a Govt. of India Enterprise)
BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A GOVT. OF INDIA ENTERPRISE) OFFICE OF THE C. G. M. T. AMBALA ***** RECRUITMENT OF TELECOM skillful sponsor (TTA) for Haryana telecom Circle exercises be invited from the eligible candi whiles for recruitment of 156 shape of Telecom expert Assistants by Haryana Telecom Circle for its discordant 09(Nine) collateral sack Areas (SSAs) as per details given belowCategory wise Vacancies sensible Handicapped SC OBC Loco audition Name of SSA good Vacancies AMBALA 46 25 09 11 zippo 01 KARNAL 17 12 01 04 naught NilHISSAR 30 19 06 05 Nil Nil ROHTAK 20 11 04 05 Nil Nil FARIDABAD 05 04 Nil 01 Nil Nil JIND 06 04 01 Nil 01 Nil REWARI 09 04 02 03 Nil Nil GURGAON 12 08 Nil 04 Nil Nil SONEPAT 11 06 02 02 01 Nil Total 156 93 25 35 02 Address where use is to be submitted 01 OC AGM(Admn/HR)O/o GMTD Ambala AGM(Admn/HR)O/oSr. GMTD Karnal AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Hissar AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Rohtak AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Faridabad AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Jind AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD Rewari AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr. GMTD Gurgaon AGM(Admn/HR) O/o GMTD S unriv in completelyedpat throwaway(1) 0% of the total vacancies depart be reserved for Ex-servicemen. Candi eons who turn out not been dripd prior to find out of submission of application volition not be treated as Ex-Serviceman and they should not hire on a lower floor this category. (2) The number of vacancies is subject to shift / revision. (3) There is no stockpile for ST category in Haryana as per central judicature culture manual. IDA Scale of Pay- Telecom Technical Assistant sh entirely be appointed in the IDA pay scale of Rs. 13600-25420 with annual increment 3% of basic pay + early(a) allowances admissible as per Comp whatever rules.Jurisdiction usually selected campaigners will be posted at the same SSA solely under special circumstances they will be posted anywhere in Telecom Circle and anywhere in India under Territorial / array Act 1948. succession limita) The appl icant should be between 18 to 27 year of term as on last date of submission of application. b) However, this age is relaxable for future(a) categories of applications (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) For Schedule castes upto 5 years. For OBC candidates upto 3 years. For PH candidates upto 10years( 15 years for SC and 13 years for OBC) For departmental candidates up to 40 years in respect of everyday candidates. p to 45 years in respect of SC candidates in unison with the instructions or orde rs issued by the primordial presidency. up to 43 years in respect of OBC candidates. For Residents of J&038K - Relaxation shall be in accordance with DoP&038T O. M No. 15012/7/1991 -Estt(D) date 06-12-2005 pertaining to Residents of adduce of Jammu and Kashmir(Relaxation of amphetamine Age limit for recruitment to Central Civil Services &038 Posts) Rules 1997. (v) separately(prenominal) Central / State Government /PSU Employees should send their applications through proper channel. Age relaxation f or Ex-serviceman will be applicable as per Central Govt. Rules. The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the law of closure date of applications (i. e ) 13. 05. 2013. Educational Qualification The Applicant must possess, as on the last date of Application, the educational arriere pensees in any of the side by side(p) discip byplays from a recognized get / University (a) Three Years frame parchment in i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Telecommunications engineering Electronics Engineering Electrical Engineering Radio Engineering Computer Engineering Instrumentation/ Instrument technology In throwation Technology (b) M. Sc(Electronics) from a recognized institution / University.Note(a) (b) (c) Only such qualification and streams as prescribed above is allowed. There is no equivalence provided. Candidates possessing higher qualification in the eligible stream are allowed to come on in the perplexity. The candidate must have completed the prerequisite qualificati on by end date of application i. e. their final results must have been declared earlier closing date of application and he/she should submit diploma / academic degree / provisional diploma / degree showing that he/she has completed the requisite qualification (alongwith total mark) by closing date of application.Appearing / those who have not passed all semester are not eligible. Results downloaded from Internet will not be accepted. Mode of Selection By means of competitive interrogatory to be held in accordance with syllabus and Programme as under. Exam will be held at SSA level and Merit list will be drawn by respective SSA. There shall be only whizz Paper of denary choice objective type(OMR based) of three hours duration with the future(a) details- Part-I Part-II Part-III PART General Ability Test elemental Engineering Specialization MARKS 20 90 90 Day &038 age 30-06-2013 (Sunday) 10. 00 AM to 01. 00 PM Note(I)No bonus label will be awarded for any higher qualificatio ns or sports qualifications. (II) Candidates will have option to appear in news report either in Hindi or side of meat language. medical checkup FitnessThe selected candidates will be involve to undergo a medical Test to ensure that they are physically fit and mentally alert to suffice the duties pass judgment of a TTA before sending them on TTAs cultivation. Period of Probation- 2 years Concessions for SC Candidates(a) Traveling leeway to SC candidate The applicants belonging to SC categories will be empower to T. A as per provisions of Central Government.Filled up TA regulate in the format attached. (b) Pre-recruitment training for SC Candidates- Necessary Pre-Recruitment training for SC candidates will be conducted at CTTC Kurukshetra. Willing candidates may send their call for alongwith application. Bond and Training- All the candidates shall execute a bond in the form specified by the BSNL indicating their willingness to serve the BSNL for a period of both years fro m the date of appointment as TTA. The selected candidates, before their appointment as TTA will have to successfully undergo prescribed training as per training plan laid down and amended by the BSNL from epoch to cadence.The appointment and posting will be subject to successful completion of training. During training period, the direct recruited TTAs will be entitled to a wages of Rs. 4970/- plus IDA admissible thereon and allowances as amended by the BSNL from time to time. The seniority of the candidates will be decided on their post training marks. Service Liability Normally within the territorial jurisdiction of Secondary Switching Area (SSA) but transferable anywhere in Haryana. Candidates if essential are withal unresistant to serve in the Territorial troops / Signal Unit in accordance with rules made there under.Registration in Employment ExchangeThere is no restriction of residence or es moveial condition of adaption with the Employment Exchange in the special(pre nominal) SSA in which the applicant may apply. It would, however, be preferable if the applicant has registration in the employment exchange of the SSA concerned in which the applicant applies. Note- Candidates need apply in only one SSA of his/her choice. Fee- The run fee(Non-refundable) of Rs. 500/-(Rs. Five Hundred Only) is to be sent alongwith the application form in the shape of Crossed Indian Postal Order / borderline Draft drawn in the favour of Account berthr(Cash) O/o Sr.GMTD/GMTD ( take a shit of SSA) of the SSA concerned as the case may be. Payable at their notch Quarters and must be purchased / issued afterward the date of advert. Fee remitted by Money Orders, Cheques etcetera will not be accepted. No enquiry fee is required to be paid in respect of SC /PH candidate. syllabus The syllabus is available on website www. haryana. bsnl. co. in How to apply- Typed Application as per format duly filled in b y the candidate in his/her own handwriting should be sent to the AGM(Admn/HR) O/o Sr.GMTD /GMTD (name of SSA) of the SSA concerned for which the candidate wishes to apply at the compensate given above, la try out by 13-05-2013. Three recent identical passing play size photographs (duly demonstrate by a Gazetted piecer) out of which one is to be affixed in the space provided and another should be enclosed with the application. The en velope containing application should be super scribed in bold letters Application for Direct Recruitment to the cadre of Telecom Technical Assistants Two ego addressed stamped envelopes size (23&21511 cms) (affix a postal stamp of Rs. /- each) should also be enclosed with the application. Note - 1) No application should be submitted to the office of Chief General Manager Telecom Haryana Circle,Ambala . All such applications are liable to be summarily rejected. (2) recreate enclose only photocopies of all the authentications and detailed mark-sheets duly attested by the candidates himself/ herself as well as by a Gazetted Officer in support of age, qualification, caste etc. SC / OBC certificate should be as required for central govt. service. In OBC certificate it should be categorically summonsed that the candidate does not belong to chromatic layer.The name in the SC/OBC certificate should perfectly match with that in the matric certificate &038 other certificates of higher qualifications. The candidate should write his name in the same format as is mentioned in the matric &038 other certificates. If the same is frame to be assorted, the application will be rejected. For fount if SURNAME is not mentioned in the matric certificate, the same should not be in the SC/OBC certificate etc. &038 also should not be written in the application form. Married female candidates (wherever applicable) should submit SC/OBC certificate issued after their marriage according to the caste of their husband.APPLICATIONS RECEIVED afterwards THIS DATE WILL BE SUMMARILY REJECTED. Rejection Application received without the required fees, without copies of attested certificates, in complete applications, drafts wrongly addressed, not having qualification rigorously according to as given above &038 application received after due date will be summarily rejected . Abbreviations- OC = early(a) Caste ,SC = Scheduled Caste, OBC = Other Backward Classes ,PH = Physical Handicapped, Ex-SM = EX-servicemen. Chief General Manager Telecom Haryana Telecom Circle Ambala-133001 BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED A Government of India Enterprise APPLICATION FOR EXAMINATION FOR EXAMINATION -2012 IN HARYANA BSNL DIRECT RECRUITMENT OF TELECOM. TECHNICAL ASSISTANT (TTA) Important Notes (i) Before filling this form, read detailed advertisement carefully. (ii) All entries should be made in capital letters. 1. Name of Recruitment Unit (SSA) 2. Name (in capital letters) (for S. No. 2 &038 3 gratify keep one box blank between first name, oculus name &038 last name) 3. Fathers/Husbands Name (in capital letters ) 4. Date of Birth day MONTH YEAR 5. Age as on the closing date of receipt of application 13-05-2013 YY 7. Gender Male/Female 8. Marital Status MM 9. 6.Whether claiming age relaxation? DD Write Yes/No CATEGORY Nationality Married/Unmarried belongs to SC/ST/OBC/OC/PWD 10 kingdom By Birth or Domicile 11. Category (write, as applicable) Whether BSNL employee (Yes/No). If yes, mention HRMS No. Whether undergone apprentice training in BSNL successfully (Yes/No) If Physically disable (Attach Medical Certificate as in Annexure I) whether LOCOMOTIVE HEARING injustice or Whether Govt. employee (Yes/No). Whether belongs to Exservicemen /J&038K Please specify Percentage of baulk 12. Address for correspondence (in capital letters) Name Address City State e-mail addressMobile No. Please affix one recent passport size Photograph without testimony Pin decree Tele. No(with STD Code) Signature of Candidate 13. Educational Qualification (Diploma in Engg. &038 above). Name of Engg. University/ Institute Diploma/Degree with Discipline As per the Advertisement whether eligible (Yes/No) Please affix one recent passport size Photograph without attestation 14. Permanent Address (in capital letters) Name Month &038 Year of exit Fathers/Husbands Name Address City State Pin Code 15. resolve to be given by OBC candidate only, eligible to avail reservation applicable to OBC I .. on/ young woman of Shri .. resident of village/ townsfolk/city. . Dis trict. State .. .. hereby declare that I belong to the . society which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in live as per orders contained in incision of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT), go out 8. 9. 1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons/sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8. 9. 1993 and amended vide OM No. 6033/3/2004-Estt. (Res. ) Dated 14. 10. 2008. DECLARATION TO BE subscribe BY THE APPLICANT I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the dress hat(p) of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in t he import of any crabbed information given above being found false or incorrect, my candidature for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant(TTA) is liable to be rejected or cancelled and in the event of any mis-statement or discrepancy in the particulars being detected after my appointment, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice to me.I also understand that if appointed, I would rank junior to any TTA who had been appointed earlier by the erstwhile DoT/DTS/DTO or BSNL or any other candidate who had already qualified in the TTA examination but not appointed as TTA by BSNL so far. Similarly, candidates of TTA examination held prior to my appointment will also rank en-bloc senior to me. pasture Date (Signature of the Applicant) SCE HEME &038 SYLLABUS FOR TTA DIRECT RECRUITMENT EXAMINATION The model of paper in General ability test will be such as may be expected of an Engineering Diploma holder.The standard of papers in other subjects will be approximatel y be that of Diploma level of Indian Polytechnic. There shall be single eight-fold choice objective type Paper of 3 hours duration as per details given belowPaper Part-I General ability test Part-II Basic Engineering Part-III Specialization Marks 20 90 90 age allowed 3 hours Note- Minimum qualifying marks for different category of candidates will be as follows (a) Minimum qualifying marks in the paper will be 40% for the General Category(OC) and 33% for the candidates of SC/ST/OBC/PH categories.The Question paper shall comprise of these parts of 20,90 and 90 each, as prescribed in the scheme and Syllabus. There will be a single paper of 200 marks and each question shall carry one mark. (b) The minimum qualifying marks in each of the thre e parts of Questio n paper will be 30% for OC and 20% for candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST categories i. e the minimum passing marks in each of the 3 parts in respect of OBC/SC/ST, it will be 6,27 and 27 respectively whereas in respect of OBC/SC/ST, it will be 4,18 and 18 respectively. c) Further relaxation of 2% in marks will be given to the physically Handicapped candidates in each category viz OC-PH,OBC-PH,SC-PH and ST-PH. (d) There will be negative scaling for each wrong one , 25% of mark of that question shall be deducted. PART-I GENERAL ABILITY TEST- 20 MARKS The candidates perception and understanding of General English shall be tested through simple(a) exercise such as provision of antonyms and synonyms, fill in the blanks and multiple -choice exercises etc.This shall also include questions on live events, general knowledge and such matters of everyday observation and experience as may be expected of Diploma holder. PART -II BASIC ENGINEERING- 90 MARKS Detailed Syllabus is as under 1. us e Mathematics Co-ordinate Geometry Vector Algebras, ground substance and Determinant Differential calculus Integral calculus, Differential equation of uphold order Fourier Series Laplace Transform Complex Number Partial Differentiation. 2. Applied Physics Measurement-Units and Dimensions Waves, Acoustics, Ultrasonic Light Laser and its Applications Atomic Structure and zip fastener Levels. . Basic Electricity Electrostatics, coulombs law, Electric field, Gausss theorem, ideal of potential difference theory of capacitance and capacitors Ohm s law, power energy, Kirchoffs potential and current laws and their applications in simple DC traffic circles Basic magnetic attraction Electro Magnetism Electromagnetic induction Concept of alternating voltage &038 curren t cells and Batteries voltage and Current Sources Thevenins theorem, Nortons theorem and their applications. 4.Electronic Devices and Circuits Classification of materials into conductor ,semi conductor, nonconductor etc. galvanizingal properties, magnetic materials, non-homogeneous types of relays, switches and connectors. Conventional representation of electric and electronic circuit elements. Active and Passive components semi conductors Physics fishing gear Conductor Diode Bipolar Transistor &038 their circuits Transistor Biasing &038 Stabilization of operational point Single stage transistor amplifier field effect transistor, Mosfet circuit applications.Multistage Transistor Amplifier Transistor Audio Power Amplifiers Feedback in Amplifier Sinusoidal Oscillators tuned Voltage Amplifier Opto Electronics Devices and their applications Operational Amplifier wave shaping and switching circuits. Block plat of I. C timer(such as 555) and its working Multivibrator circuits Time base circuits Thyristors and UJT Regulated Power Supply. 5.Digital Techniques Applications and advantages of digital systems number system(binary and hexadecimal) Logic Gates Logic Simplification Codes and Parity arith metic Circuits Decoders. Display Devices and Associated Circuits Multiplexers and De-multiplexers Latches and Flip Flops Counters Shift Register Memories A/D and D/A converters. PART-III SPECIALIZATION-90 MARKS Detailed Syllabus is as under 1.Electrical 3 leg vs single phase supply, Star Delta Connections, relation between phase &038 line voltage, power factor and their measurements construction and principles of working of various types of galvanizing cadence instruments, all types of motor and seed -AC &038 DC transformers, starters, rectifiers, invertors, battery charges, batteries, servomechanical and stepper motors, contactor make circuits, switch gear, relays, protection devices &038 schemes, substation, protection relaying, circuit breaker, generator protection, transformer protection, feeder &038 l ightening protection, feeder &038 bus bar protection, lightening arrestor, earthing, voltage stabilizer &038 regulators, power control devices &038 circuits, phase controlle d rectifiers, invertors, choppers, dual converters, cyclo converters power electronics application in control of drivers, refrigeration &038 air conditioning. 2.Communication Modulation and demodulations-principles and operation of various types of AM, FM and PM modulators/demodulators pulse modulation -TDM,PAM,PPM,PWM Multiplexing, Principles and applications of PCM. Introduction of Basic regular hexahedron diagram of digital and data communication system coding faulting detection and correction techniques Digital Modulation Techniques -ASK,ICW,FSK,SK Characteristics/working of data transmission circuits UART,USART Modems Protocols and their functions, brief idea of ISDN interfaces, local area Network Carrier phone -Features of carrier telephone system. atomise Engineering Microwave Devices Waveguides Microwave Components Microwave antennas Microwave Communication System-Block diagram &038 working principles of microwave communication link. 3.Network, Filters and transmitti ng Lines Two point network, Attenuator Filters Transmission Lines and their applications characteristic impedance of line model of reflection and standing waves on transmission line Transmission line equation Principle of impedance matching Bandwidth consideration of transmission line. 4. Instruments and Measurements condition of instruments-accuracy, precision, sensitivity, resolution range. Error in measurement and loading effect Principles of voltage, current and resistance measurement Transducers, measurement of displacement &038 strain, force &038 torque measuring devices, flow of measuring devices, power control devices &038 circuits. Types of AC milli voltmeters-Amplifier rectifier amplifier Block diagram explanation of a basic CRO and a triggered sweep oscilloscope, apparent motion panel controls Impedance Bridges and Q-Meters.Principles of working and specification of logic probes, bless analyzer and logic analyzer, signal generator, distortion factor meter, spectrum an alyzer. 5. Control Systems Basic elements of control system , open and closed loop system, fancys of feedback. Block diagram of control system, Time lag, hysterisis linearity concepts Self regularisation and non self regulating control systems. Transfer function of simple control components, single feedback configuration. Time response of systems. Stability Analysis Characteristics equation. Rouths table, Nyquist Criterion, Relative stability, phase margin and absorb margin. Routh Harwitz criterion Root Locus technique, Bode plot, Po wer plot, gain margin and phase margin. 6. Microprocessors Typical organization of microcomputer system and unctions of its various blocks, Architecture of a Microprocessor Memories and I/O Interfacing Brief idea of M/C &038 assembly languages, Machines and Mnemonic codes Instructions format and Addressing mode concept Instruction set programming exercises in assembly language concept of interrupt Data transfer techniques-sync data transfer, async da ta transfer, interrupt operate data transfer, DMA, serial output data, serial input data. 7. Computer Computers and its working, types of computers, familiarization with state of matter and windowconcept of file, directory, folder, Number Systems Data Communication. Programming-Elements of a high level programming language, PASCAL, C use of basic data structures Fundamentals of computer architecture, Processor design, control unit design Memory organization. I/O System Organization. Microprocessor-microprocessor architecture, instruction set and simple assembly level programming. Microprocessor based system design typical examples.Personal computers and their typical uses, data communication principles, types and working principles of modems, Network principles, OSI model, functions of data link layer and network layer, networking components communication protocol-x. 25, TCP/IP. Database Management System-basic concepts, entity birth model, relational model, DBMS based on relatio nal model. Annexure-A NAME &038 mention OF THE INSTITUTE/HOSPITAL Certificate No Date DISABILITY security department Recent Photograph of the candidate showing the disability duly attested by the Chairperson of the Medical Board. This is certified that Shri/Smt/Kum son/wife/daughter of Shri. age. sex identification marks(s) is suffering from permanent disability of following category A. (i) Locomotors or cerebral palsy BL Both legs affected but not arms. ii) OL One leg affected (right or left) (a) Impaired clear up (b) Weakness of grip (c) Ataxic (iii) BH Stiff back and hips (Cannot sit or stoop) (iv) MW Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance. B. Blindness or first base Vision (i) B Blind (ii) PB Partially Blind C. Hearing Impairment (i) D Deaf (ii) PD Partially Deaf (Delete the category whichever is not applicable) 2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/ in all likelihood to improve/ not likely to improve. Re-assessment of this case is not recommen ded/ is recommended after a period of _______________ years ___________ months*. 3. Percentage of disability in his/her case is percent. 4. Sh. /Smt. /Kum. . eets the following physical requirements for discharge of his/her duties(i) F-can discharge work by manipulating with fingers. Yes/No (ii) PP-can perform work by pulling and pushing. Yes/No (iii) L-can perform work by lifting. Yes/No (iv) KC-can perform work by kneeling and crouching. Yes/No (v) B-can perform work by bending. Yes/No (vi) S-can perform work by sitting. Yes/No (vii) ST-can perform work by standing. Yes/No (viii) W-can perform work by walking. Yes/No (ix) SE-can perform work by seeing. Yes/No (x) H-can perform work by listening/speaking. Yes/No (xi) RW-can perform work by reading and writing. Yes/No (Dr. ___________________) atom Medical Board (Dr. _____________________) (Dr. ___________________) Member Chairperson Medical Board Medical Board Countersigned by the Medical superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital (wi th seal) * accept out which is not applicable. BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED A Government of India Enterprise Office of Sr. GMTD/GMTD___________ Form for reimbursement of Travelling Allowance in respect of SC candidates for attending written test exam for the post of Telecom Technical Assistant (TTA)-2012 at _______________________________________Centre. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name of Applicant Roll Number residential district (Attested photocopy of the certificate enclosed) Residential Address As given in Application form) Address from where journey has been performed Whether employed or not If employed, whether in Centre/State Govt. or Central /State Govt. Corporation, Public sphere Undertaking, Private Sector etc. 8. Details of excursion and Rail/ motorbus fare etc. Date of From To Mode of Class of Travel Journey Journey Bus/Rail Distance Travelled (one side) Ticket number Fare (In Rs. ) CERTIFIED THAT a) I am unemployed and as certificate of Unemployment issued by MP/ MLA or a Gazetted Office of the place where I normally reside is enclosed. b) I have not claimed/will not claim T. A. for this journey from any other source. ) I have genuinely travelled by the shortest route and by the class/mode for which I have preferred the claim. d) I do hereby declare that all the statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any particular information given above found fake or incorrect, undeniable action as deemed fit may be taken by BSNL. Dated Signature of Applicant Note 1. Candidate will have to submit original ticket for inward journey. The payment will be made by BSNL through cheque. For use of BSNL Verified by admittable Amount Rs. ______________________ (Signature Designated Officer of BSNL) Signature of DDO
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